Arena Weapon FoTM

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Eminence, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. Soul Dedicated Player

    That moment a person likes your post but he has no clue what the joke was about, because it's an in-league joke.

    I bet that person's tongue is brown by now. :p

    Thank you for the fast response!
  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    These changes will also be what is on live today with 57.
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  3. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    I'm searching for my excellent meme to post via my phone.

    And I'm failing.

    Uhhhh... EXCELLENT! :p
  4. Soul Dedicated Player

    Changes were not reverted, it seems like HB's Uppercut still hits lower than its normal 3 melee taps.

    And the longer combos of Shield, DW and MA were reduced by an unknown amount, still hitting for 5-10k damage.

    It's my guess they took your advice Brice and reduced damage by a certain amount, and now we've ended up with an experimentation on Live instead of test.
    (Which btw did not fix the issue at all..)

  5. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We were very specific in what changes were made. If you think something else is wrong, we need details, not hyperbole.
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  6. Soul Dedicated Player

    What's wrong is simple - everyone asked for things to be reverted to a state prior to the last hotfix. That is not what happened.
    Not a hyperbole, just a fact.

    I fail to see how stating Uppercut is hitting for less damage than HB's normal 3 melee tap combo, is not a detail.

    Nor do I understand how stating the longer combos of Shield, MA and DW were not reverted to a state prior to the last hotfix, is not a detail.

    Please explain what details are.
  7. Miserable Dedicated Player

    I think everything's perfect right now in terms of weapon damage.
  8. LightOfQuantum Committed Player

    Don't listen to crybabies, Mepps.
    Weapon damage is fine now.
  9. Miserable Dedicated Player

    The first detail isn't true. The Uppercut combo is hitting for about twice as much as the third melee tap. That is without specing into the Mastery point.

    As for the second, even though the damage isn't what it was pre-hotfix, I think the reduction was fine. They still hit hard enough to be viable but I don't see them one-shotting anyone. I definitely understand wanting to test this reduction on test server first, but personally, I'm actually glad it's live already because I think they got the damage on everything right this time and we can start getting used to it.
  10. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Soul, we spent the last week looking for a change that could explain what was reported. Finally we were able to identify the balance pass from test had slipped live. That pass corrected inconsistencies, but we reverted that anyway to rule it out.

    I have an internal server up with the build from last week to compare against directly, but I need to know what to test. What abilities hit differently today vs. last week, how is your character set up, is it all abilities, is it crits, etc.
  11. Soul Dedicated Player

    3rd melee tap alone is between 1300-2600 with my current stats. which is about the average of Uppercut by itself (Non Mastery).
    So now you only need to remember to add the prior 2 taps, and the small fact this is uncounterable..
    Not only is it not half the amount of uppercut, but when it crits it literally is more damage compared to uppercut critting.

    I don't consider this fine in any way.
    My current prec is 3200, this isn't even the full potential of it.

    If you take this damage into account with other buffs, and finishers, this is essentially still close to a one shot in anything under 3v3.
  12. Soul Dedicated Player

    I'll do my best to give a more detailed report later today or this weekend, I think if I help Brice do it he's better at explaining himself and presenting a format you may understand.

    Sorry for being so aggressive about this, I'm easily frustrated.
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  13. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    ;) And I'm pretty tired. Trust me, we would revert any change if we could find it, but we just don't see anything that is different. I'll see how our internal build compares later today.
  14. hoaxone Committed Player

    First time seeing this thread.sorry for being late.
    As a nature healer pvping in bug form,will this fix lower our DMG output with uppercut with hive mind active?
  15. Wretched Egg 02 New Player

    7.8K is not close to a 1shot. While it is still high damage to have for 1v1 purposes that was ignored for 4v4/5v5 reasons, the 1shot was 15-20k+ from a weapon crit (shield for example would 1shot someone from full health without landing any previous attacks and kill them from the last hit alone if it crit). It's half the damage of a 1shot.

    EDIT: Found old vid shield critting for 28k inside of arena. So for shield it's 25% of it's former 1shot damage roughly.
  16. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    I just got done comparing the following for Shield.

    Shield Uppercut
    Two-Footed Slam
    Handspring Kick



    It appears they all where reduced by about 35%.
    As I stated before though I will not say "Oh that's good to go." until I test it in an actual scrim. So looking forward to tonight.

    P.S: Souls are you stating that you believe HB was reduced more or it is still hitting for the same from the other day we were testing it?
    • Like x 1
  17. Miserable Dedicated Player

    I'm not seeing what you're seeing with HB at all. For me, the third melee tap on a crit hits for about the same as the three hits of uppercut combined when none of them crit. As soon as even one of the three uppercut hits crits, you'd have done more damage than if you did a three tap melee, crit or not.

    As for the video, it took a 7-tap hold combo with the crit chance and crit damage buff from Ice Bash just to hit a 7.8k crit which only took about a third of that guy's health. In 4s and 5s with damage splitting and constant heals, it won't be a problem. In 1s and 2s, maybe, but with something like 7-taps it's very easy to get interrupted.
  18. Soul Dedicated Player

    I'm saying it's still hitting the same since the hotfix last week.

    They overnerfed Uppercut when they reduced it by 70%, when you guys asked for a reasonable reduction of 20%.
  19. Johny Burst Active Player

  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We're not adjusting abilities individually. Based on type of weapon attack, it received either a 50% or a 70% reduction. Individual discrepancies can be adjusted later, after the weapon portion of the midrange balance pass. I just want to be clear that that is not something we have tackled yet.

    Put another way, GU56 was about applying the same blanket adjustments consistently, and our corrections have been applying those reductions to abilities that were missed entirely. Nothing has been specifically singled out, adjusted, or "over nerfed" based on feedback. We are only tracking down bugs at this stage.

    Now, we can talk about if ability X is too powerful compared to ability Y, but that's a future and entirely different discussion, and not a bug report, which again is what we're tracking down now.
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