Attention Sorcery & Earth Players...Let's Discuss Pet Advanced Mechanics

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by jpharrah1010, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. MoreAwesomeMechanic New Player

    There is no way for you to tell one way or another so please sir enlighten me on how you know for a fact it didn't recieved th e buff. And stop acting like an ******* please.
  2. MoreAwesomeMechanic New Player

    That is not what I said at all so again people are not even undersrand what they were even talking about
    Last update ALL AMS except HL got a crit mag and chance buff no matter if they spec into WM or not IF they are doing their AM. It is not something you can see because those stats are not visible to players. So please read the patch notes on it.
  3. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I've read it earth was not mentioned to said all might based ams got a buff ... We are not might based or precison. You need to go re read it or show your proof that we did cause earth was not mentioned neither was sorcery
  4. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Just throwing it out there, but if the pet AMs do receive that buff, none of this is listed in tooltips of active effects. You woudln't know about the AMs enacting buffs on the other powers either, as this isn't listed in their tooltips. There is far too many grey areas in regard to the game's combat system. There isn't a single reason for that. Just saiyan.
  5. Lacedog Loyal Player

    Not trying to be mean. Just trying to stop the spread of incorrect info.

    Post 5 on that page has the info you're referring to.
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  6. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Pets aren't a might based power they do pet damage (orange numbers) they are not effected by might we don't have a might based am ... The only might power involved in our am is a non damage power
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  7. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    On a side note in going back to the request an aftershock am thread as I don't want pets anyway... I wish I never created this beast
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  8. MoreAwesomeMechanic New Player

    No power was SPECIFICALLY mentioned as affected. The point is the REASON for the buff is because they don't get access to the crit chance and mag buff from hitting a power in the WM combo window. This is something shared between the Pet AMs and the Might AMs so it is safe to assume that the Pet AMs also get this buff considering the actual REASON for the buff is needed by both the Pet AM and Might based AMs. Patch notes are intentionally vague. You need to go read the dev posts for why the did that change to read between the lines and see the Pet AMs probably recieved it as well. At the end of the day their is no way for myself or you to prove one way or the other because the buff is a stat that is not trackable currently by players to technically both of us shouldn't act as though we are so sure so I will apologize. I was running on the assumption that the reason for the buff was shared by both Pet and Might AMs so they both should get them.
  9. MoreAwesomeMechanic New Player

    Yep. Would you consider Nature and Electric Might AMs? Because they use just as much weapon attacks as the Pet AM but they were affected by the buff? Point is just because it says might AM doesn't disprove that the Pet AMs aren't included in the group with Might AMs. It most definately isn't a precision AM.
  10. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I could have sworn I read tunso or one of the devs specifically say this is for ice nature electricity gadgets mental and fire ... With no mention of earth and sorcery ... I will go back and re read the threads on feed back when i get home ... I could be wrong but I specifically remember earth and sorcery not bein on their list
  11. MoreAwesomeMechanic New Player

    If you can find it i'll bite my tongue and apologize for the confusion. I haven't seen that post yet.
  12. Lacedog Loyal Player

    This is all I'll say since I want this thread buried too. All am's so far are might based except light's combos and the pets. Celestial and rage are also combos, but haven't been retouched since the whole "am" thing came about. So for now they aren't might based either. You can say that's my opinion. I'd be willing to bet it's fact.

    To compare pets and electric and nature would be stretching it very thin, I'd say. There is obviously a difference between the mechanics. So no I would not include pets in being might based.
  13. Remander Steadfast Player

    Easy way to check. Summon pet without WM spec. Look at active effects (F1 menu or equivalent for PS).
  14. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I'm gonna check this out tonight
  15. Remander Steadfast Player

    Checked on my Earth toon under Recovery in Current Effects, and with WM unlocked, I had +25% control resistance and +20% critical weapon attack damage. When I reset all my SP, there were no current effects. When I summoned Crystal in DPS stance, there were no current effects. When I cast Fortify Golem, the 45% damage modifier appeared, but that was it. When I spent a SP in my MA weapon tree, I received +20% control resistance and +15% critical weapon attack damage.
  16. Remander Steadfast Player

    Now, when I went on my Fire toon, I used the AM repeatedly, and I could not get any current effect to show up outside of a damage modifier. Was pulling up the menu as fast as I could. Nothing. So, not sure if and/or where the buffs show up for the might-based AMs.
  17. MoreAwesomeMechanic New Player

    Yes that's what I was telling them. NONE of the Might AMs have a "current effects" buff for this new crit and mag buff so their is no way to tell if you have it or not.
  18. Remander Steadfast Player

    Just sent a PM to Tunso, in hopes of clarifying.
  19. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I sent one to loche ....

    If you actually get a response can you ask about an aftershock am? And if there are plans for those of us who really really want one
  20. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    If pet am do get the might buff what difference do it make? The pet am is terrible right now, and anyone who do not spec in wm trying to get a buff to might powers would be even worse off. Pet am is the worse am so far
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