Actions To Be Taken

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 20, 2015.

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  1. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    the DEVS aren't responsible for cheaters being cheats. The cheaters own dishonesty gets all the credit for that. They are weak and spoiled and given any opportunity will take the easy way out. Only cowards blame others for their own actions.
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  2. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    It's up to players to make the community what we want it to be. Thanks to the DCUO Crew for helping us by sending this message.

    Please do everything possible to remove the dishonestly obtained feats. There are players who ran the raid loot locked just to obtain difficult feats before the raid was fixed.
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  3. Suviana New Player

    Before reading this thread, I was a little worried about losing the piece of level 100 gear I got from Labyrinth, after 2+ hours in a raid with other first timers. Rather glad it only affected Throne of Hades Elite, because all that hard work the group I was in would have been for naught. *whew*
  4. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    "I went to Hell and all I got was this Lousy Shirt"
    "Constantine was able to keep his gear!"
  5. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Just so everyone's clear, you were warned when you accepted the ToS to start playing the game.
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  6. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I'm afraid I'm not following the reasoning here. Either way, you are determining that specific individuals are or are not guilty. Either way, punishment affects them, and not others. What is the difference in risk between only punishing the guilty and only punishing the guilty?

    The only argument here is whether the punishment is too lenient or severe; either way, you're hitting the same people, and the risk of edge-case-ness is identical, unless you're leaving something out, which I'm assuming you are, because otherwise what you are saying here simply doesn't follow.

    My personal opinion, for the record, is that this is a punishment that pretty much rewards the guilty. It's going to do more to encourage further cheating than it will to deter it, alas, IMO.

    Punishment would be something that deprives the guilty of more than part, or all, of their ill-gotten gains. If our justice system worked the way you are proposing to work yours, people would be perfectly free to commit robbery and theft save that if caught, they had to give back half of what they stole.

    But that's all.

    That's justice?

    Note that we don't actually think it's appropriate, as a rule, in at least American society, but also around most of the world, to simply punish the guilty even by taking all of what they stole. We believe it's just, and thus we've enacted into law in modern times, the principle that restitution is not remotely sufficient punishment.

    I'm not clear what makes this case in any way an exception. "This option ONLY impacts the cheaters, guaranteed, where others might have hit an edge-case legitimate player" needs further explanation as to how and why, to be understood, for those of us not privy to your reasoning.

    Naturally, you are under no obligation whatsoever to explain further. I'm simply putting my opinion on record. Which among other things is that the reasoning behind this decision has not yet been well explained to players.
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  7. Zezimar Committed Player

    Glitchers's typical reaction after reading mepps post & thinking about the mad amount of replays they spent, rofl.
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  8. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    In the past no one got even a slap in the wrist from glitching raids like PW, devs didn't acknowledge cheating was going on and cheaters carried on laughing at everybody who didn't cheat.

    This time they will get punished, the severity of the punishment aside, this proves the past is not a good indicator of the future. Devs saying "if you value your character....." is a direct warning that bans can come if this ever happens again.

    People may consider that an empty threat at their own risk, I just hope they do come crying to the forums because there will be a lot of "I told you so" gifs ready for them and it's going to be a fun, fun day :)
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  9. xambia New Player

    Omg. Why don't you all take a chill pill. MEPPS has it covered. Leave him alone and go play a video game or something.
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  10. xpoipoix Well-Known Player

    Those ppl should loose the progress point too
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  11. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    You would find yourself arrested and tried and found guilty if you looted. Next question?

    As an aside, I'd love to see people try out this reasoning in an actual criminal court.

    LOVE TO.
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  12. B3nJy New Player

    thats good (that you fixed it)
  13. AnointedPlague Active Player

    Why is this still open Mepps ?
  14. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    Because it was closed then another thread was merged with Mepps announcement.
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  15. Holistic Gaming New Player

    Honestly I think the drops system as a whole could be tweaked. This does not seem to be the biggest problem you have. If you released the game with a bug it is not the fault of the players who play the product you release, and using language indicating that such people have done something wrong is unfair. Look at your own team and deal with it internally. Fix it and say it is fixed. Stay off the high horse.
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  16. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    This may be a foolish question, but I need clarity. If I run this raid tonight, and get loot legitimately , will it be taken away next week? For some reason, the only new raid I've run is HoH.
  17. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Congrats on an excellent decision/action. To you and all the devs.
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  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This is absolutely untrue. Read the ToS. It's not up for debate.
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  19. Will Power Loyal Player

    In all honesty Mepps who actually reads the ToS for game period. A good portion of players just check the box that says I agree with out even reading one word in the ToS.
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  20. Morich Well-Known Player

    So the laziness of people is a a valid reason now?
    • Like x 11
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