Stats Revamp 1.7 - Electricity

Discussion in 'Stats Revamp Archive' started by spord, Jun 9, 2017.

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  1. Xalhadrin New Player

    are you saying dots are unique? they're anything but that. in a controlled environment where you're just attacking a target dummy sure dots will do fine, but out in actual content they're going to fall behind. Electricity has already been crap damage for years and it's not like in other games where maybe you're behind in damage by like 5-15% compared to other classes. Electricity has been behind other powers in damage by like 200-300%. I wouldn't be willing to risk it falling behind again. Electricity needs significant changes. I'm not saying make all electric powers vanilla burst spells, you can still make them unique without relying on stacking dots which is simply too slow for a faster pace game like this. But if electricity is doomed to be a dot class, at least we need a spell that triggers the remainder of our dots for burst so they're not nearly entirely wasted when other powers kill the mobs with burst. Either that or devs need to change their equations for dots to figure for the fact that they're wasted in most content that's not a target dummy.
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  2. Xalhadrin New Player

    I'm not saying a bolt of lightning should instantly kill, but they shouldn't be dots, that's so silly. a bolt of lightning is literally a huge surge of electricity that is practically instant. Why shouldn't overcharge explode your dots? it's exactly what the name suggests.
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  3. krytine Loyal Player

    Wait a minute to be far electric fell behind once the am was introduced. Before that 3lectric did fine. Now maybe even with play from the tray it wont match up not sure yet. But for years electric did well until the am came out. Now you can continue your argument proceed please
  4. Duck X Active Player

    I agree with you, i believe it should have some dots but the burst should be 1 of the top burst damage power set the game, or maybe make all the dots do a burst damage at the beginning followed by a dot like voltaic bolt does. But balance it accordingly to the other powersets.
  5. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Anyone want to test that new Burst power and compare it other Bursts including electric's own Bursts.
  6. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I'm about to run over all of electric after nature. This seems like a good thing though :)
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  7. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Yep, offers new loadout options too. I like the name and the description of it. Just don't know how it works yet.
  8. KenCope2007 New Player

    Might be wishful thinking here, but does anyone think it would be cool if Electrocute worked in healer role? Same way the circle works on sorcery? Wouldn't it be cool to see blue lightning bolts? Is that possible Devs?
  9. KenCope2007 New Player

    Do you stream? I'd like to see that
  10. L T Devoted Player

    It has a 6 second cool down, costs 300 power and does about 67 average base damage, which is higher than Ebomb's 3 hits combined, but not as high as Fire's Mass Detonation (112) or Ice's Frost Blast (186). Those last two are 400 cost powers though, so they don't exactly match.

    It's fairly strong as 300 power bursts go.

    Voltaic Bolt was really weak for a 300 cost ability. The 200 cost version has a roughly half-strength burst but stronger dots and does only a little less average total damage (about 63 average base damage spread over 12 seconds).

    Overcharge saw it's damage increase pretty substantially, but it's still underperforming. It's primarily a single-target attack, but it's only doing 85-90% of the damage of tesla blast. Combine that with the fact that you don't always get the second AOE burst of damage from every cast and it's not doing very well. Suggest a second AOE burst, or at least make the explosion stronger.

    Not in the patch notes, the animation of shockwave seems to have been shortened by a fraction, so that it now matches the damage output of most of the other 100-power spammers.
  11. L T Devoted Player

    Remaining Electric DPS issues:

    Spark Barrage -- is mid-range, but does damage like a full range power. Buff the damage or make it full range please. Also, against the three sparring targets in the league hall, all 5 sparks always hit all the targets, but against a single target 1, 3, or 5 hit depending on how close you are. Is this intended? If so, it seems to be underperforming by a bit more, since you don't always get max damage out of it. Sorcery has a similar ability, but Sorcery's version didn't seem to share these bugs.

    Tesla Ball -- Is a dot, but it's doing 10% less damage than comparable bursts.

    Electrostatic Bomb -- is either a short DOT or a long fractured burst. Its damage gets done over 3 seconds, but it seems to do the same total damage as pure burst abilities like Wildfire or Telekinetic Bolt. Is that intended? If the damage can't be adjusted, could we at least get its animation sped up/shortened to account for the damage being spread over 3 seconds?
  12. Celestial Powers Committed Player

    30th June Hotfix - Healing:

    Arc Lightning, I didn't really notice the increase in strength to this ability, while an increase is nice the main concern for this ability would still be how it actually functions through range and bouncing effects, I still feel it's too limited for this ability to earn a spot in an electric healers loadout now with all the new tools you've given us.

    Electrogenesis, A small increase, please do consider the QoL feedback provided for this ability, let both auras target the lowest HP members in the group. Also please consider making the fx more visible, it's still fairly hard to see and I think this may be a big contributor to it's inconsistency, if people can barely see among all the other effects going on in the room how do they know where to stand for the healing? I do feel the strength of this ability is still weak but need to see with the HoTs in the game to see how much better off they are now.

    Overcharge, A small increase is nice but I still think it's fairly outclassed with everything else electric has as the healing is still too low for the risk of using the ability, the delay is life or death in some cases and if the heal isn't great well it can be detrimental. This is also exactly the reason why everyone hates the cast time abilities as they were on live, there's too much of a delay for any sort of payoff and so it just becomes undesirable to use.

    Please consider the suggestions I also posted previous, mainly with Bio Capacitor, it is a fairly weak ability for what it is, it has the highest cooldown next to a shielding ability and the strength of the initial burst doesn't really seem justifiable for a 450 cost 18s cooldown. If you do not want to lower the cooldown please re-adjust some of the safety net healing to the initial burst.
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  13. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Na man my testing pc can't handle dc and streaming at the same time lol.
  14. Gambo323 Level 30

    Ppl like you want to keep electric at it current state which is a broken power who's only good use is healing (barely). The idea is to get the power more in line with others I'm not saying do away with DoTs. I'm saying give us more burst damage options in both trees. Let the DoTs be where they're at but increase the initial hit.
  15. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    Hi spord

    I like the Voltaic Blast,thank you , but it's not very usefull with 6 seconds cooldown,we need it to have lower cooldown, please lower the cooldown to 3 seconds.
  16. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    No.... I don't. Electric is doing good on test, it's not the most OP power but it can handle it's own and that's with all of it's dots. It wont be anywhere near as broken as live and that's speaking as if the revamp were to drop tomorrow.
  17. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    Galvanize's and electrogenesis's healing over time is too low...Electricity doesn't have any good healing over time like other powers have ...Please make electrogenesis's healing over time at least double.
  18. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Two things i noticed right off the bat were electro burst and
    Tesla's damage cannot be brought up any higher then it is now cause it doesn't split. Its acceptable how it is now but if it were any better it would have to much of a advantage on AoE.
  19. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    So the first things i noticed today were Electro Burst and Voltaic Blast's cooldowns are 6 seconds. I hope thats a bug cause that kills the usability of the powers. They both need to have 3 second cooldowns. I think the addition of Voltaic Blast is great but that cooldown...:(

    Also E-gen needs a bump up in damage and im sure V-bolt does to but i didn't get around to testing it or all of elec yet since the new damage values were applied but i will be tomorrow. I did run some preliminarily tests with some good loadouts and they seemed a bit on the low side. its mainly due to weak dots though cause the burst powers are in a good place. I'll post the rest of my thoughts after i do some science with elec.
  20. krytine Loyal Player

    Electric in real life does advance neurological damage to the body and over time effects the mind heart and motor skills. So yes it doez also do massive damage over time most people would only hear about the massive strike kills but overloads arcs and various other types of shocks happen that will just fubar you down the road
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