Make Biggun a 50% supercharge again

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ConveyDcuo, Aug 20, 2017.

  1. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Biggun needs to be 50% cost
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  2. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    Then it will be called 'small gun'
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  3. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Can you provide any more information?

    The only thing i see is: "i cant handle not being flavor of the month"
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  4. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Wat more information needed it doesn't put damage out for being a 100% supercharge
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  5. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    It doesn't put out enough damage for being a
  6. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

  7. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    And also it doesn't even make sense to have a supercharge one shot only at 35% because kn multiple targets(trash mobs) there not all going to be at 35% at the same time
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  8. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    People act like a 100% super is okay no its not at all
  9. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Beserk is the bsst supercharge in the game and its not pretty easy to tell.Berserk is a 50% supercharge to
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  10. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Biggun should be a 50% because its hitting alot less than other supers that are 50% like berserk
  11. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Becareful for what you wish for, Asking for Biggun to become a 50% supercharge again will also result in it getting nerfed.

    That's also apart of the trade off system that the stats-revamp has been following.
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  12. Mighty Committed Player

    I don't think it's scientifically possible to hit the nail more squarely on the head with this individual.
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  13. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    How does that make sense a 100% super being worse than 50%
  14. High Troller Loyal Player

    don't be counting me as part of those people, guy. your power's supercharge wasn't the only supercharge that got nerfed!! for atomic...what was a 12.5% supercharge....went up to 50%!!!!

    cheer up, buttercup. it'll be okay.
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  15. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Someone has to tell me how that makes sense a 100% super is worse than say a berserk thats a 50% cost that absolutely makes no sense.
  16. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    If berserk is that gud why can't biggun be a 50% huh?
  17. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    I dnt see berserk getting nerfed anytime soon
  18. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    it's not worse, you are just using it wrong.

    It got changed. it no longer one shots adds at full health

    Sorry you can't cheese your way to the top of the scoreboard anymore by one shotting all the adds while your tank buddy gathers them for you.
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  19. Mighty Committed Player

    Have you tried it with martial arts? I heard you're a beast at kung fu.
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  20. light FX Steadfast Player

    Munitions is fine as is. Its solid in dps role atm. The troll side is where it needs some work. Learn to use other abilities too. I was using the turret for awhile but moved on the nee venom right now. There are other 100% super charges in the game and i feel many of those need an adjustment over biggun. Especially with how powerful it was before the revamp and how people abused it to chase the scorecard. My main dps toon is munitions and im fine with the way it is atm.
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  21. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Its different because biggun being a 50% super before was a issue because if Completely obliterated low rank adds now it doesn't anymore