An Anger-Fueled Guide to Rage

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by TDSK, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Streven Dedicated Player

    I've never actually tested it so I could be wrong.
  2. Tilz Loyal Player

    I think the rage heals (besides on power) have never been influenced by resto.. that's what I remember though. :)
  3. Schimaera Devoted Player

    That is correct. The heals are a percentage of the damage you receive (servere punishment) or the damage you do. There were no crits nor increased numbers involved.

    Stats wise I'd recommend going for health first. Though you get HP based on your Dom when getting the combo counter up but that's not 100% of the time the case. Flat Health increase sounds better to me. If you're using multiple shields, like HL shield or Deflection then Dom might be your thing.

    I would think it depends on the content you want to run.
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  4. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    I can't decide which power I want to have in my loadout I wish I could use all of them sort of like how ESO is. I out dps a 197 cr and I'm 179 cr. My loadout is

    1. Outrage (I have the head mod for Outrage, main damage)
    2. Frenetic Bombardment (it's cheap and hits really fast and easy to combo into Outrage once it's cooldown is off)
    3. Redirected Rage (I have the back piece mod for RR, looks cool and it helps)
    4. Galling Eruption (long range aoe plasma burn PI)
    5. Violence (I like that when I melee this power is really good since I'll be up close.)
    Remorseless Recovery (It's clippable and provides heals based off my damage)

    I like my loadout it's fun just feels awkward lol even with the backpiece mod of RR the cool down is still long. My rotation is I usually start with GE then clip with RR then I immediately use Violence and clip with Remorseless Recovery. Once I have all 4 I start Outrage spam. I combined it with Frenetic Bombardment until Outrage cool down has ended. By that time GE and Violence and Remorseless Recovery would be ready to use. However Redirected Rage would require a little more time.

    I outdps a 197cr in the alert of Underworld Trials. I didn't inspect him nor know his sp. Mines at 155. We were neck to neck. Though I eventually passed him. He was getting the taunt so that's probably why. I pugged it so it was a healer, and 3 dps.

    My loadout feels akward because I like Redirected Rage but it's cool down is still long even with the mod. I'm not going to remove Redirected Rage though. Remorseless Recovery I'm not sure if it's even working. I just like that it's clippable. I had Severe punishment but the rage crash killed me more often when I wish it didn't. Both Violence and GE give plasma Burn and both give a DOT. Berserk is alright but I'm not really feeling it. I might replace Violence and Remorseless Recovery. Anyone want to help me figure out what I could replace those 2. Maybe I can try and put E.Chain and Severe Punishment instead of Violence and Remorseless Recovery.
  5. Trexlight Devoted Player

    To me the loadout is a bit all over the place. The logic of having FB while Outrage is on cooldown isnt a bad thing since its melee counter part Frenzy shares the same possibility to get interrupted. Also having FB does allow you to move out of Melee range in case the Boss does some Melee mechanic and it gets dangerous but you still lose a bit of DPS since FB isn't a mobility ability. Remember with our Combos since they cost power now, "cheap" isnt a term that can be used since you can drain your power bar pretty fast, especially when you combine our PI setups and Utility abilities.

    Using both GE and Violence seems kind of redundant. Both apply the Plasma Burn PI and Violence DoT works in melee while GE DoT is more "midrange" in terms of distance from enemy to get affected by it and it does give a wider AOE and visually quite appealing on the ground lol. Power Cost is another thing ti consider since using both at the same time thats 500 Base Power you're consuming and thats a HUGE drain. I would switch between giving the circumstances of the boss fight/add clearing situations. Iwould replace one and put in Severe Punishment from extra survivability and in DPS Role it provides a DoT Aura. Since you have Outrage on rotation you can easily use it to keep from Rage Crashing.

    Redirected Rage is a great Utility now and its not something you TRULY need in a rotation type of play. With knowledge of the boss fights, you'll know exactly when to hit your Shield to survive a bit and if on CD and you need it, you'll know to disengage the fight and then reengage. Remorseless Recovery is a BIG yes to have. Cant ever say no to extra healing especially to help yourself so the heals from Healers go to the proper folks.

    In the end though, these are just recommendations. You clearly have said you've done some impressive damage and if it works for you then it totally works. :)
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  6. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I've used the shield, violence i think, in US. That is about the only place I've found it useful, unless I have a weak or inexperienced healer in my group. I keep the robot sidekick up thru all other content. The utility powers for rage are still pretty good. I just don't feel I take as much damage as I did pre revamp, and in turn don't feel it's really needed. It's very situational.

    I'm not posting my loadout, my buddy came up with it, but rage is pretty awesome right now. I know people want the damage brought down, but I think some serious testing needs to be involved. The ranged damage from rage is not that good. I'm worried they would over nerf rage only based on melee damage.

    Having fun with rage. Switched from sorcery couple weeks ago. It's like night and day how well rage powers work together. I love to melee, did it with sorcery for years, so rage was a good fit for me.
  7. LustingPower New Player

    Asked this before, could anyone comment.....

  8. Trexlight Devoted Player

    I remember the post, thought i replied sorry about that

    Frenzy > Lacerate. You're right it does cost a lot of power, 450 Base power including the power cost for combos if memory serves and does out damage Lacerate. Also with Frenzy you arent animation locked like you are with Lacerate although I do like the damage it does now. I would take out E. Chain unless you really want the 35% Execute. With the Power Cost in mind I would try using:

    Outrage - Frenzy - Revenge - Berserk - Galling Eruption - Severe Punishment

    If you want to add Remorseless Recovery, I would take out Frenzy or Berserk. You're basically sacrificing some dps for survivablity which isnt always a bad thing. Having both Outrage and Revenge in the loadout will ensure that your Rage Crash is cancelled from Severe Punishment. Berserk is really our best SC but its still not up to snuff. Using it in the melee loadout is perfect but you may be able to squeeze in more from another ability in longer fights.

    Tank loadout isnt bad but I dont use Sonic Cry and thats your choice for your reason and if it works for you then god speed lol. Switching E. Chain with Revenge isnt a bad choice at all but E. Chain is your Single Target pull (not Single Target Taunt of course) so its situational in that aspect and wiser to use sometimes than Ragebringer. I use both E. Chain and Ragebringer in my loadouts for those occasions. But all in all its not a bad loadout.
  9. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    Thanks for the reply and knowledge. Didn't know if Remorseless Recovery was actually useful. Does GE and Violence dot stack? If so then that is why I had it. I would notice Severe Punishment searing aura with GE would stack on top of each other. So with Violence I would have three. FB is my range attack as I play melee and range. Severe Punishment is clippable as well as Remorseless Recovery, though only one suffers from rage crash. Which would be more beneficial?

    My new loadout is GE, Redirected Rage, Severe Punishment, Frenzy, Outrage and FB.

    I love frenzy it's really cool and mobile and hits hard I can just keep spamming if I have enough power. Outrage has the ability to lunge unlike Frenzy though.
  10. Trexlight Devoted Player

    All 3 of the DoTs should stack fine. Choosing Sev Pun or Remorseless Recovery will honestly vary giving the content being ran. RR will surely be more effective since you are constantly doing damage and can get healed in this moments you do take damage where as SP may have the DoT going, the healing you get will only happen IF you take damage. In that turn, I see SP almost like Redirected Rage as a Utility and only used for "those moments needed". If yo usee you're taking damage, pop SP and the DoT aura will start, youll recover SOME health and just be sure to cancel it. As Rage is, using Remorseless and Severe kinda goes in tandem to supplement the healing we once had Pre-Revamp.
  11. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Loving rage!

    I see a lot of people carry a lot of utility powers. How much do those help now? It really seems to me that just using a shield is better. Just wanted to know how good the self healing was compared to the strength of our shields now, as dps. I'm not so worried about my damage, my loadout is solid. Lately, because of some sub Par healers, I've been removing robot sidekick and carrying the shield. It does a little bit of damage back at NPCs, but nothing like RSK. Some fights I will change it out for protection. Working great, but wasn't sure if the self healing was better. I have plenty of SP to spec however, would like some advice. :)
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  12. Trexlight Devoted Player

    No matter the content I keep Remorseless Recovery in my loadout along with my Shield for oh crap moments. It gets confusing due to it MAXing out with a percentage of our Dom and Resto. I could have sworn that part was removed from abilities but Ill need to confirm with Moja. In DPS Role our Leech Abilities take 25% of the damage to turn into Heals and Severe Punishment also absorbs 50% damage when active. Thankfully SP gives a Damage Aura when activated so in case you get splash damage for the 8 secs SP is going you can get healed a bit.

    I certainly loving the Utilities much more even with the lower Healing. That shield is a blessing. Although as Rage we dont really need it due to how our mechanic is but I love it.
  13. SparkmanX Committed Player

    I have already tried different tank loadout with this power, but none ends up convincing me. On the one hand, you are wearing a shield, but I see that in certain instances the enemy breaks your shield easily, in addition to the cooldown of the shield you must use it with wisdom otherwise you remain defenseless when the four seconds of vulnerability occur after canceling Severe punishment :(

    The other loadout based on healing and attack I do not understand it at all. I have tried it and my health seems like an accordion that goes up and down without ceasing. I have read carefully what they say in this forum about statistics and everything, especially those who have youtube channel, but so far nobody has been able to explain clearly how this supposed loadout based on healing and attack works. There are also no videos that confirm that this loadout really works. :oops:

    Has anyone had the opportunity to compare this power with atomic in the tank role?
  14. LustingPower New Player


    With Lacerate you can actually cancel out of it. Just tap melee/range or the action button. Tap or hold, thats how i have been stopping Lacerate so i can cancel the rage crash.

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  15. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    What's the cap for dominance and restoration for dps?
  16. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Are you referring to the % of Dom and Resto when using Remorseless Recovery? No clue
  17. xxOMNIPOTENTxx Committed Player

    Tanking: I usually enter every fight with Without Mercy (WM) clipped into Severe Punishment (SP). After I hit my Rage cancellation (Eviscerating Chain), I clip it with the shield. Provides the time needed when I have that 4 second vulnerability window. Has yet to fail me even though I have used Vindictive a few times and didn't need to...
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  18. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    Yeah and also for Redirected Rage.
  19. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Yeah Ive spent hours trying to reverse engineer that and no luck. Only way to find that out is to get it from a Dev and they arent sharing it. For now, I wouldnt worry about it.

    In regards to Redirected Rage, the shield formula is in the your Stats menu when you click on Dom (dont have the formula in front of me). I think I broke down the formula earlier in this post if you want to look for it but its there in game. The % for Remorseless is not know to anyone other than a Dev.
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  20. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    Wouldn't it be the same for Redirected Rage? Do all 35% finishers have a 6 second cooldown? Because E. Chain does and I personally don't like it anymore because of it. I was thinking of using a plasma grenade as my PI instead of using GE because I just got a Plasma Grenade Olympian. Not sure on the cool down though.