Why no rewards for losing PVP matches is bad

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Circe, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Circe New Player

    1) You might have a LONG losing streak. You'd then end up with nothing for all that time and effort put into it.

    2) Groups that are not premade really suffer here. It's hard to win a match with a group full of newer players. This hurts the many of us who enjoy to queue into instances solo.

    3) The score could be REALLY close, and you could do really well but end up with nothing even after putting a ton of work in.

    4) This is HORRIBLE for beginners. They won't be able to earn the marks this way and may get discouraged.
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  2. Old Gravyleg New Player

    I agree that it's a bad idea. The population on this game isn't exactly flourishing, and I feel like this decision will cause us to lose more players than we gain. Combine this with the new "map rotations" where you can only queue for 5 maps on any given day, and I think we'll have much less people pvping than we had before.

    I really don't understand what the devs are thinking half of the time. It's like they sit around a table and think of ways to make more people give up on the game.
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  3. Sir Volt New Player

    YES AWARD ALL LOSERS STUFF .... we dont wanna make anyone feel bad after all
  4. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Why should you be awarded anything for losing? It's like being payed for not showing up to a job :rolleyes:. You do get marks AND influence for losing, just not Marks of Strategy.
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  5. Old Gravyleg New Player

    After game update 25, influence won't exist, and you'll receive nothing for a loss.
  6. Circe New Player

    Game Update 25:

  7. thelostczarnian New Player

    should you be rewarded half marks for not completing prime? you feel you need a reward to stand there and hang out at the pvp spawn? maybe they can give you marks of mediocrity.
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  8. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Why is that an issue when the playing field will be pretty much leveled, gear-wise? If anything, it was probably reworked this way because of the complaints of people joining teams, and essentially just running around doing nothing until the time runs out or til they lose for MoT, MoL, and Influence. With it this way, if you have no intention of actually fighting/trying then you have no incentive to even bother que'ing. No one team will win everything so just because you lose doesn't mean it's a waste of time. You get better by playing better opponents.
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  9. Francesca Lima New Player

    Really simple, they have players that are friends and listen to them. The outcome is the game will end up closing because they care more about the crying then the people that actually pay.
  10. Yallander Loyal Player

    ^This is exactly why I'd assume it was changed. No more losing your way into gear. The ranked matchmaking is set around a 50% win/loss ratio and "should" ensure that players are able to win a few matches each day. Beyond that--just get better at PVP. Once Arranged Matchmaking is available I'll be holding a PVP YMCA regularly to help new players improve.
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  11. Old Gravyleg New Player

    With this system, you have no incentive to even try. If a team is behind on points in the first two minutes, they're better off quitting and queuing again in hopes of getting a better match. This new system will do nothing but hurt the player base.

    You want more people trying in pvp? Remove immunities and fix the combat timings. Changing the reward system is a bad idea.
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  12. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    That logic is so full of fail It hurts my brain. You'd be surprised how many matches have had some amazing comebacks or turnarounds simply because the losing team didn't give up or the winning team got cocky. If you evaulate your own ablility with each loss, you'll get better eventually. No one started the game off with top level knowledge and skill in PvP and I'm pretty sure some of the best playing now were either here a very long time and understand their powers, played some serious PvP to get better, or were trained/taught by someone that was one of the first two types of PvP'ers.

    As Yallander said, they're also bringing in a new matchmaking system so you'll likely only run into people that have the same gear as you instead of facing teams of Full T4 players when you are just starting out with T1. I believe that drove more players away from PvP than the lack of rewards ever would.
  13. Circe New Player

    I never just stand there, and I have never once seen anyone just stand there in PVP.

    I work my hardest in every match, I should be rewarded win or lose.
  14. Circe New Player

    I've never seen anyone run around and do nothing. In every PVP match I've been in, everyone has tried their hardest.

    It is a waste of my time to try my absolute hardest in a match just to fail and end up with nothing in the end.
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  15. Delta795 New Player

    No you shouldn't...
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  16. thelostczarnian New Player

    how about having a competitive spirit. people will try because they have a chance to win. anyone not competitive enough to try doesnt belong in pvp in the first place. so not really a loss imo. you have to win to get marks of stragety yet there are tons of t4 geared players out there. how do you explain that?
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  17. Francesca Lima New Player

    Something they do need to do, is when people leave just give it a win to the team that stayed. Get sick of coming into parties like that, I didn't even realize a full group could be replaced by another group til last week. A party I made with friends we got sent into a pvp arena 900 to 0.
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  18. Old Gravyleg New Player

    Your talking about personal experiences and I'm talking about human psychology. People won't stick around to take a loss when there is no incentive to do so. I'm not going to write a dissertation in this topic, but time will prove that what I've previously stated is true, and we'll watch the game slowly bleed players until there are none left.
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  19. thelostczarnian New Player

    then you have either done nothing but premades or have never done pvp. everyday some pug i get teamed up with either quits or stands by the spawn or just runs around batcave or inner doing nothing. as it is now wins are all that matters(because t4 is all that matters) so i dont see any difference
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  20. Circe New Player

    Than DCUO just lost yet another PVP player.
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