Stats Revamp 1.7 - Electricity

Discussion in 'Stats Revamp Archive' started by spord, Jun 9, 2017.

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  1. L T Devoted Player

    Actually, overcharge underperforms both the AOE and single-target spammers by a good margin in my testing. Spark Barrage could be converted to use electrified, but it's only mid-range, and buggy.
  2. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    So ask the devs for one. That's a great idea.
  3. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Agree but it's also a support power which is why it hits lower
  4. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Don't listen to this devs. :(
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  5. Xibo Loyal Player

    I respect your opinion if you don't like my feedback.
  6. stärnbock Devoted Player

    the reason we had two PI's with the most powers, was to a certain degree that as long as you had two POWER TREES with dammage multiplyer (max dammage handmod made those irrelevant for AM's), with different levels and only 15 POWER POINTS to spend in those trees. that was all to balance the powers by limitation!
    it was made so you had to choose one or the other PI and in most cases, you cold not have both PI's in one optimal loadout.

    consider this and ask yourselves if it still makes sense now! seeing that terror was removed from nature, dazed was removed from earth and graviton charge was removed from munitions: those changes were GREAT! they helped the powers for the new system (in wich it makes it hard for no reason if a power is split in half by two separated PI's)!
    only gadgets is cool with it because bursts are exploiting multiple PI's, similar to electrocute maybe... something still needs to be done!
  7. L T Devoted Player

    There's an excellent point here. With the removal of the two-tree ability structure, different PI's make less sense.


    I like the two PI's for Electric. It's the electric and magnetic sides of electromagnetism.

    Also, more PI's encouraged teamwork. Back in the day, Gadgets or Mental Controllers could set up any PI, so your DPS players didn't have to. I remember it was night and day running content as Fire when the controller was constantly lighting things up for me.

    Still, 2 PI power sets are at something of a disadvantage to those that only have one under the revamp. Perhaps, for these power sets, abilities that apply a PI should cost slightly less power.
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  8. stärnbock Devoted Player

    true that ^
    before AM's came along, you just needed to have one player setting up PI for the dps...
    if the right PI was set, you could exploit all day long :) dazed is used by multiple powers.
    however: not easy to find team mates that polarize, at least because noone plays electro atm...
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  9. Xibo Loyal Player

    A Polarize PI would keep Electricity unique. If the devs decide for only one, I think the Polarize PI would be nice.
  10. Nukpana New Player

    1) Reduce Voltaic Blast cooldown down to 3s

    2) Make Galvanize HoTs last longer or increase the healing of Electrogenesis HoTs
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  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    All posts above this one have been reviewed by the team.
  12. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    What is a support power?
  13. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

  14. krytine Loyal Player

    Arc lightning electrostatic burst ionic drain these are just a few that heal and damage
  15. stärnbock Devoted Player

    how about a sinergy between electrified and polarized?
    powers setup eletrified could exploit polarization and those setup polarization could exploit electrified....
    just an idea... makes combining them in a loadout easier...
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  16. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    The amount of healing out it releases , doesn't make it a support power, it's more of a dps power with a bit of a support/healing effect.
  17. Kuno Loyal Player

    I agree PI should be: "electrified OR polarized enemies take more damage"
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  18. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I see the discussion of polarized and electrified pi's going on here. The way i look at it is Polarized plays more toward the burst side and electrified plays more dot based, each pi has its own playstyle and that keeps them a bit different from one another.

    I do wish e-gen and v-bolt would get some love though cause they are both pretty weak dots and using them brings down your dps. :(
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  19. stärnbock Devoted Player

    i see your point, however: that doesn't change the fact that they don't work well with eachother, excluding the other side...
    i mean, ok: one does burst, one does DOT, why should they not be able to have in a loadout that does both burst and DOT?
    do we realy need to have to setup two PI's? normaly, this is not the best option, meaning you allways will use only part of the power.
    what is the payoff for powers, beeing restricted with theyr own powers for multiple PI's? and is my suggestion totally out of reality?

    lets look at electricity: volt and ampair, both things that very much depend on each other (not sure about how polarization works ^^')
    look at quantum: space and time depend on each other. somehow, mabe we have a physicist who can explain, but they are bound.
    mental: if you are dazed, you might aswell be vulnerable to feel fear, why should fear not work well with confusion?
  20. Xibo Loyal Player

    They should also cooperate with each other as you mentioned since we will no longer have two trees. An electrify PI that take additional damage on polarized enemies and so on. Would be nice too.
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