Time Capsules and their feats are here to stay.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lt Skymaster, Jan 7, 2017.

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  1. Korlick Loyal Player

    Whats even worse, they already said that the old Capsules will return with new stuff in it. So...if you didnt finish everything the first time, youre screwed. New RNG added to the old RNG. Awesome!

    But hey! you can get it all by just playing the game :rolleyes:
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  2. Kayla El Committed Player

    To be honest it's our fault for supporting them.
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  3. StupidCarrot29 Well-Known Player

    Oh and I don't have a problem for feats in time capsules.Its just a bonus to those who buy them... but I wanna see better gear styles in them like the Future Crusader gear.
  4. Tilz Loyal Player

    With statsmatter it would but that aside.
    You can make 146 keys a year. With new boxes every 8 weeks you get around 6,5 new boxes (= 30 sp overall roughly). So you can spend around 22 keys per Time Capsule a year. 22. That's not much.
    So if you don't spend money you won't get much.
    Let's say the rarest collection is 100 mil from the TC. Alone that would be 650 mil a year just for 1 collection, but we have some other rare collections that are also expensive.
    So just shut up with saying you can obtain everything easily without spending money on it.
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  5. Korlick Loyal Player

    But...there is a smiley face. Its a funny response...right? RIGHT???

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  6. StupidCarrot29 Well-Known Player

    No its not. :)
  7. Duskstrike Well-Known Player

    Wow, telling me to shut up is a little harsh. My feelings are so hurt. (I'm kidding.)

    FWIW, I didn't say you could earn everything easily. Quite the opposite. I said the ultra rare stuff is ultra rare and hard to get. I said you could earn SOME feats in the boxes without spending money.
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  8. StupidCarrot29 Well-Known Player

    Finally sb that has the same opinion. :)
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  9. Tilz Loyal Player

    so you support putting feats behind a paywall additional to RNG additional to incredibly low droprates :rolleyes:

    Have a nice day
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  10. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    I fully thought this way to when they were first announced aswell. But what they said it would be and what it is becoming is getting a little out of hand. Like you I dont see the issue with any one TC event however having 6-8 of these events a year is ridiculous from the perspective of how they justified it initially saying we would have time to catch up with out spending money and have time to bank up stabilizers between events having a couple events a year ( meaning 2-3).

    The biggest issue I have with the TC system has nothing to do with TC at all. It is the perversion of a successful system they found and changed to be in almost complete contradictory to how they introduced it to the community. For no other reason then it makes them more money. It does nothing to improve player enjoyment or game play at all (things I would gladly pay extra for). Knowing that ANY good or worth having cosmetic or aesthetic items will now and forever come in this form and no other. I would gladly pay $10 for the phoenix materal or the corrupted aura and many many other things. But that is not the choice being giving and the most frustrating part is they have never tried it that way. Why is there not ANY ANY materials on the marketplace right now........ none, I get if they come up with a really cool one and putting it in lottery box that is ok and im fine with that. But why are there not basic materials on the site right now? The way they run the market place is just baffling to me, the way they only want to sell you chances at items and almost nothing directly is what the main contention I personally have with this system.

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  11. Duskstrike Well-Known Player

    You have a nice day as well. :). FWIW, I didn't say I supported it. I'm not bothered by it. Those are slightly different states.
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  12. StupidCarrot29 Well-Known Player

    Buddy you lost it there....didn't you quit dcuo? No??
  13. Tilz Loyal Player

    Quit live with the hope of getting rid of the feats of TC. Jumped on test to help testing the last to days, but now i'm definetly out.
    Last post on forums, gonna uninstall soon :)
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  14. Kayla El Committed Player

    Crit don't mean to be rude but when you dump hundreds of dollars on them it's partly your blame as well. You're one of the first to reach 300 skill points which means you must have dumped some money on qwuardian time capsules as well. Now don't get me wrong it's your money you do whatever you want with them replay the raids 100+ times if you want but you can't expect then things to change just sayin...
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  15. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Great news! I can finally stop giving a rat's backside about this game.
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  16. Duskstrike Well-Known Player

    Yeah, likewise I wish some thing were changed about them. I don't like the every 8 weeks a new type of capsule comes out. I wish they didn't drop soooooo many crafting items. So I'd like to see changes, certainly. But the rarity of some things in them doesn't bother me. Or make me think Daybreak is evil. :)
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  17. StupidCarrot29 Well-Known Player

    Good luck with whatever you do next :)
  18. Here2Help Devoted Player

    It's just how I am. If there's a feat, I'll get it. The reason I play this game is for the feats and I can't log in and see missing feats and do nothing about it. League mates and close friends know exactly how I am. If there's something like a raid feat, I won't want to do anything else but go for that feat. I'll be on every single minute of every single day wanting to try it till I've popped it. There's few other things like playing with friends, running the content and so on, but my main reason I play is hunting down feats, and that's what I'll do. I hate how feats are now changing into something meaningless when popped and I really want to push them to return to actually being achievements that require skill and strategy.
  19. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    They have, on discord (with screen shots provided by the way), no intent on changing the current system that exists.

    Each rare item has been worth 50 feat points. The armor set is another 50 feat point. The armor always has rare pieces and buying the whole set will probably run you at least twenty million per eight weeks (now of course me coming up with that number isn't a fact, but hopefully we both agree that's a "fair" number since I think I'm being overtly generous with giving that number). So that's at least (because they haven't released three rares every capsule, at least two but not always three) a skill and half point every eight weeks.

    Now given the amount of in game cash one would have to develop to get the armor alone, can't you see why this will become a problem. The average player has no chance at being able to shorten what will be the ever widening gap of time capsules. That is what I was trying to portray as fact.. because trust me the gap will only get wider.

    Oh I'm also not even talking about the problems of this system and trying to retain players who just get into the game, that's a whole discussion for another thread... and if anyone at this point think's that folks wouldn't find this system or gap a turn off *laughs* well I'm sure I can find other threads where the same folks said other lesser offenses were turn offs.

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  20. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Is this seriously confirmed by one of the devs?
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