Why no rewards for losing PVP matches is bad

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Circe, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Remander Steadfast Player

    It's not all about the gear. The gear stats are much closer now between tiers. It's more about skill now. That was the main point of the update. If you keep losing, your ranking will adjust and you'll face players more your skill level. Then, you should start winning.
  2. Remander Steadfast Player

    I've never been in a Legends or Arena match that lasted more than 10-15 minutes. Sure, you can steamroll low end raids and alerts relatively quickly if you're overgeared, but you have to work through them to get overgeared.
  3. retched Well-Known Player

    Legends I can kind of see. Arena... I literally either went to time or it went 0-"Oh god" in a matter of 5 minutes.
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  4. Skyfall New Player

    1. Win.
    2. Try hard, and get a pre-made. No one is making you solo que.
    3. Close but no cigar, and get a pre-made. Mild satisfaction in almost winning.
    4. Gotta learn somehow, group with people to learn.......... in a pre-made.
  5. Dump Truck New Player

    Ignore Circe, he QQ's anything that is not given to him for free.
  6. Killua19 New Player

    Usually i´m really harsh on the whole " give us something" stuff..

    But yeah i totally agree here. You should at least get something even if you loose. Just take it from a pure objective standpoint: You going into pvp and everything is really exciting. You are basicly just 1 hit away from winning or loosing. And then you loose. And despite putting effort into it, fighting like a maniac. You are left with nothing. I dont say get 2 marks or something. But i actually thought the old: Loose and only get 1 mark system was fair. Hey if you really want to make a diffrence just rise the amount of marks you get for winning. ^^

    This even more applies to 1vs1:

    Imagne you playing pvp as a new guy and you que 1vs1

    Other guy got t5 you got nothing...and then he rolls over you. Basicly you got no chance of winning and you get nothing for it :/ And this will happen a lot in the next few monhts. I´m actually pretty sure DC will rethink that decission...But hey maybe its just the usual "OMG EVERYHTING IS DIFFRENT" Feeling we got right now and in the end its not that bad :)
  7. Kristyana New Player

    The reward you get for losing is a drop in the ranking system which will put you against weaker players and give you a better chance of winning.
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  8. thenewkidd New Player

    Yes and No..

    Those that never win and cannot get better gear and never get marks (or even new players that want to star PVP but are late in the season) will "fade out".

    Those that don't work during the day and have ALL DAY to play the game to grind for marks and WIN (and practically never lose) will continue to PVP.

    So it's pretty much the same as before...
    The winners will get marks and continue to play and those that lose all the time will have to do PVE.. which saddens me as I really DO enjoy PVP.. and their are a million (sarcasm for a lot) of Feat points in PVP and one can really rack up the SP if you can do both PVP and PVE.
  9. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Farm for hours so you can farm something...yeah F that.
  10. Kristyana New Player

    If it takes you hours of losing to finally get a weak opponent that you can beat through the matchmaking system, then you need to increase your skill.
  11. retched Well-Known Player

    That's not much a reward but a penalty and slam. That's like saying you hit the very bottom of the "ranking list" and you're 100% guaranteed to win because there is no one else lower than you?
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  12. Kristyana New Player

    As someone who would would avoid Arenas for the most part because I would run into nothing but full Checkmate T4 modded premades and get destroyed to where we couldn't even get a single kill, no, I don't see it as a penalty.

    The matchmaking system should make sure that every match you get into, you should have a chance of winning. Players that can faceroll you will move up in the rankings while you will sink lower, so you won't face them. If there were no matchmaking system or players ranked higher got more rewards, then I would see this as a bad thing.
  13. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    My only issue is trying to get low enough that I stop ending up facing almost only Premades.

    So please keep your skill comments to yourself, this isn't about me it's the system

    How many losses do I need to stop being queued against Familiglad/Cry For Blood/most legendaryblahblah/etc premades? At what point can I enjoy pug vs pug again? When do I get to have fun pvping?
  14. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    And the bolded is absolutly not happening. Random PUG vs premade, i could count the times the pug wins on one hand.
  15. Kristyana New Player

    If the system is queuing you up together premades and you're pugging, then the individual players on your team are equal in their potential to the premade. Thus, the reason why the premade wins is through things like better coordination or skill, NOT gear.

    I don't see how that's a developer problem. The only way I think the developers could handle this would be to make it so actual PVP groups faced other actual PVP groups, but I have no idea what that would do to queue times.
  16. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Gear isn't taken into account in the ranked system as per devs saying so. So the people on my team have a similar win/loss ratio regardless of gear level.

    So i don't get what your point is, apparently I'm within the top of the top's range because the best pvpers I know are all I seem to face. Apparently the only way to get out of that is to spend hours losing.

    That's ********.

    Whateve ranking I am means you get smashed by premades, sorry but that's a developer problem, outside of spending hours losing to sandbag my ranking (circumventing the system) I'm stuck playing nearly unwinnable fights 90% of the time. Please, join a pug and fight a familiglad premade or really any premade and post again how things were fair.

    Where can I reset my ranking to start fresh so I can just balance wins/losses to never get stuck like this again?
  17. retched Well-Known Player

    I think what ends up happening, and this is theory, is this:

    - A large amount of PUG groups buy the T1 gear. Enter the Solo queue.
    - Fam/Cry/EndOf/etc. by the %1 gear, enter solo queue.

    - The pro premade wins... that team gets discouraged stops queing. (Less in PUG based teams)

    Repeat this ad nauseum to the point where there aren't that many open teams available to put against the PUG. Then, you queue up and ONCE AGAIN face the same pre-made you faced earlier.

    It's not so much that you can keep farming losses, the problem is at some point, the only rational thing to put you up against is the premade because they're the only ones in abundance in the queue. Even if you break that premade up... you're still likely to see them group in some way. Or even (and this is a SMALL possiblity), you may end up with Fami on your side and Fami on the other. Although with that set up... you know the match is going to be really between the pro-leagues and you're sitting as a spectator. (Someone let me know if this even happened. I know the league I was hanging out with in Vent managed to fight each other twice. We won one, and they took the other)
  18. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    I like this! Marks of Mediocrity it is!
  19. Madholm New Player

    When they ninja'd in ELO matchmaking the rules were tight enough that people running Premade groups every time they PVP'd ended up with ranks higher than anyone solo queuing could achieve. They promptly came to the forums and complained about wait times and SOE caved and relaxed the matchmaking rules. Based purely on ranking the people who run premade teams would end up fighting only each other. That's how ELO matchmaking 'should' work, but it's not currently.
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  20. retched Well-Known Player

    This. I think that the Devs caved to the elite minority for this although I can see why. They want everyone to have a chance to play and have fun. But I don't think they're realizing it from the non-premade end of the spectrum.