Sorry, but we aren't looking for a solo healer

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MCAZR, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Ran A&B last night. Sorcery healer did not feel comfortable solo healing and we ended up with a Celestial healer who was essentially our fourth DPS. That was part of the point of Celestial.

    I don't understand the statement that a second healer cuts into the power supply of another healer. You each get your own PoT tick. I've solo healed before and had very little time to work on my own power regen. People yell at DPS for not using weapons, right? I feel 2 healers are more power efficient and take less power from DPS. Power dumps go to the 3 most fatigued members which doesn't guarantee a solo healer receives all power dumps.
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  2. FEARtheSPUR Well-Known Player

    Sure if you are over geared and dont mind wiping if you go down at the wrong time.

    The biggest problem with solo healing is the 1 shots in high end raids. If you go down then most of the time its a wipe. Until they make it so you can stop the one shots or can heal through it. You still need 2 healers or you are rolling the dice. Some people are okay with this. I rather take a couple extra mins to finished a raid and it go a lot smoother.

    Nature and sorcery is the master combo for healing IMO. I love going into a raid with a nature healer. He keep everyone top off and we double HoT on the tank. Also i can top off the tank when he drops below 90% so the nature healer doesnt have to wait for heavier damage because they dont want to remove their group HoT. Most of the time i can catch the group spike damage so quick the nature healers doesnt even have to use Blossom that much in the raid.
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  3. Iron YoJimBo New Player

    Nature healers RULE for me to run with, almost as much as fire tanks.
  4. Rasta Committed Player

    If you have a dependable healer I don't see the need for a second one. Thats more power going to the DPS and possibly finishing the instance quicker

    Thats just my stance on it
  5. Errorcode1058 New Player

    On USPS villian side there is a huge shortage of healers. This came about with the launch of celestial power set where every healer bought a power change token and fell in love with Dps ing. Put together a group for anything, and it is the search for a healer which slows the process down.

    The assumption that everyone can should solo heal and/or solo troll is ruining the game b/c there are less role players and more a world where ********* insist on talking up the importance of the almighty 'burn.'

    Raids take a while. Find people (especially healers and trolls you like BSing with). Shaving 10 minutes off of Nexus or Wave is not worth putting up with the moron whose vocabulary does not go past repeating the word 'burn' over and over again.

    Have 2 heals. Have 2 trolls. Tanks are a luxury in T1-4, but if no one is learning to tank because everyone loves burn...don't be surprised if there are no tanks around for T5. Let the 'I only solo' guy go have fun in his nongrouped solo chat/pug lobby...and don't ever let a Dps convince you of the need to sacrifice a role player for more burn.
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  6. Badname654 New Player

    Haha ya gotta just laugh at some people. I hate people like that. Players like that usually spend entire instances kissing their own ***. Just going on and on about themselves like one person in that group is going to give a funk.
  7. Baryon Boy New Player

    This is the great thing about having two healers: they can both use the core damage mod and mod their gear for precision and be beating the crap out of stuff WHILE healing. :D
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  8. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    yeah. for that case i switch my healing sc for WoP...
    but as a sorc its ok to do this sometimes... ^^
  9. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    good point. thats why i like the classic raid setup (ok, 1 tank is enough).
    i play to enjoy this game.
    i play a superhero mmo.
    i don't feel that "super" when the group goes down every 5 minutes, even if it is a little faster.
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  10. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Its just dual healing is being pushed out, and solo healing is now becoming the norm to where eventually some of these healers will start going for dps gear first then healer gear when new gear comes out. Just hoping we dont become as rare as tanks.
  11. TheBirdOfSteel Committed Player

    After playing heal for the last 2 years and loving it , ive been completely put off playing my healer and gone back to my alt.

    I cant stand solo healing , not because its difficult but because it sucks the enjoyment from the content and if any of your team do even the slightest mistake it can cause a wipe due to domino effect.

    Also too many of these DPS just drain the trollers like the solo heal dont need power :rolleyes:
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  12. EPICQ New Player

    Wait, what's this? you invited me to a raid group with three DPS? Sorry I only solo DPS.


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  13. shadwfyre New Player

    If you have dependable dps you don't need any more. That's more power to EVERYONE & finishing the instance with more fun & less stress.
    That's just my stance on it
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  14. Baryon Boy New Player

    "Sorry, you can't come on this raid as a DPS. We only run with roles."
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  15. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    Players need to take a stand and go against the current. Sorry but as a Controller if I see one healer in a Raid I sign up for then I will leave. Not everyone in the community supports this Im sure. Its all in the head of players. Heck, I don't see anything wrong with two Tanks in a Raid and have ran successful Raids with them.
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  16. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    ^^ but it can get slow (and funny) - one time i qued into op1 and the setup was 1 dps, 2 trolls, 2 healer and 3 tanks.
    it took forever but everyone had fun talking bs and enjoying their role.
    i don't need this every raid, but once in a while...
  17. CerberusT Well-Known Player

    I solo heal constantly. My league is severely lacking in the healer role. When we do a league run, generally I run as a solo healer because the other healers aren't available. Mind you, I do not mind having a second healer at all, but it just so happens that I do solo heal every T5 raid almost every week.

    Sometimes I prefer a heal buddy, so that I don't have to go so hard. Other times, I prefer the extra burn with an additional DPS or more power with an additional Troll. Group composition doesn't bother me as long as the content gets done and everyone in the league gets their raids done.
  18. J Zmooth New Player

    Solo healing is easy and fun if you have a good troll. Having two healers makes it even easier and somehow turns it into a competition lol .
  19. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Yeah if the healer goes down you're screwed. But a good solo healer won't allow this to happen. I keep a constant eye on the tank and when I see Hank breaking out its shield and block time.
  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    read le siggy