Artifact Slots. We need More.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sammy, Apr 2, 2022.

  1. Sammy Well-Known Player

    With now four pet artifacts. it seems clear we can't make use of them all.

    Its strange to have to choose between them.

    Please add more artifact slots!
    • Like x 13
  2. zNot Loyal Player

    Is there a dislike button somewhere? Because i dont agree with your statement.
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  3. Eve YouTuber

    You don't really need all of them. It all depends on what role you play and what you want out of your damage output.
    I am absolutely against more slots.
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  4. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I vote for 10 Artifacts slots.... but I am willing to settle for 4.

    Who's with me. ;)
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  5. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    No. We don't need more.
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  6. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    How many more threads are you going to make asking for the same thing?
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  7. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Yeah! We should have 125 artifact slots! And we should also be able to equip gear of both roles at the same time!

    Oh! Oh! We should also be able to play with all of our toons at the same time! And our feats should count to everyone on the server!
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  8. Koshak087 New Player

    3 slots are normal, idk for what u need more
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  9. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Learn to Tac Swap. Its the only way to achieve this as the Devs wont give more slots but they also wont stop you from swapping your Arts in fights.
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  10. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    And we should get a pony too! :D
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  11. BumblingB I got better.

    You don't need all 4 pet artifacts...
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  12. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    I agree more slots if it breaks the game like they said it will it's because they are procrastinating fixing supercharges power weapons and iconic movement modes. that's not our problem there will always be ppl trying to break the game thats not an artifact problem entirely. they just need to be fixed. But I believe the master plan is a revamp to the whole game so we can wear them all someday. Or their systems just won't let us have more then 3 slots at this time. but I recall them doing a big system upgrade a few months ago we were down for awhile for that. I knew right then and there we could probably see a 4th slot
  13. Zneeak Devoted Player

    How many times have you made the same thread now? It's still as terrible of a suggestion as last time you posted it.

    It is clear that we can't make us of them all, because we are not supposed to. Chosing between them is what keeps it from becoming completely gamebreaking. The imbalance issues it would bring is quite obvious.

    Please don't add more artifact slots!
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  14. nawanda Loyal Player

    NO to more artifact slots. More artifacts being released is not a reason tor more artifact slots. Make a choice. Evolve. Experiment.
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  15. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    good grudd, no. so very no. lol. just so so no.
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  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You made a thread asking for you to be allowed to equip all artifacts at the same time. You made a thread asking to be allowed to use all allies at the same time. You made a thread bragging that you had like 14 arts maxed or something like that.

    No one is forcing you to level all these arts. Picking and choosing is part of every MMO. Even every game. You have to choose what is best for you. So having to choose between 4 pet artifacts is not strange at all.
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  17. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    It's not strange at's intentional. More artifacts means more varied play styles. Adding more slots makes things worse for everyone.
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  18. ALB Dedicated Player

    This community man....
    I remember when extra artifact slots were 1st brought up. The community swore it we didn't need to get any stronger until the devs released allies. Then getting stronger was a good idea.
    Tac swap just give PC the upper hand because it moves faster. We should get extra slots. Or 1 extra slot. Should have gotten slots instead if allies
  19. nawanda Loyal Player

    And giving everyone an extra slot will negate the PC tac swap advantage becauseā€¦.?
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  20. KidKretz Committed Player

    yes and no.

    i like the way artifacts are catering to niche builds with the healer dps, and i like the fact they are making builds more viable with this one. so, yes, we need more artifact slots, but no, not yet.

    let them give us more artifacts for different build types and maybe even create new builds with them, then, after a ton more are in the game, i vote yes.

    and when/if they do, then i want a lot more slots, not just 1 more slot. at least 6 slots. please and thank you :)