Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by SirPurplePeopleEater, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. Posse

    Omg, page 11 and a ZAPS thread hasn't been closed :eek:
  2. Genserik

    The moderators just accept this for what it is. Like the one cousin you have that is in prison for 10 years for something really bad but shows up to a reunion, everyone is just like, "Hey cuz. What up? How was prison?" He's still family after all.

    That might be the worst analogy ever.
  3. SirPurplePeopleEater

    I think Luperza no longer moding the forums had something to do with it.
  4. NinjaTurtle

    • Up x 2
  5. rguitar87

    How do I get this thread closed?
  6. Cswic


  7. Gav7x

    Some p0rn could work
  8. chrisbeebops

    What's it worth to ya? I've been known to make things "happen".
  9. Cswic

    Still here.
  10. zedfonsie

    Still gud.
    • Up x 1
  11. Cswic

    "So good we get banned from planetside stats websites"
  12. Monkeydmomo

  13. LegioX

    Can I roll with you guys sometime? I go under FAAPilot on Waterson.
  14. ADUILO

    Soooooooo, what exactly happened to ZAPS to get them banned from Das Anfall stats?
  15. chrisbeebops

    [DA] is angry we are ahead of them on their own leaderboard, so they banned our outfit. They were so eager to remove outfits above themselves that they also deleted [VIB] from Woodman.

    When they got called out for it, they re-added [VIB] and [ZAPS], but blocked several of our BR100 members as to deflate our stats and bring us closer to them. They must not be so great at math though since our outfit is still above them on their leaderboard.

    If you want to see an unbiased outfit ranking, one can be found here:

    You can see [DA] is ranked 5th among VS outfits with 24+ members, behind [F00L], [ZAPS], [VIB], and [FCRW]
  16. Nerd Mode

    DA tryhards just keep cranking out the hits: "Look at us look at us look at us." What a bunch of clownshoes.
  17. chrisbeebops

  18. Cswic

    Zaps.exe officially recognized by the chat filter.

    Go ahead, try it out and have yourself a spandex party.
    • Up x 1
  19. NinjaTurtle

    Where can I get this ZAPS.exe
  20. SirPurplePeopleEater