If so many players hate the census apps...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RSL, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    Well truth be told for many a year alot of people (myself included) have always wanted a option to check other people's cr and now we have it. Perhaps this was dcs brass coming out with a way of giving people this knowledge without actually directly putting in the game idk, it's or bed now so get comfortable
  2. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Ya shoulda made I vid, I woulda loved to have watched that one. I woulda gotten popcorn out and everything.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    sadly i did, forgot a day later when i deleted all my saved videos
  4. kawe Loyal Player

    What about those, that don't give a flick for CR/SP/stats showing... but for other things like full list of league members, Ranks, played hours and so on. Things that have nada to do with a group being successful?

    There is no in-game use for these stats but snooping, and it's the snooping that makes me dislike the census stuff.
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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    he was a elitist just not kick happy and just getting his kicks teasing everyone. I still had fun laughing my aqss off in there listening to him complain how were all bad n whatnot lol
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  6. FEARtheSPUR Well-Known Player

    This info is coming in game. You wont even need an app...

    So get your cr/sp up! Then you have nothing to worry about....
  7. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Maybe I'll go kick Sore in the knee. I wanna counter on each character that counts how many times your character gets looked up. Then when you all realize how little it happens (or not at all) you'll just stop caring about this foolishness.
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  8. kawe Loyal Player

    Thanks for this unbelievable amount of kindness Sir.

    From what I can see the pro side clearly is the one who leads with the mean spirit.
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  9. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I'm being diplomatic.
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  10. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Actually I'm serious. I dont mean you disrespect. I really mean, maybe there should be a counter.
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  11. chubbychase New Player

    I'd love that. So far more people (who have explicitly revealed themselves in doing so) looked me up than I expected. A lot of sites that feature member/player profile pages have these counters, that'd actually be something I'd be for. This basically shows a character profile page, so I don't see why not have it. Something for 100 or 50 most looked up could even be added as a fun factor--it's certainly a lot less harmless/negative than the once intended 100 most ignored. It could say something like "100 Most Popular" and have a small disclaimer somewhere as to what popular means (look-ups).
  12. kawe Loyal Player

    I know...
    It's hard to stay neutral on this topic for me. I dislike the census data. Yet I'm totally ok with like half the stuff it brings. Most statistics it can tell us are really cool to know. But that ppl belittle others emotions, experience or concerns about certain parts of this information bothers me. Specially if half the comments are "work on your SP/CR".

    That so many ppl are against the census should be a sign for them to work together and find a solution, instead of fighting.

    My apologies then. I did read some mean undertone in it.

    Actually... I think I'd be very ok with that. Show who checked out whom or what. Could be a way to find ppl that are interested in joining, and those who aren't an keep checking and checking... we then know who has some strange sense of excitement or satisfaction checking us out. lol
    Same goes for the ignore list counter or kick counter. If league ranks are something ppl want in that census app, then we should deffo get that too. ;)
    Maybe add name changes too. ...but then again, some change names to get rid of old mistakes. (even tho this only helps to a certain degree)
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  13. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    People need to know who manages DC INFINITE Pen ^^

    Remember the app is a tool, just depends on who's hands it falls on... I think theres an over-exaggeration tbh
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  14. Sorwen Well-Known Player

    It is called PUG for a reason.
  15. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Hate to be the one to point this out, but 157, 157, 156, and 154 do not exempt you from people looking you up (just did so). It also does not exempt some from excluding you for not having 160+ SP. Whatever value you have that does not reach the maximum, people can still choose to use the app to their own gains. Thankfully, I have not seen it abused in some time, so I do not currently have any problems with the census data being available.
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  16. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Still doesn't have what I really want: displayed style list. One of the drawbacks to pugging is that if you see a cool style you often don't have time to ask the other person about the style before he/she leaves an instance.

    OP's point is silly: he asks to prove a negative. There's no way for a person to prove that they don't use the app. So this whole "protest" thing would fall apart in five minutes or less.

    And pardon me if I don't trust a playerbase that has players that refuse to take 30 seconds to fight some adds and instead spend five minutes berating the other player for not being able to fly over them. I really should have left those tools hanging but the alert was going well for the rest of it.
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  17. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    I'm not so sure they would go with that. Supplying stats on kicks doesnt sound like it would have a positive impact on the report and I think they ruled out the ignore list. Mine would basically show a huge list of names like "ssghfff21" .... gold sellers.

    PS the negative part you noticed? that wasnt focused on you. I feel a lot of people are being a bit paranoid over their "Toons" stats like birthday? I found mine curious to see how far I've taken it in what period of time. Hours played. I divided mine and I think I came up with 3 hours a day every day. I dont sit and idle. I sat there thinking of all the things I could accomplish with 3 hours a day....depressing.
  18. kawe Loyal Player

    Haha so they can know whom to send tells to, when one of his members displayed his rich skills?
    (for those who don't know, DC Infi is the EUPS' Black Armada.)
    You have weird hobbies. Then again, not much else to do atm in DCUO. :p
  19. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    I don't experience many people ever referring to this app. Where is all the hype about it coming from? I pug for fun during the week and have no issues finding any groups
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  20. winter13 New Player

    I have 171 skill points, and I'll run with anyone. Oh by the way, I want my toon names removed from the app as well.
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