You want us to melee... But not survive!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RLManuel, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    you can if you know what your doing
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  2. OANGL Well-Known Player

    All the real tanks were around back then.
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  3. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    While on this topic, has Ingrid always had frost spray diarrhoea?

    Someone else mentioned it earlier but I don't remember ever taking damage from her when lunging from behind until ~2 weeks back.

    Feels like something was changed to make it even less melee friendly to the point that even performing the lunge as per the mechanics of the fight is now a problem (due to the need to double lunge most of the time).
  4. IIILuBuIII Level 30

    It sure is a lot more tricky but people die from 1 shots anywhere not just from up close. Positioning and fight mechanic awareness will make all the difference. It's a very strong power but also unforgiving in both roles when it comes to mistakes. I did dps up close in BSP and it was thrilling :). I have a video here to somewhat display what I mean about survivability.

  5. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Other MMO have melee based classes that can melee bosses....

    This whole shot mechanic is fine if a player created a character to be a glass cannon, but in DCUO we are not suppose to be glass cannon as DPS but we are. Good to know a superhero of immense power can be hit one time and go down.
  6. IamZACH Well-Known Player

  7. Zneeak Devoted Player

    While I agree completely, the reason you "shouldn't" melee, generally, is because if you don't have some skill in meleeing, you will probably be found dead right next to the boss, putting anyone at risk that tries to revive you. Meleeing is viable in many cases still, but without some skill in your powerset in terms of melee and reading mechanics/tells, range/midrange is the smartest thing to do.

    I have seen plenty of people going melee and die less than range-players, because they know exactly what they're doing, when to move out of melee and how to read tells/mechanics to make the best out of their melee and survive.

    If the person knows what he or she is doing in terms of melee, by all means, have at it! It's just that IF, IF you don't know, the risk is far greater than the reward, hence making range a generally more viable option.
  8. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    I remembered what I was going to say:

    Yes, you can melee, but your party has to be prepared for it. We're obviously talking about at level here. Clearly, if you're in a PUG, or don't inform your league, "Hey, I'm going to melee this boss" etc. There are going to be problems.

    But if everyone is on board and prepared, of course you can melee because DCUO is the easiest of MMOs out there. We only have problems with players that can't think on their feet. Have the healer ready their shield, have the troll and heal cycle shields along with the DPS' etc, zerg the boss and roll away to avoid a power move then head back in etc. This is all common sense stuff, but a lot of people can't do this because the environment has taught people to just stand in one spot and hit 1,2,3,4.

    So many people just want to be stationary and repeat a loadout, but sometimes you need to roll, block, pop shield consumables, stop what your're doing to so the group can maintain composure etc.

    I think my main problem with this thread was that you blamed the devs when you didn't need to. The tools and mechanics are already there. You and your group just have to apply them.
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  9. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    then why the hell did they make rage? which was showcased as a MELEE power set.

    not to mention all of rages buffs have been for the melee side only. Yes the range side has been buff but not as much as the melee, implying that we are suppose to melee with rage. When really it just isn't going to happen EVER regardless how skilled you are. You will get pushed to the DB spam which is like the OP said boring AF.
  10. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    Theres no such thing as mele DPS its not worth it. Thats why rage sucks .
    Last GU made rage good at PVP but no changes in PVE its same bad like it was before .
    Some people want to make balance at sparing targets good luck with that .
    I post many times those changes heading wrong way and now we in long dark tunel with death end .
    U can do frenzy on ads but yours max hit from frenzy not going to hit becouse ads alredy death .Who kill those ads ? 3 ice dps from yours groupe but how u gona know this if u test DMG only at sparing targets .
  11. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    Melee should be viable in end game raids. It is in every other MMO... It wouldn't be that hard do if they actually considered it while building new content.

    ** Remove aoe moves from bosses standard attacks**
    Tank are supposed to be the meat shield that protects the group anyway.

    - add scripted attacks in melee range that force melee dps to move
    - give the scripted attacks easily visible tells or the skull indicator
    - give bosses scripted attacks that target ranged dps and force them to move
    - add separate tells or indicators for these

    Pretty much a staple of MMO combat mechanics, not that complicated. But I doubt this will ever happen, day late and a dollar short. My guess is they will add more aggro drop mechanics lol..
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  12. lukelucky Devoted Player

    duels pistols helps rage dps un da sense da WM is a backflip. use dis and know ur enemy and i imagine life is kinda easy. minus pistols id wish rage had a backflip kinda move. fun power.
  13. Backseid Devoted Player

    Again, you're not supposed to Melee the Boss.

    There's a lot more to this game than Boss fights.
  14. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    Where is the definite dev statement that says "Bosses aren't supposed to be melee'd"?
    I believe you should be able to DPS however you want to and melee DPS is the closest DPS type to a challenge this game will see in a while, with all of these easy mode AMs. Bosses should have better tells that make these 1 shot mechanics avoidable. It's not the melee player's fault that the mechanics in this game suck. There are so many random 1 shots that don't even seem to make sense during boss fights and sometimes in add fights. Rage DPS should get a health and defense buff while in the state of their AM and if other powers wish to melee instead of doing their same old boring range rotation, they should also receive a health and defense buff when they're within close am range.
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  15. CollKev Well-Known Player

    When someone successfully melee stompa with rage then there will be no complains about rage. But for now buff DB
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  16. CollKev Well-Known Player

    While you are popping all those shield and blocking and avoiding etc. An ice is there at a way safer range out dpsing you. An earth is at a safe range running around giving crystal power and crystal is out dpsing you. A socery is doing the same. A mental is 1234 witha gadget and they are all out dpsing you. So all your hardwork and struggle did not pay off so just go back to DB.
  17. CollKev Well-Known Player

    She melee bombshell with her league. All her efforts and you would think she was top dps. I bet you a mental, gadget or ice out dpsed her.
  18. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    The two that did were ice :) I wasn't too far behind them, had I actually not messed up my rotation and died a few times, and properly cycled through my trinkets, I probably could have closed the gap more. I was just trying to stay alive! Ha :D
  19. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I don't even know what your assumptions had to do with my post.
  20. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    I prefer lashina coz u cant even mid-range ( frenzy ) she gona 1 shoot u every 5 -10 sec .She is not like sparing target :)