Give me a reason Too Farm Feats!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lord Jareth, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    CrazyArt Brown,

    Scoreboards are horrible for the simple fact that it does not show what other things a player may do during an instance. For instance, players may focus on mechanics moreso than damage, damage will come for the group, but block, lunging, grabbing and placing objects, pick-ups are all missed and not taken into consideration.

    I ran with a league mate who has 200+ SP and he usually tops the charts when I run with him. I tanked lab and he was a DPS. He was not first, but from what I could tell he focused on the instance mechanics. Thanks to his efforts, we completed the content. If he did not do that, we would not complete the content as other players were focusing on damage when it was not needed.

    You would figure a group of 124+ players would know the mechancis of LAB. I mean it pretty easy to stop attacking and grab some blocks...But it ended up being 1 player doing all block, etc... no player went into their off role in the color so we had to kill all the adds.....

    Players need to stop attacking sometimes and work on the instance mechanics....We would see that if scoreboard was removed, instead you have players focus on their damage out and not the mechanics...Scoreboard needs to go.

    If you wanna improve your own personal damage out, go to the sparring target. That is the best personal indicator of improving rotations. As for balancing, the sparring targets mean jack crap.

    I would like the scoreboard removed for one week or even 2 weeks since it feels like we have less players.

    Now with that said, I hope the following data is collected prior to this change...

    T7 Alert and Raids
    Number of instance disbanded:
    Number of kicks conducted:
    Number of instance completed:

    Than compare the prior 2 weeks to the 2 weeks without a scoreboard. I bet all of the stats will be better and show that players work better together when there is no golden apple to chase other than completing content.

    Journey is a great game where players help each other, simply because it is a good feeling seeing someone completing something.
  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Well at least now you get exobits for old content while you are feat hunting. But sp are still useless past 77.
  3. Veritech Loyal Player

    Scoreboard chasing in Lab says more about the dingbats you're running with rather than the scoreboard itself. Using that as an example doesn't help your debate, nor is it on topic to the thread.
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  4. Helderman Dedicated Player

    I only plan to get feats enough to unlock all my weapon masteries.
  5. grendel007 Well-Known Player

    I can see their problem in a lot of ways. The AMs work so different it has to be difficult. How do you balance a burst AM with a DoT? I'm sure someone has a good idea for this though
  6. grendel007 Well-Known Player

    I agree. I play for fun and sometimes it is fun to try for feats. Especially in a group
  7. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Weapon mastery Ain't even needed now. The might and precision point aren't worth it, Like Derio said Sp Are still useless after you get all the crits They help a little, but i still think they should help alot more then they do.
  8. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    What i think most People are not Understanding is, When the devs upgrade you're power or buff them Most people who have 200Sp are those powers that got buff. Go have those Sp And be a power that hasn't been buff, You will see People can pass you with ease :D
  9. DCUO ENTHUSIAST Dedicated Player

    I give you the reason why I farm feats...Because for me, it's fun. And I enjoy farming with friends and aquaintances...If that doesn't seem to fit your criteria, then "these aren't the droids you're looking for...."
    • Like x 1
  10. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    you just went all obi-wan kenobi on me :eek:. but i do like too enjoy getting feats but i wish we get more stats out of it
  11. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Titles are an awesome addition to encourage people too feat farm, it'll be nice if there were a few more things in the future.

    People shouldn't be forced to get SP, but my PoV is a good player is determined by his SP most of the time. It's not hard to get to 120sp+ now, so don't be lazy.
  12. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    again you should really Read more then just the name of the thread.
  13. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    The Force is strong with this one!.......(But let's see Luke Skywalker fly a Tardis! :))
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    well when i see the feat farming argument is "they make you stronger" which is ok...but people dont seem to understand they need to be fun to give incentive. Raid feats are feats people like doing as its engaging and holds attention. Collecting, crafting, kill x anount of disposable enemies isnt fun its boring and mindless
  15. DulcesS Well-Known Player

    Right now sp are meaningless.
  16. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I run into enough dps in game who try and justify not having alot of SP but with groups running 5 dps is easy to hide a low Sp dps or two so till groups start running with more blanched numbers it's only going to get worse.
  17. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    i wouldn't say meaningless but they should matter more well the stats should anyway, i mean look at the power all them are either might or precision
  18. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    The truth^ Just imagine eventually we will see T10 with only 30sp :confused:
  19. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I did read the thread, and I said titles were a good addition and it'll be nice to have more things to encourage feat farming in the future.

    That's where sp come from...

    So don't say pointless stuff.
  20. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    pointless stuff? titles aren't stats doesn't really help at all, Stats help you're character out