Game is wildly unbalanced yet again

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Empress_Orana, Oct 3, 2021.

  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  2. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

  3. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Exactly. The main reason it appears that precision dominates, even after all the nerfs, is because the mini/max process for precision is infinitely simpler. Putting aside those who just copy others' loadouts, for those who build their loadout and rotation from scratch, the might side has infinitely more potential combinations of powers and more elements factoring in to figuring out the best way for those powers to work cohesively in the rotation. Essentially, the needle that is the ideal and most optimal loadout and rotation is hidden in a MUCH larger haystack for might than it is on the prec side.

    But before anyone reading this decides to feel that that aspect alone is unfair, once you actually figure out the idealized loadout and rotation, that's where the difficulty shifts and might goes on easy street while prec players flurry and clip themselves to early onset carpel tunnel and arthritis. lol

    You may recall back when the flurry nerf....errr, I mean.."change" was on test, the main point I was trying to drive in the debate is that nearly every power is capable of keeping up with prec on the might side. It was just that the the number of players who found the loadouts and rotations capable of doing so was extremely small. But theoretically, even if there is only one player in the entire community who can typically keep up with top prec DPS's using (insert power here) might DPS, assuming they're not using macros or cheating in some way, that one player alone proves that that powers' might DPS is balanced with prec.

    Edit: Another issue that factors in to why a lot more top DPS's are prec is that for many (but not all) of the powersets, optimal loadouts for single target and AOE (and in some cases loadouts that are versatile enough to do both) require different combinations of artifacts. So a prec DPS only has to level three artifacts while might DPS is leveling four or five creating a higher barrier to entry for might. This is without even considering art/tac swapping. (Credit to OC for bringing that factor to light a little while back)
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  4. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    The issue isn't completely with precision, it's with precision + EoG + Buff Troll. Simply, Prec players get an advantage from the most basic troller move, the [group power heal] always buffs weapon damage. Prec users benefit from Tetra, but Might users get nothing from a troll using Cog. Tac swapping trolls compound the perceived imbalance, since they can keep 2 buffs on Prec players, but only 1 on Might. Even with a power troll the [group power heal] still buffs weapon damage, and parasite harness give a (very small) bonus as well.

    Trolls being able to SC all the time, and now Cyborg (and HoL Bot) makes power fairly trivial to generate, allowing for an all buff troll meta, and healers being able to spam EoG all the time since the trolls can contribute a shield every 30 secs or less. EoG then enables the off-cooldown use of Buff Supercharges, which means that SC use doesn't re-balance anything towards might.

    Anyway, there is an issue, but it's not as simple as "prec is busted" or even as "Prec and Superspeed is broken". It's the whole situation that creates an imbalanced potential among powers and damage styles.

    And of course at High SP you can max Prec then add useful Might, while Might players have to just add life or whatever.
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  5. zNot Loyal Player

    I know what you mean im prec player myself the game definetly has too much single target DPS thats for sure atleast it seems like the content is not capable of keeping up with the damage.

    But i can tell you might muni is kapable of keeping up with Prec the outlier here is gadget prec/might which outperforms everything by far.
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  6. zNot Loyal Player

    You are correct regarding the troll artifacts and how it benefits prec.
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  7. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Well he did change his in-game name lmao
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  8. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    From what I understand, the precision buff from the controller power heal is factored in the tuning and balancing of precision damage since it's pretty much 100% uptime with The Claw artifact and still probably 80%+ uptime without it (though Gadgets and Mental would see lower uptime on average). Thought is kind of an odd situation that there's a 20% buff that is present nearly all of the time in raids and nearly zero of the time in alerts.

    As for the tetra and cog, I've run in to MANY situations where the troll in my group only has their tetra leveled up. I have yet to run in to the opposite situation. It always goes something like this...

    Me: "hey bro, there's four prec DPS's and only one might. I'm not one to tell people how to play or what to use, you do you and all, but it'd benefit the group as a whole more if you ran cog instead of tetra"

    Troll with 160 or 200 Tetra: "Sure. I can put it in but right now only have it up to 59"

    Me: "Naw, you good bro. Stick with the tetra. Mr. 'I-keep-getting-one-shotted-in-the-middle-of-my-channeled-power-animation" over there could use it. We'll be fine"
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  9. Nuclear09 New Player

    Maybe, some people won't give me the reason, but is my opinion, as well as the truth i think. Might and precision are in equal. U can go full might and your abilities will do 200k of damage or more, however, if u go full precision, your weapon combos will do 80k aprox. Which is the diference? Where is the point that preci is better? Precision gives u the possibility to have a constant damage, i mean, u always will do the same/aprox damage with each combo, but with might, your critick attack can do 250k but without critick is 90k.
    This is one of my reason, but no the last. In your might loadout, you always going to have some powers like plague that makes a lot of damage but can be interrupt so you can't throw it again until 6sec. Instead, if a enemy interrupts your weapon attack, u can continue doing combos because there is not cd.
    Overall, neither precision nor might need a change, these forms of make damage have their advantages and disadvantages.
  10. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    You see the thing about THAT is, in addition to what I said about about tetra vs cog, is the fact that prec DPS's have to clip in might damage actually benefits might DPS's. Here's why. Nitro soders buff 100% of might DPS damage. Flex sodas buff 85%-95% of prec dps damage. Might adaptive augments buff 100% of might DPS damage. Precision adaptive augments buff 85%-95% of prec dps damage. Might affinity mods buff 100% of....well, you get the idea.

