Actions To Be Taken

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 20, 2015.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This. I mean, have you SEEN all the threads about random drops?!
    • Like x 15
  2. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    You should have not have even said anything until the actions were taken then.
    If anything, you should have only said action was going to be taken, no specifics.
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  3. Cirocband New Player

    Well you win if you cheated the normal raid or 1st two bosses according to the devs.
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  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We considered it. We thought it was better to be more open.
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  5. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    No, he needed to say something. For sure.
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  6. Prosser Dedicated Player

    That is simply based off of how often you post on the forums, higher post count will change that.
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  7. Sgt Corpsegrinder New Player

    looks like the cheaters get away yet again. This isn't a punishment. This game is such a joke at times.
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  8. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    My question is, what about the clownbox abusers in normal? What about the Nature abusers getting around getting banished for the past 3 weeks? What about the fact that Quantum users could still damage Ares through his shield? What about the people who can stand on the statue and not get hit? Even very very high profile users who just claimed they only played the first 2 bosses have videos saying "you can LoS (Line of Sight) to avoid getting banished". If you're going to punish people for cheating because you guys messed up and made the raid impassible, punish everyone who exploited.

    This can't just be about the Elite Raid which according to ya'll isn't even a part of progression.
  9. Prosser Dedicated Player

    oh man, it's a good thing I just finished my cup of coffee before getting to this post!

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  10. TheSapphire Well-Known Player

    LOL Anyone who knowingly spent replay badges to exploit a glitch deserves to lose those badges and the mods in the gear. And I've heard the same excuse time and again in many games about bugs and glitches being a dev mistake so those who took advantage of it should not be punished. Kind of like saying it's ok to loot a store with a broken window because the owner hasn't replaced it yet.
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  11. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    All you have done is give them more time to either get more gear (same drops or not) or take advantage of that gear.
    I believe you stated earlier that there were only a couple hundred as opposed to thousands.
    All you have done is cater to those few, they did not deserve to receive any warning, especially the ones that were throwing it in the face of the regular players.
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  12. °Paradise New Player

    So ppl who doesn't have used the glitch like my get there 101 gear removed ?
  13. Seismicfesr Dedicated Player

    Not if you didnt glitch
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  14. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    I think something needed said, but think too much was said. Let them log in and find themselves without gear and no notification, just like those who have been banned previously. Those players (right or wrong) sometimes never got any warning. Why do the glitchers get one now?
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  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This discussion is preferable to players spending the next whatever days bemoaning how we are not going to take action OR spitballing on what the action will be and coming to bizarre expectations. The information is available. Expectations are set. Everyone knows what will happen, and nothing anyone does now will impact that.
    • Like x 9
  16. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    LOL, I was taking a drink of water when I read this and I almost drowned when I got water in my lungs cause I started to laugh while swallowing, I was choking and spitting water for a good 5 to 6 seconds.
    Rock on Mepps,that was a good one buddy.
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  17. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    Well, I mean when the store owner broke the window himself and then went home for the night...
  18. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    They have been saying action will be taken.....

    Did you see how nany people write here begging them to hurry and tell us?? Mist those people weren't even the offenders they were the ones hoping bans were goong to be issued out ...

    They are going to lose their 101 gear ... They might replace I with 100 gear over the weekend or they might not... If anyone has my loot drop luck it won't be for a few weeks til they see a piece...

    It's gonna cost them mire now to replay the other raids tonget 100 pieces to replace the pieces they are about to lose...

    The devs were stuck between a rock and a hard place... People begging to know what's gonna happen ...
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  19. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Now we know as long as you don't glitch the last boss your golden and if you get caught your going to have a few days to replace the gear and take out the mods.
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  20. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    LOL, I'm glad I was only drinking water! Coffee would have been far worse!
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