A Fair Cash Wipe (Economy Fix)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Awsome, Dec 5, 2019.

  1. Awsome Well-Known Player

    Even with that one lonely sucker, there is a much much stronger incentive to bring prices way down, and for two big reasons. First, no one will have the money that they used to. So instead of weighing whether it is worth it to spend 5% of their total net worth, they would now need to spend 90%. So there won't be that many "suckers". Even if there is the one that you point out, and it works out that one time, its not going to work out many, many other times for any one else that tries. A lot of money will be lost in broker fees, and expensive items will just sit on the marketplace with no buyer. This will significantly drive down the market.

    Just one sucker would make someone lucky, but it in no way would incentivize continued price gouging. The lost revenue from the broker fees will incentivize the opposite.
  2. Awsome Well-Known Player

    I was 100% against both wiping and account bound items as well, until I found out just how much duped money was in the game. That money needs to come back out. I'm still strongly against account binding items.
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well then. I guess that means there is no problem. I retract everything I said....economy's fine...BBRon bought an unnamed material for 15mil. (Sarcasm)

    Do you think that if in game cash was decreased, and everyone had less money (again, the theme of this thread), those broker prices would stay the same? (Remember everyone would be affected, so everyone would have less to spread around). Yes? Ok, I guess we are done then. No? Well if you think some prices would drop, then the value of your remaining money would increase as you could buy the same or more for less money, so you don't really 'lose' much.

    Or how about this option? As everyone here seems to report all the money they had a month to 3 months ago was 'legit' and they did not take advantage of or benefit from the shenanagins, how about we roll everyone back to say... 3-4 months ago? This is something they should be able to do in the DB. Restore an old backup(and I"m sure they have those) of the system to a closed system. Query the db for the cash in game at the time...export those cash numbers, then come to the live system and import over what's here today. Any items you've sold...sure...you lose on...(though anything you bought you win on), but all gold itself is rolled back. Any feats that were applied because you bought and consumed something...stay just as is. Any TC items you collected but did not turn around for quick sale due to massive over-pricing...you still have. Only the money goes backwards. This should work out great for you and for most of the people objecting to a wipe as NO-ONE apparently picked up any ill-gotten gains...right? Now, new toons that didn't exist would kind of get screwed as they would have 0 3-4 months ago (they didn't exist after all) but hey, NO-ONE here was shuffling money around to hide their cash, right? So I'm sure there were not that many toons created from nothing who suddenly were transferred lots of money...only the bad guys did that, right? I guess they could put an option in that any toons with 0 dollars are auto set to 500K or something...just so they are not 100% broke.

    Any better? I know personally I'd be fine with it. I had my money longer ago than that, and didn't jump in the fray or purchase cash....I would lose money...sure, but I know that most of it was from prices that were starting to bloat a few months ago already...before it went 100% nutty.

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  4. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    Yes so remove the money from all the "try hard" glitchers and such then all that leaves is our non-glitched money. It's not like they can't see the $ amount per character and then cross reference recent logs and chat logs to see who was doing it - I mean common sense isn't that common but this is basic investigation into the database and logs using queries so not sure why it's hard to do that (unless they have some uber complex system that no other game has i.e. no database :p which isn't possible thus all this can be found including trillions in cash).

    I've seen screenshots of 94bil, I can say without a doubt that is not legitimate I don't care if the player is a vet who's been playing since 2011 - unless they glitched there is no way. Before hyper inflation even the OG of the OG'est mats and auras wasn't anywhere near an amount that would produce that amount of cash even in multiples, ever. Even if you had 15 legitimate Cosmic materials saved up it wouldn't of totaled 94bil and based on past broker prices and me seeing trends that I outlined years ago in a five page google doc "Broker 101" there is no way someone using different methods in the past and staying on this game 8hrs a day could have 94bil AND full elite gear every dlc - there isn't enough time in the day without running scripts on the toons sitting at broker. I also fear some of this started when motes were being duped - this gave them the starter funds to then change tactics to psn/cashapp/paypal/venmo/steam etc when the devs made it so you couldn't list motes in the broker - didn't some of you wonder why that happened?
  5. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Actually it was a Mystical Chroma Box. Like I said earlier, EU server doesn't seem to have the same problem, and I mentioned the Material to show that 70 million is not so insignificant an amount as you were claiming. [not sarcasm]

    Also worth noting that the same week, Neon Chromas were being listed (again on th EU server) for exorbitant prices between 350 and 450 million.
  6. AD Leo Well-Known Player

    It seems people are confusing dollar amount (2B) with value. 2B today is 200m last year. 3 or 4 rare feat items with 200m 6months ago. Now your lucky to get 1. That's why a reduction of money in-game has to happen. A 90% cut across the board leaves everyone at the same spot relative to each other. Player A at 2B goes to 200m vs Player B at 1B goes to 100m. Relative to everyone else your money is the same. Place a cap on money allowed on each account and call it a day. They could put that on the Character select screen so you know how much money there is on your account. I don't understand why people who accumulated 80% of their money riding the inflation wave are now wanting to hold it. What's going to happen is their gonna limit our ability to make in game transactions or drop the RnG to a point where the rare items will be a thing of the past and everyone regardless of their efforts will have the same thing. Part of the fun is working to have something few people have.
  7. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    No it doesn't "have to happen". If they removed all the glitched money on the accounts and those known to hav 94bil + that would help greatly as no one trading fairly and within the TOS would have 94bil on this game now even if they're a non-stop try hard 2011 Veteran. An actual wipe isn't needed and it decreases the value of their product (time capsules) and in-turn decreases the value of all items except the ultra-rare ones seemingly making tc's a mute point and not worth buying.


