Game is wildly unbalanced yet again

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Empress_Orana, Oct 3, 2021.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Ok but what where you using? What artifacts? What loadout/rotation? You still haven’t tried to even consider that maybe the issue is with you. It’s always someone else’s fault
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  2. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Aside from the blatant insulting in this post, what exactly are the advantages, please enlighten me, because your league's DPS switch from meta to meta, cheese content left and right then complain on the forums how easy the content is after cheesing it. That being besides the point, what are the advantages? Because I happen to know for a fact that when your DPS go into a raid its all precision DPS, even you are a precision DPS when you DPS, so what I ask are the advantages and they can't be super meaningful if literally all of the DPS in your league are mainly precision.
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  3. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    One of the big problems too, is this ******* difference with super-speed and the other movement modes and especially FLIGHT ,which is extremely unfair to him, by the time he reaches the next mob pack with a flight character, the super-speed has already knocked out half the life of the mob pack, it's extremely confusing !!!

    I don't even understand how the devs can't see this stuff and forgive me, but allies are not the solution for this problem!
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  4. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    /scratchchin. hmmmmm. Could this be why a user in tank role was getting Lots of damage in the StU alert last night? Not sure. One person left the group/DC'd? I was DPS role, there were 2 tanks. One tank had damage 10s of millions above everyone at the end. It has been several days since I've puged into a group with a cheater.

    A few days ago, puged the Fractured God Sphere regular, me = controller role, a healer and all the rest were DPS role. We actually completed it. I was not expecting to complete the end without a tank.
  5. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Precision should be looked at a little but look @ specific things not precision/weapon DPS as a whole. But the thing is precision is universal between all powersets. Meaning, that a precision DPS chooses the same kinds of powers between all powersets. Its all Trans, Strat, Grim/Quislet. You have a DoT power, maybe a SC generator, Whirling Dervish, NVB, and RbtSdk. Might however varies wildly from power to power, range or melee, and even loadout to loadout. And what looks good on the sparring targets doesn't translate to actual content 1:1 because of defense values, movement of the targets etc.

    The one thing they need to look @ when it comes to what precision DPS use to augment their damage is whirling dervish. Keep it at its current cooldown, damage values etc...Just prevent it from being clipped mid animation by any ranged weapon attack and that would be a reasonable start.
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  6. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    That's because of what I said above. Most of the powersets have the capability of equaling top precision DPS If a highly optimized loadout and rotation is used. Where the difference and appearance of disparity lies is in the difficulty of figuring out and optimizing the loadout and rotation. The possible combinations of might powers to chose for your tray is already exponentially more vast than on the prec side. Then figuring out the order and timing of the rotation, what can be jump cancelled, weapon tap cancelled, etc. Then you have powers that work like heat vision or freeze breath where cancelling them at different times will affect the DoT ticks afterwards, etc, etc.

    Then there's the artifact options which are broader on the might side. After all, there are no viable prec specific artifacts. There's only might artifacts and might/prec artifacts. With so many elements, it is exponentially more complex, convoluted and tricky to construct a loadout and rotation that can produce like top prec DPS.

    On the prec side, you'd have to be purposely never in non private chat tabs, purposely avoiding group instanced content and purposely avoiding recent DLC open worlds to not know known you're gonna use flurry shot for single target and brawling or explosive shot for AOE. And with the exception of gadgets and mental, it shouldn't take someone more than an hour or so to figure the rest out.

    Of course what actually happens most of the time is people just look stuff up on YouTube or ask in game friends. But that method doesn't really help the issue much because for the most part, those players capable of doing that caliber of damage often (but not always) play it pretty close to the chest. They know how difficult and tedious it is to do all the testing necessary to figure that stuff out and the likelihood that people actually can or will on their own is slim. The vast majority of players will eventually end up on YouTube and copy a loadout from a video called "I used this mostest OPest (name of power) loadout of all time and THIS HAPPENED" video. And why not? After all, it IS the mostest OPest loadout of all time right? Says it right there in the clickbait...I mean title. There's no way that could untrue! lol

    Meanwhile an the prec side, nobody is secretive because they know all they'd be doing is delaying the inevitable and costing the inquiring player time out of their day. And that's not protecting some secret method, that's just being a d***.
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  7. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    In the vast majority of content, 20M really isn't that much. I guess if it was a shorter raid like COUe, it was a clean run with little to no wipes and you were pretty confident that most of the big factors were pretty equal (deaths, consumable buffs, in-content buffs, lag, amount of EoG and powers that benefit from EoG similarly, amount of SC at start, tac swapping etc). I've beat league mates by 20M or more who beat me by 20M or more just days before because the circumstances were just that different.

    I mean, you could be in a run with an elec prec DPS and there are two healers both with 3 SC's in their LO spamming EoG like mad and yeah, you're gonna get blown out of the water. Then you could run again with that same elec prec DPS but it's a solo heal and no EoG and you very well might out-DPS them. There are a lot of factors mostly or completely out of your and the other DPS's control that can sway the results that heavily.
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  8. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    The only time precision reigned supreme was the days of weapon mastery and clipping days, other than that powers has always been superior towards precision builds, maybe you should change your load out or something.
  9. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    "Everyone"? "Popular"?

