Trial of Three

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by NeverPayForLag, Dec 15, 2018.

  1. NeverPayForLag Augur

    I got ported out after about 30s while reading and looking at the mobs. Perhaps you mean after the first fight? I have in mind that the first time I tried that and got kicked. But I never dared to do it again because killing one mobs happened not regularly. But I got kicked so often, that I would not rely on myself again. If somebody would like to check that - they patched or they wanted to patch something. Heard in general chat that Wednesday should be a patchday to correct some of these issues.

    My personal strat for that is now simply
    - get the bugfree TBL spells or correct the bugs (done)
    - boost all AA up (in progress)
    - get better weapons and defensive (TBL named, PoWar items, EoK/RoS upgrades, EoK ancients)
    - get more HP for the AEs to survive the stun moments (in progress, transfer to hSta after AA are maxed)

    So I did all progression stuff in Stratos. Got some easier TBL named (T1) down meanwhile and boosting the tank. It seems I am on the edge of what is needed for it. Got them once with the usual Cactiicii-Setup to 5% (last mob).

    AA for casters get about 4% boost each spell line for 200 AA (half are done).
    Tank gets some AA for boosting AC at about 1000 and some HP (half are done).

    So for people who struggle then this are some ideas at moment.
    Meanwhile two named have been killed and Fight Fire is routine.
    Farming now T1 gear and AA to get Tank/DPS maxed so that there is a better Chance for getting through the Trials.

    The gear in TBL (T2, T3) is beyond anything but because there are only a couple of zones, the devs added difficulty at the percentage of the gear (assumption). That means that the first zone seems to be meant to get the character to the top. Strange though, because being maxed with AA means that the progression AAs I earn, are pretty wasted then. But people who have no problem with the RoS missions are surely slipping through. And if somebody has TBL T3 group gear then Stratos will be surely no real challenge anymore - but that too is only my assumption at moment.

    I am sure that the most important thing are a bit more DPS and a bit more HP to survive the AE/Stun-Spikes and this Trial is done. To try it further with suboptimal toons is a waste of time. It is only a very fine line which needs to be crossed and most who have done the more difficult zones (e.g. PoWar and the Dodge Aug3) or had the chance to make something like the Challenger Achievements, TBM Dichos beyond Dicho3, or the progression goodies beyond the usual mercenary/partisan goodies (RoS Missions and special mobs) have a good deal more chance to slip through these missions or even have no problems. I missed these things because they were much too hard in the times they came out.
    Pirlo and Tucoh like this.
  2. Took2summmit Elder

    I believe you can win, keep trying! I noticed the heart mob that casts the fire dot is by far the hardest mob. Make sure you save burns for him. It would be extremely helpful to know if after the first mob you can med to full for the subsequent ones, which based on the achievement I got it sounds like you may be able to. When I beat it with my paladin as the healer the main issue we had was I was running oom by the final mob. It would have been wonderful to med up.

    Would you mind telling me which nameds you are farming in T1, and where they are located? Would love to do that a bit myself..
  3. atchoom Lorekeeper


    when getting that emote , I am checking what weapon they are wielding but can't figure which npc it can be , but I can't find the good one , and clue on what to look for the *weapon matches mob * ? and ty.
  4. Axxius Augur

    Fire mob with a flaming sword, Stone mob with a crystal sword, Water mob with... I've never seen this on the Water mob, probably doesn't apply to it.
  5. Daedly Augur

    So, i think i might work on this one tonight.
    For the clues, do all group members get the same clues? So you only need to know the first and last mob, do you only get two clues then?
  6. NeverPayForLag Augur

    so whatever they changed, in this trial i see no difference.

    The mobs hit as hard as ever, the AEs are as cruel as ever.

    I nearly came through once but the Tank mysteriously got kicked and the rest of the crew was still fighting and going down one after the other.

    And confirmation: you don't have any time between the fights or they get "bored" and you get kicked.

    Bad luck? Or anybody else has that feeling?
    Did they made the trash and some named easier but the Trials or Missions have still old strength?