  8. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    Then that means its one of the gold site sellers or resellers (i.e. not a bot on auto-pilot) listing an almost unobtainable item at those prices. You can't "not have the same problem" then on the same day it just appears out of nowhere IF these were normal players.

    Not all of what these bots do is automated(scripted) some things must be done by a human in the same manner of someone setting up new spam or the pay me 700 bitcoin or I'll expose you emails most have received.
  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Everyone in the game probably has some glitched money at this point, just because you sold something on the broker doesn't mean the money you got for it was clean ;)
  10. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    ^ this.





  11. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    Ohh of course it is! I've said countless times over it's all tainted but we're so far from the past you can't just wipe it like long ago before TC's existed. This is a fine line they need to walk else it will get messy and most don't even realize what I mean by that.

    I mean we can go back to Amusement mile times from years ago with a wipe and you begging VeggieDeath for items but I'd rather not. Have them remove all the crazy "this is impossible to obtain by standard methods" cash vaults some players have and call it a day, let the rest of us be and for the love of ice cream perma-ban anyone in chat that even mentions selling or buying items or cash via PSN/CashApp/Venmo/PayPal/Steam/Any non-db method that violates TOS - done, solved, things will stabilize.

    This has been and always will be the issue:
    WTB or WTS or WTT for PSN/CashApp/Venmo/PayPal/Steam/Gold Sites
    Fix JUST that ^ and things will stabilize again. If we're wiped and that's not fixed BOOM it will just happen again.
  12. Proxystar #Perception

    I see them as different issues all bound together into a big picture, fixing that one aspect while leaving cash intact ignores the bigger picture.
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  13. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    "Sacrifices must be made for the greater good." Sorry, but this needs to happen.
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  14. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    People don't seem to understand that

    1. Sometimes actions that, in a vacuum/bubble, are law/rule abiding, moral, ethical, sensical and even helpful can still be contributing factors to problems in the context of certain situations and

    2. : when that's the case, regardless of the absence of fault, there is a responsibility or onus to contribute/sacrifice towards a solving the problem.


    Fact A: I'm a store owner. I'm a good businessman which means, amongst any other things, I care about avoiding lawsuits. I'm also a good person which means, amongst many other things, I care about not hurting or killing other people.

    Fact B: I employ two people, Eart and Burnie, as janitors. Both are excellent, hardworking employees who care about doing a good job.

    Fact C: Eart uses ammonia based cleaners as they're more universal, won't ruin clothing, have a tolerable scent and kill 99% of microbials.

    Fact D: Burnie uses bleach based cleaners because they kill all microbials, kill and prevent mold and mildew, can improve the look of stained surfaces and won't ruin painted things as bleach isn't a paint solvent.

    Fact E: We live in a location where both earthquakes and local critters are unavoidable and both can potentially make our only supply closet a huge mess.

    Fact F: Ammonia mixed with bleach creates deadly mustard gas.

    Nobody is at fault for creating this potentially devastating problem but any solution affects all people involved.
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  15. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    Yes I know THIS needs to happen.
  16. Tainted0Love Well-Known Player

    Want a fast and easy to bleed money out of the game.

    Then make the players pay to summon their henchmen say 5,000 cash to summon and then 10 cash per time tick per henchman for as long as they are there.

    Give Orbital Strike a cost as well, call it Ammunition fees.

    Stop dropping soders, force those to be purchased from vendors. Give the soder artifact a cash subscription fee similar to the generator power but let be set to auto renew.

    There are tons of ways to pull out the cash, and keep it equitable.

    You could really use an idea man Daybreak...
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well (and a few other people have said this as well), EU would possibly not need the same adjustment then. Again, I keep assuming you have a dog in this fight...if you are EU (or Xbox or Switch) it's very possible something different might be done from USPS/PC....even including nothing being done. As you can probably tell from the 1000+ messages that have gone up on here, your experience on the EU server is not the same as what the US has been seeing. On the US servers Neons were never as low as 350...I think they came out of the gate at 1 billion and were 15-20 billion a week or 2 later as things went off the rails.

  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So let's say we use that idea....if the cheaters have 100x the amount an honest player has, how does that fix the issue? A week or 2....or a month or 2 or whatever...the honest players will be drained and struggling to participate and the people with bad money will be able to summon pets and use Orbitals? Sounds like great fun to me. Also, assuming they put this change in, when everyone is drained down to 0 (should only take a few years for the Trillionaires), we'll just stop using those things when we can't afford them I guess? That's just a money wipe and cap that takes a LOT longer to implement.

    DBG..you better keep looking for that idea man...

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  19. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    My point was trying to be somewhat sarcastic. That kind of Game cash is unnecessary in this game. The only reason
    making it necessary is the ridiculous broker pricing. Now I'm going to cap broker at 500 million, player cash cap 2 billion.
  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Even if they could set up a task that can wipe the barkers, they can't shut down those sites....they are not owned by DBG (we hope). As long as they can continue to make unlimited accounts to farm gold and items...even if done honestly...they will sell gold. Even shutting down the ability to trade cash won't do it as you can still do the 'sell a worthless item for a ton in the broker' method. Even a 100% cash wipe would only make it tougher on them, but gold sellers will always exist. In this case the gold sellers are not the issue...it's the counterfeiters that are. Now maybe some are both, but I'd guess not all are as there were users selling gold for 10x less than the 'official' sites. If the normal gold sellers were able to print their own money, they would have slashed prices to keep up at the end. The only 'Fix' for gold selling is no longer having cash in the game....I"m not sure anyone wants that. Short of that, they'd have to monitor every transaction, mail/trade/broker, and have someone analyse them to see any patterns where account A is distributing gold but even then how do they make it stick? They obviously can't ID this activity as it stands as they either mistakenly banned a bunch of innocent people last week...or mistakenly let a bunch of scammers back in 3 days later.
