Artifact Slots. We need More.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sammy, Apr 2, 2022.

  1. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I like the idea of synergy between allies and artifacts. For instance, if you have a Kryptonian as your attack ally and solar amplifier equipped, from a lore stand point it makes sense that they would quickly borrow your artifact to give their heat vision attack more strength. If you have a bat-family / BoP character as your attack ally, it makes sense that they would quickly borrow your BoP commlink to add that to their attack. Etc.

    This kind of synergy could encourage people to level allies they never considered. The same principle applies to the previous idea of family characters boosting each other. For example, Batman as attack with a possible Robin as support could lead to them both attacking with a significant damage boost

    There’s ways to squeeze more out of both of the artifact and ally system, but I still believe the most money is to be found in artifact crafting:
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  2. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Was it in this thread where the devs said if they ever considered adding a 4th slot, it would most likely be a slot for just the passive and not the stats? I don't feel like rummaging through it.

    I'd have no problem with that though. If I ever return I'd LOVE to be able to use BOP Commlink with my buff troll (tetra/claw/rao) setup.

    All my troubles would literally be over heh.

    Edit: NVM I searched anyway, and it was on page 2 ^-^
  3. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    No we really don't
  4. Kayla El Committed Player

    I have all the confidence in them that they can pull it off i mean they added 3 artifact slots and the game didn't break so i don't think adding a fourth will be such a game breaking thing, even if it will be a little bit hard to balance things out, i have faith that they can do it if they really wanted to. It will create more problems maybe it's possible but if they manage to make it work imagine how immersive and fun the game will be. If i where them i would focus more on this then on emotes, like i have nothing against new emotes they are cool and all, but for me even to this date the most interesting and great thing about dcuo is it's gameplay and artifacts are a big factor and have a huge role.
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  5. Xibo Loyal Player

    4th slot. Agreed 100%.
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  6. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Do these viewpoint/perspective/ideas still stand with the devs of current? Inquiring minds would like to know! :)
  7. Roocck Committed Player

    Absolutely not!!! There are more important fixes, updates etc….. that the game needs
  8. FutureShock New Player

    I was (pre 2022) active in game. But artifacts in general were always designed to enhance gameplay. The problem like with most elements of gameplay, you deal with a reduced gain from additional resources so people look for advantages in the existing parameters.

    With the number of artifacts available it creates a value issue. Only 3 active but a player has 15? The players naturally look for ways to get as many artifact effects as possible. Other users have talked about a 4th slot with no stat. That would only affect the average player. Elite players are still going to be deprived of a lot of value - cash plus in game effort to generate their number of artifacts.

    My idea. Separate artifact tab that eliminates the episode augments. Artifacts placed here have their effect only. Developers could determine which artifacts are eligible for it if there are balancing problems. The original 3 artifacts have the effects deactivated, stats only. One free slot for an artifact. (This number can be debated, I won't fire the tank cannon if you want more). Additional slots up to 5, paid for in market place - and/or in-game - again, specifics can be debated.

    Every character given a free token to exchange for a rank 200 artifact fact of their choice to be used in the free slot. Additional tokens available on the market place. Not sure how you would price per character.

    This would give a player up to 5 artifact effects simultaneously. These artifacts wouldn't be in the inventory so swapping is irrelevant. Players could use their existing artifacts for the 5 slots. And these effects would endure the entire time someone is in combat.

    Additionally, produce a system to deactivate the nth metal or ally favor on an artifact or ally that is unwanted, returning the nth metal or ally favor to the player. The artifact or ally is then reduced to its lowest level.
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