    Obviously it boils down to your perspective on whether prec dps's might damage is "extra/bonus" or "an essential portion of their damage potential as a whole". For me personally, during that time when the various precision damage "adjustments" were coming down one after the other (VWD made useless, neck mod from 5% to 4%, adaptive augs from 5% to 3%, flurry shot's 4th tick, etc) in the circles of people I ran content with at least fairly regularly, there were a good amount of might DPS's who actually knew how to mini/max their powerset and could keep up with top prec dps. So when all those nerfs happened, I'm of the mindset that I gotta focus on the might portion of my damage to figure out ways to replace the lost damage so that I'm not falling behind those OP might DPS's. So I'm looking at it like "my optimal damage potential was X. Now it's X - 20%. Lets see what adjustments I can make loadout and rotation wise to try and replace as much of that -20% as I can". So in my eyes as well as many if not most prec DPS's, the might damage is an essential portion of the total damage, not some kind of "bonus" damage. And because of that whole situation, when it comes to the various things available w/ versions that buff might or buff prec, might DPS's ultimately are seeing a higher benefit from the might buffing versions than prec DPS's get from prec buffs.

    Those Titans augs man. We didn't know how good we had it...:oops:

    Again, I guess this boils down to perspective. The way I see it, this means prec DPS's have to have A HUNDRED more sp in order for ALL of our damage to be buffed by the 10% sp buff.
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  11. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I'm sorry, but this all sounds like entitlement to me.

    "347CR, 617sp, and 200 arts and I’m getting crushed by 20 mill to precision DPS’s"

    Prior to stats clamp I would have agreed but not now. The rules of play have changed. It is up to us to find out how to adapt to the new DCUO.

    Yes, it's unfair to have all of your hard work and effort minimized but remember it's for the overall benefit of the game to attract and retain new or returning players.
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  12. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    Just an observation. You never see any precision DPS complaining that might DPS is beating them by 20 million. So the imbalance may be real.
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  13. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: are they tac swapping? Are they buffed? Are you buffed? 20 mil is a lot. A big number that I've put on players that are "max built" with my main that's a might build. I've beaten those same types with my low sp low arti munitions toon too. You can have 200 everything and still not do well if those 200s are useless choices. I've never been beat by a large spread. Yes, I've been beat by prec players. And as I've said before, I'm ok with it because I'm not willing to put in that amount of effort. My index fingers already hurt from 4 might toons. This comment is aimed at anyone not just op- the only way to truly test this out is to go head to head in a real dps comp with the best players you can find and see what the spread is.

    Just saying "I got beat bad" doesn't give enough info. If a player is willing to tac swap the real way, meaning constantly, then yeah they're going to obliterate anyone that isn't. If that player was and you weren't, that alone would account for a very large amount of damage out.
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  14. MaryMagdalene_DCUO Well-Known Player

    Everyone knows I'm Madara. If I was hiding why would I switch to such a popular name? Lmao this is pointless
  15. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    But did you die?
  16. ColdFuzion Well-Known Player

    LOL these threads are hilarious! I have 600sp and this amount of artefacts blah blah.

    The core problem is the scoreboard take that away would we be seeing these threads? Meh, adapt or move on pretty simple.
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  17. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    I understand that. But please understand I want it more
    Balance. 20 mill is obnoxious. I wouldn’t care if it was 5-6 mill. If prec is that much better. Why even have might. What’s the point of having the other option.
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  18. Lucerne Active Player

    I'm pretty sure no amount of nerfs will fix your disparity.
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  19. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    Right, and this is why I said perceived, and potential. I don't think prec needs a nerf, I think people need to understand the full impacts of various aspects of the meta on our perception of damage out, and of high SP on what the ceiling of potential now is. As far as requiring 100 extra SP to buff all your damage, not really. There's a lot of times that your might will only matter as a bit of gravy from tornado pull or whatnot, while your weapon buff and buff SC will make a difference regardless of your might. So, in terms of your per second parse the might makes up a small portion, though it does increase the potential ceiling, it's hardly required to achieve the "par" damage. That's like saying weapon taps require a hundred SP for might users to increase all their damage, come on now.

    Every one here knows the vast majority of prec damage is from weapon combos plus weapon buff and buff SC, not random might attacks, yet those do increase the ceiling of of what can be done with various clips in between the real attacks. We can agree to disagree on that part. Or you can make it about % number of attacks, as opposed to actual changes in damage, which makes your entire argument suspect. Don't waste yourself trying to play math games with me.
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  20. Plowed In Loyal Player

    But you haven’t shared the details or a video of it happening. Absolute difference means nothing without context.
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