    Tried twice.. giving up again at moment and maxing AA.
  7. Orbital101 Augur

    You got 1 min from triger and in between each kill... dont have text availble for my gina for a few more days... the first min is plenty of time to get your kill order
    Gundolin likes this.
  8. NeverPayForLag Augur

    Did you stop that? I estimate about 30s. And it is not plenty of time. If you make an action game and play counterstrike, then perhaps yes. EQ shouldn't be a "jump and run"-game...

    Running into every circle invis and check that stupid riddle needs time and it is only a race game...
    Mintalie likes this.
  9. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    good lord, don't run into every one, stand in the middle of the 3 way and just turn around nd look
    Khat_Nip likes this.
  10. atchoom Lorekeeper

    I tried with a friend , we had both a mage pet , after entering the room, we sent pet but boss attacked players instead. and never attacked pet and killed us , is it intended that boss there are ignoring pets? and i am sure pet was in room and beside the boss.

    weplay casters and don't have a real tank , are we penalized because we are using pets?
    Pirlo likes this.
  11. Took2summmit Elder

    Nvm. Misread your post
  12. Khat_Nip Meow

    Lolzies, Elyssanda. I had to like your post both because it's true and it cracked me up.
    Elyssanda likes this.
  13. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    Thank you Khatt. Nice to know I amuse someone other than myself some days.
  14. NeverPayForLag Augur

    yes, I don't need for the most but the one with the front, back, middle - I have no clue how you can recognize it - I have to run into that to see it. :(
    For me it is simply too fast. And when one is coming were I am not sure (this elemental thing) then I read the spoiler and then booom... kicked... not my kind of part of the game somehow... :confused:
    and translating english text needs also time. I am still not thinking in english. So I stumble every time hasty over some words :oops: - not good for an instant decision under stress... and that is this part of the game for me... stress...
  15. bigpapa Augur

    it is pretty easy to make a gina trigger for trial of three with what arbital101 posted on # 26 reply.
    most ( if not all ) the search text are there. and that's help a lot imo , to have a gina for that one.

    on the text setting / display text you can write whatever you want and you would see the text you typed on your screen
    NeverPayForLag likes this.
  16. NeverPayForLag Augur

    interesting.. I thought that Gina only makes sounds, didn't knew that text feature... I never used that to avoid too much sounds - like the particles - distracting from the game - too much movement - so I disabled them to find the mouse pointer - that thing sometimes disappears under Windows 10.
    But sometimes these 3rd party tools seem necessary, sadly... :(
  17. NeverPayForLag Augur

    Wow.. this tool evolved... saw it many years ago and found it too much hazzle. And the sound was horrible. But now it seems there is a reason to switch from Win7 to Win10. The Win7-Sound "Microsoft Anna" is like talking to a robot. The Win10-Sound "Microsoft Hedda" is the first voice I here that has a nearly normal and not annoying sound.

    Thanks for that one.

    I wonder if Win10-speech can transfered to Win7...
  18. NeverPayForLag Augur

    GINA Addon for everybody who didn't discovered that:

    Microsoft Text to Speech

    There you find for your country the perfect Text to Speech pronounciation. In Windows 7 I always had the urge to vomit with that cruel speech stuff - but e.g. with "hedda" the text appear clear and nice even under Windows 7.

    I start to like it...
    Mintalie likes this.
  19. took2summit11 Augur

    I did trial of the three again last night, with a worse group this time and me boxing my necro. My necro died several times mid battle, I am still not exactly sure how the AEs work, is there some DD component as well? Wasn’t paying enough attention, but sometimes my necro would drop to 30-40% hp, and other times he would die before I even knew what happened. Anyways confirmed, 140k fully buffed hp character is very tough to keep alive during this fight. We beat it second try. First try got last mob down to 11% and SK died. Second try was pretty smooth.

    Did they tune it in the most recent patch? It does seem easier. The first time I did it my paladin was completely OOM by the end from group healing. This time, our healer merc died on the very first mob and we tanked the mob with doing no damage to it for over a minute with it at 5% to wait on merc timer. Finished the fight with pal at ~40% mana or so. We had a necro (mine) that was close to useless, a rogue that in the last minute of the fight we realized was wearing a shield, which we think he was using it to protect himself from AE damage? A well geared SK and another rogue, and my paladin. The SK and rogue basically duo’ed it while my paladin threw some group heals.
  20. Whulfgar Augur

    Are you trying to box this ? Is that set up a box set up ?