If so many players hate the census apps...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RSL, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Really? Nothing wrong with it?
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  2. JSnaples Committed Player

    It's taught me who is good and who isn't
  3. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Before the app, I knew who was good and who wasn't. After the app, I still know using the same method: I run with people and reach a conclusion through whether the groups succeed and the instances went smoothly.

    Not sure why you needed census data to figure that out...
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  4. winter13 New Player

    The app taught you what exactly?? The app gives you numbers, that is all. It has nothing to do with how well someone plays. Cr and skill points do not equate to skill.
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  5. winter13 New Player

    This same tired argument in defense of the app has been stated over and over again, and just simply isn't true. I'm 108 cr and have 172 skill points, and I don't want my toons names in the app.
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  6. strikesback New Player

    Lol for when people use that low SP and high cr in their post about this. It's not true. People on the developer discussions and many other threads have cr 100 and SP 100+ don't even want their stats being shared so I don't even understand why this is still being said lmao.
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  7. strikesback New Player

    High cr and high sp doesn't always make someone a good player.
  8. RSL New Player

    numbers have SOMEthing to do with how well you fare in instances though. this is a reactionary quote. more of the "less is better than more" mentality that people get so twisted. more is better than less. in anything. if you have more health, you will survive longer. if you have more might/precision, you will hit harder. putting our heads in the sand and pretending stats are completely irrelevant isn't the answer.

    they're not the ONLY factor though. and there's many reasons a player might have fewer SP than expected. but the group has as much a "right" to determine if/why/how they want to play as much as it is the low SP player [who btw seems incapable of forming his own groups of players who don't care about SP and won't kick him. cause that's right, right? if you shouted to form a group clearly stating "no SP requirements", all of you should be able to complete the run without a kick or without a hitch, right? SP/gear don't matter, right?
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  9. RSL New Player

    it rarely makes them a worse player. a statement doesn't prove its converse.
  10. winter13 New Player

    I was in a Lockdown raid group last night and the leader was looking for one last DPS. He says "107CR and 85 sp...hell no". I asked if he was using the app, and he said yes. He picked up someone else. I put out 2 million more damage than the next closest DPS.

    The almighty app...working as intended
  11. RSL New Player

    i don't understand. is that you? were you replaced? how would you know the results of the raid? if not, it's not a problem because you were not kicked. period. also... haven't you claimed to have more than 100 sp??? this post smells fishy. mebbe just early morning, pre-coffee post. ;)
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  12. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I believe he was saying the player with high SP who replaced the 85 SP player was not that good. That's how I took it, anyway.
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  13. Mister Brees New Player

    The guy made the group, he can pick who he wants. Why is that such a hard concept to understand? What's stopping the other guy from making a group? Why should anybody be forced to play with people who they don't consider to have enough of something?
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  14. RSL New Player

    that's the entirety of the problem. the low SP players don't want to form groups, don't want to get feats, only want to come along, never-trying [remember one of their favorite insults is calling people "try hards"]. the simple solution is for these players to start forming groups, clearly stating they have no care about the gear and SP of others. this would get a group in an instant!!!!! but they understand what kind of group this would be... and instead complain about their "right" to play trumping someone who bothered forming a group's "right" to have the group he/she prefers.
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  15. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    It's silly to exclude people based on stats without at least running with a player to see if those stats matter. Yes, stats matter to an extent regardless, but some players more than make up for missing SP. I have a league-mate who has 120+ SP on his main, but he only has 90 SP on the alt he's been running on in tier 6. He still consistently does better than players who are similarly geared but have more SP than his 90. If he was removed from the instance purely based on SP, my tank would follow.

    I'd rather not be stuck with people I don't know who probably have higher SP but don't know how to maximize their roles. I'd rather play with people I know and am confident in their abilities than base my group forming purely on how many SP they have.

    I've seen many players with similar SP to me running damage role who had a lot more might and precision, which indicates they maximized those stats at the expense of the critical damage and percentages. Not everyone with high SP knows how to make the most out of their characters. I've met a few who were amazing due to their high SP, but most are only above average.

    In conclusion: I'll take amazing players who maximize their roles over above average players who allocate their SP incorrectly any day.
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  16. Mister Brees New Player

    That's your prerogative and that's the point. I'm not saying that people should exclude but they can if they want to because it's their group.

    If someone doesn't want my alt in their group, I'm cool with it. I probably wouldn't want to run with them anyway. Since they got rid of walk ins, on the off chance I would pug I will only join up with someone who doesn't shout requirements. My choice.
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  17. Radiohead New Player

    almost as "tired" as the privacy argument from the Anti-appers.. You do realize this is NOT real life or nah?
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  18. Radiohead New Player

  19. Radiohead New Player

    absolutely irrelevant. what exactly does this "example" prove other than you outdamaged a pug?
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  20. winter13 New Player

    ^^Seth is correct.