    Lol someone has a very warped sense of their own importance. I can't stop cringing.
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  10. Rip Kurrent Well-Known Player

    I do ok in content overall. I do spend a fair amount of time tweaking load outs, etc. I've actually been running my healer, Atlan the last few days and faired better than I expected. I am almost always looking at ways to improve his dps set up though.
    Not saying this is the case..but people want to complain when they haven't put in the work to figure out what works for them. I've legitimately seen people who never changed their load out from when they were leveling and wondered why they were not effective. Anyway, enough from me.
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  11. L T Devoted Player

    Inner sanctum has a truly obnoxious amount of adds. Electric DPS players look great there (both Might and Prec).
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  12. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    Just days ago a guy joined our league, was a precision guy with about 290 SP/ 331CR, arts around 160. He ran with me and another high player in our league. Me and the other guy are might based, I have over 400 SP, the other guy over 500, I'm a 347, the other guy was 344....the new precision guy out damaged us by over 20 million which led to jokes about him hacking since he was a PC player. So there is definitely something going on with might and precision. To say there isn't is just disingenuous.
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  13. Saami Loyal Player

    Its funny and also good how threads like this make forum feel much more alive.

    Git gud nuub.
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  14. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    So we're getting to the end of page 3 and no answers to any of the questions asked. I'm having trouble thinking this is a true might vs prec discussion and may be more of a weaker might power vs a gadgets prec user. Possibly? There are a lot of prec players, and 90% of them probably aren't doing that well, especially if they're not gadgets. Maybe at least mental. But any other powerset using prec is really only ever as good as it's might based counter part. If OP wants to tell us which powerset they're using and which powerset we're comparing to, it may swing the thread in favor of what they're looking to accomplish.

    But I can't stress thus enough: a high end build will absolutely be able to put up 20mil AT LEAST on an average player in an alert, nevermind a raid. Throw up your 10sec parsers numbers if you can, that will tell us everything we need to know. At this point, 80k in 10secs is decent. 130k is really good. That's obviously just a normal rotation not a pop everything you can and throw a kitchen sink at the target
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  15. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    That may have been me if it was a rage toon lol. I can promise you that I am not cheating. Tanks can do a tonnnn of damage if set up properly. I only do it in old content/ solos duos and easy alerts. But eog spam, quislet, and scrap on an earth or rage toon and you just wear tank gear and do everything else as a dps build. I don't even run anything except a st pull, no shields or anything that I run when I tank tank.
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  16. AV Loyal Player

    If you're consistently losing on the scoreboard by more than a few % points regardless of the powers, regardless of whether its prec or might, that's a knowledge/skill differential not a balance issue. It's also important to recognize the group's buff situation. A good Troll will generally be running either Tetra Rao Claw or Cog Rao Claw. A good might DPS running their own Tetra can still tie or beat good Prec DPS being Troll buffed and vice versa but it's important to understand the output % benefit of such buffs to be able to accurately scale actual performance. Eg. Maybe the other player was just a bit better and they were getting buffed and you weren't. There are so many factors and unless a player really understands all of them, it's impossible to determine from hearsay why you lost by so much. If you can't look a the scoreboard and math out the exact performance benefits/detriments of each player's buff & setup situation to begin with, a thread like this isn't going to help. That said... it is extremely rare to see multiple players in a group performing their powers to such a degree of effectiveness that the scoreboard reflects what they're actually capable of, and usually one or more players are significantly better or worse than the others.

    Additionally, this game has a serious "DPS literacy" issue with a lot of players misunderstanding the General Damage category, resulting in some very dumb practices like ignoring Key mobs to AoE trash that doesn't need to die anyways... or unnecessarily using AoE in boss fights with infinitely respawning adds that don't need to die (and which makes life harder if they do)... or using EoG in boss fights where all it does is badly split the proc onto trash mobs we don't want to die ever and in spite the fact it hurts the player's ST performance. Some powers can't help that to a degree due their best ST rotations being more AoE heavy but Prec really has no excuse when it comes to unnecessarily cheesing AoE damage where it's either uncalledfor / wasteful or outright detrimental... and I've yet to see a prec player that doesn't do that (partially owing to the heavy reliance on EoG but... still...). This is also why a lot of people think Elec is "the best" despite much of its output being meaningless (or actually hurtful/dangerous) fluff in a lot of fights (eg. Elec has a field day in ISe but it actually makes the first boss harder due to constantly killing the Guards, resulting in a steady flow of new, untagged Guards spawning and pooping bombs at group). Every power has its strengths but players should understand what the damage they're doing means as opposed to simply "big numbers good."'
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  17. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I’ve doubled people as Prec. I’ve doubled people as might. I’ve out dpsed people as troll, tank, and even healer. People always think they are better than they are.

    I think I’m a great dps. I’m not an elite dps cause I’m to lazy to do all that fancy tac swapping or even switching armories between bosses and adds. I’m almost always top dps in any given group. When I’m not top dps it’s because the other dps did do what I don’t feel like doing. Look at AV. He can put dps me as might. Do I go crying that they should remove tax swapping? No. It’s ridiculous to cry about being beat so they should be nerfed. Grats they did something I’m to lazy to do. They deserve to beat me. If you don’t want to get beat by Prec dps than get better. Test different loadouts instead of looking for one on YouTube. Test things out. Go on the test serve and try out different artifacts for free.

    All the tools are there for you and everyone to improve. If you don’t feel like doing it than don’t complain that you get beat.
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  18. AV Loyal Player

    Not to mention the difference between using the right rotation and using the right rotation + going 100% balls out isn't that big to begin with overall. These "So-and-so did <x technique> and did 200% of my damage" threads ignore the fact that if So-and-so didn't do that technique they'd still do like... 195-199% of that person's damage. Prec's kinda an exception to that though since it rly does need all of its bells and whistles to stand a chance.
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  19. ALB Dedicated Player

    Prec isn't op. Gadgets is. The problem has always been gad. Not prec
  20. appocolyps Committed Player

    Its really not precision, its Gadgets precision that is the issue, fire mental might will beat most other precs barring elec with EoG spam on him.