Make Biggun a 50% supercharge again

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ConveyDcuo, Aug 20, 2017.

  1. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    man you said exactly what I said but used a different number lol

  2. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    How else would i get them to buff biggun I have to explain how other supers that are 50% are better than a 100%
  3. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Well u make 180 k out to be nothing in 12 seconds and a beserk can net u that type of damage in 3 targets if u have the perks i have as a rage dps and not to mention i can use another one after the 12 seconds so in 30 seconds i can accumulate approximately 1.2 mill if i pop everything and use beserks back to back while biggun hits 150 k on fully buffed on 3 and u can only use 1 sc for a while so a fully buffed 2 beserks triples the amount of damage 1 biggun can do
  4. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Tell me in what world that makes sense
  5. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    doesnt show me parses like I asked ;)

    I believe numbers / data more then someone's bias opinion.
  6. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Tell me in what world a 50% super like beserk should be doing double and triple if u use berseks back to back then a 100% super like biggun
  7. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

  8. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    parses, all I care to see from you guy.

    anything else you post about this imo is BS til you do.
  9. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Did this not shock u^
  10. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

  11. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    The link is there wat r u just trying to be funny?
  12. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Oh im not mun
  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    you didnt do a munition 1, its the same link from last page showing berserk.
  14. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    then why do you care?

    and how do you know what it does?

    you dont, good day.
  15. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Carnivorous plants is better than biggun to ive seen a 78 k crit on a boss and 50 on per add on 3
  16. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    I care because i like mun
  17. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    but how do you know what biggun does if you aren't munitions?
    • Like x 1
  18. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    And its garbage 12-14 k dps isnt competing with rage or nature or earth with rage i average 16-18 k dps on 3
  19. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    I was munitions day 1 of revamp because i had been mun since it dropped was my favorite power
  20. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    thought topic was super charges?

    who cares total dmg with rotations?

    you shouldnt as your not munitions :rolleyes: