Equipped combat rating needs a toggle option

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by rival exe, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. DialH New Player


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  2. EBANESER11 New Player

    We already have a way to see others cr, it's called inspect + cr calculator. Making cr visible off the start just saves us time, in multiple ways.
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  3. Abisial Committed Player

    People can already get your Cr from what gear you're wearing so what's the point?
  4. Radiohead New Player

    I wouldn't mind this option if they were to give me the option to "hide" players using the "toggle" :cool:
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  5. evil keebler elf Well-Known Player

    Who cares if ppl know your cr. Hide it if you want. If you can que up for the content, great. What you do in said content is what matters. If your a dps, getting outdmg'd by the healer troll or tank, your gone, period. If you arent doing your job, your cr doesnt matter one bit. So, why does hiding your cr matter again????o_O
  6. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    I was once one of those people who gave others a chance, regardless of CR/SP. Again.... and again .... and again. To this day I haven't encountered a single one who exceeded these expectations. So, I welcome this feature as it can quickly tell me who I'm carrying and who's gonna pull his own weight beforehand.
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  7. Kal~el Committed Player

    It won't happen. For years now this community wants the highest cr or sp to run any and all content kicking people who do not meet the criteria. These same people wanted the ability to see others stats and the devs gave it to them with the census app.

    The devs have helped perpetuate this problem. They could have fixed it but they chose not to.
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  8. rival exe New Player

    I still don't understand, sorry. I read your post and it looks like you disagree with me. Why don't you like my idea?
  9. Korlick Loyal Player

    There. Fixed for you.
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  10. kawe Loyal Player

    I understand your reasoning OP.
    There are way too many ppl out there only judging by CR or SP than actual skill. A veteran who mastered all roles and knows the game in and out could get kicked merely because he made a new toon and is gearing up. He could end up the best player int he raid but most wont even think about giving ppl a chance. LFG is a wild kingdom... and that means we will meet every type of player in there.

    What are CR and SP? Merely a way to display a toon's level past the level 30 limit. It tells me what Instances a person can enter. :/
    So a CR display doesn't bother me at all. SP are a tiny bit different, they give a hint on invested time into the game. Showing SP is not mandatory to the game in my eyes.

    While I agree with you OP. From my point of view I think making CR this visible can normalize the view ppl have on the CR matter. The more common it is to see CRs the less it is made the focus? dunno... Wishful thinking.
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  11. Kal~el Committed Player

    The new content just came out and it requires cr 106 but most people want cr 108. These same people once they start getting the better gear, modding it, and their cr rises will start asking for the higher cr.

    Will not even give the opportunity for those at cr 108 a chance. My stance is if you create the group you have the right to decide the requirements. I just think it is hypocritical and creates the elitist attidue that pervades this community.

    Why would you ask? This community forgets that they were once at a lower cr and then once they reach the pinnacle they think anyone not at their level is not as good as them because their cr is to low.

    That is why I am against the cr being shown.
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  12. Twilight Man New Player

    I agreed with you on the first page of your thread. I was disagreeing with the idea DialH suggested, the guy I quoted.
  13. rival exe New Player

    Oh. I must have them on ignore. That's why I was confused.
  14. rival exe New Player

    Wrong. If you can queue then you can complete the content and wanting to play 100 CR content before reaching 108 CR isn't skipping content.
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  15. EP Ice Loyal Player

    Very true but I think what the question that some would like to know is.....Why do people want to see others CR? The only thing I can think of is to discriminate in pug groups. Discriminate, meaning, wanting only high CR people in the group as opposed to someone who is at the bare minimum. This will exclude people and somewhat make it harder for them to gear up or just complete instances.

    This is not a knock on your post but just playing devil's advocate. :D
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  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    the devs didnt create the app themselves, Sore and Bytecode created 2 separate character statistic websites the devs only allow consensus data to be pulled to the site. I cant speak for bytecode but Sore didnt intend for it to be used as a kicking tool, and from what hes told me he does deal with those types of players as well. The devs didnt create this problem, this is purely the communities issue
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  17. ErnieB Loyal Player

    I actually don't mind my CR showing, or even my SP, I'm proud of my numbers as it hasn't been easy earning them, saying "let my skill do the talking", well what if your skills aren't good then?, devs have stated countless times "NOT EVERYTHING CAN BE DONE AS SOON AS YOU HIT THE MINIMUM CR", well now we will see if that is a fact or not. Be proud if you are ECR 103 and beat LD, but don't hide behind the "OH my skills are better than my CR" because the game couldn't care less about that, if you are under geared for something, you will die, and this will help see who's ready for content or not. Oh yeah has anyone mentioned this isn't your queueing CR, but the CR total of your equipment, the one that helps you survive content?, or has anyone been talking about this as if this was the old CR we are used to?, because that's not it. CR is what you need to enter content, ECR is what you need to finish it, with this we will now if you really needed those "108++++EXPPP for EO" players or not.
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  18. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Oh and yeah, I do need to know your CR, because if you are a fresh 100 looking for a T6 raid, there is now way in hell i'm inviting you, not because of your skill, but because of the fact your gear will turn you into a burden for the group. You will die a lot, you won't be able to keep up on your support role with anyone CR 104+, and by the time we reach the last boss your gear will either be scrap metal or you would have ran out of soders. This isn't me discriminating, this is me using my knowledge from doing T1 to T6 and by now I know the minimum CR for things on this game is BS.
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  19. ErnieB Loyal Player

    I think the devs should pair this with adding the real minimum CR for things, raids at least. Back in FoS days, you had novice which almost any 50 could beat, but then you had exp at 53 which was hell, you needed at least 56+ to even get to the last boss, and even then you couldn't beat it. Now people say new raids are always easy, but hey we've been through 4 tiers of raids, eventually it was going to get easy.
  20. rival exe New Player

    Wrong wrong and all wrong. I know my limitations and what I can do. I know this because I've played the game from T1-T6 and I've played T6 raids in 90 gear and still managed to be on top and have the least amount of deaths. Survivability is only a problem if you don't know what you're doing. e.g if you're trying to melee bosses, if you don't block when necessary, if you're grabbing as much aggro as you can, etc. That's just playing foolishly. Standing behind the group and using range attacks won't get me killed. You don't know what I'm capable of because you don't play like I do and you don't play on my account. Just because you can't make due with minimum requirements doesn't mean we are the same. Also no you DON'T need to know my CR and if you think you do, not only are you wrong but I don't want to waste my time playing in your group.
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