Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by SirPurplePeopleEater, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. SirPurplePeopleEater


    ZAPS was formed with the intention of becoming the premier competitive VS outfit on Waterson. Many of us are competitive gamers from various FPS titles including Quake, Tribes, COD, BF, CS, Ravenshield. Until this point we've done invite-only recruitment, collecting a good deal of the available talent on Waterson, but we're looking for more players to round out our roster. Once we can field enough players, we will absolutely look to be involved in future competitive formats (MLG, War Report, Battle Islands etc.).

    Age: 18+
    BR: 40ish, lower if you are an alt and not ********.
    Mumble + Microphone (only required during "ops"...if you don't have better stats than Traseros you better have a mic)
    Decent K/D, SPM, KPM scores

    Heavy on the mic... we just met you man.
    Thin skin
    Excessive complaining
    Low tolerance for profanity

    If you are interested contact either Frizzz, SirPurplePeopleEater, Mittens4kittens and we'll take it from there

    3rd Edition
  2. Shanther

    I kinda feel bad for the NC and TR having to fight ZAPS...hardly a fair fight.
  3. Dagonlives

    We do alright. Cswic just needs a really big sign put up around his gal saying DO NOT FLY NEAR HERE.
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  4. chrisbeebops

    Cswic borrowed some new technology from Aperture Science, and used it to turn his galaxy into a black hole. Now anyone who files near him gets pulled into the whale. The whale takes no prisoners... TR, NC, VDRS, sometimes me... the whale is a relentless, unstoppable beast who eats ESFs for breakfast and Liberators for lunch. Enemy Galaxies are a frequent and tasty desert.

    The smiley face on the front lets you know just how ****ed you are.

    EDIT: Also, ZAPS thread part 19409125.
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  5. Slavek

    I have found a way to counter cswics new tech, common sense and free thinking. I know im going back to a tr reducation camp for saying that but hear me out. If you see the majestic white whale roaming the araxian skies, you can perform a banking turn and afterburn out of his gravitational field instead of flying right into him!
  6. Frizzbro

    lol ive posted twice in this thread. both times deleted. I'm just going to start going down the forum list and reporting posts.

    But what i said was. Slavek how did you know how to beat cswic. you must be cheating.

    inb4 "Xandom" people from a "Xandom" outfit report "Xandom" posts. Dont worry ill be doing my fair share of reporting now.
  7. Slavek

    I saw your post yesterday x_x, Mods must be trollin you in your own thread. They must have trouble sensing sarcasm.
  8. Msixty

    The other thread was way more better.
  9. Cswic

    Don't worry, if the trend continues this one will be just as good then shut down by our biggest number 1 fan mod.
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  10. Skizbank

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  11. Slavek

    Respect to javers last night. Had some great honorable esf duels. ;)
  12. ItsJustDash

    Javers is a great pilot, much respect to him. Any future VS pilots should really watch him and see his moves in the air :)
  13. Frizzbro

    awesome duels to watch for us zaps guys. Good show.
  14. chrisbeebops

    Vanu scientists are working day and night attempting to distill a magical solution from Javers' blood. They hope the solution can be given to the rest of the Sovereignty Air Force to imbue them with Javers' skillz.
  15. Slavek

    Programmed nanite aimbots injected directly into the users blood stream giving them increased fine muscle control over their mouse. Unfortunately it won't have the capacity to work on targeting many TR/NC pilots because it can't predict what they will do when they don't even know what they are doing or going. :p
  16. Snoozzzer

    Question - Do I have good enough stats for recruitment, is spandex a requirement or can I wear khakis, and can I bring a gal?
  17. zedfonsie

    Keep calm and farm hard :cool:

  18. Snoozzzer

    I take it that's a no
  19. kaws

    Not sure if troll (99% sure)... contact us in-game.
  20. Cswic

    I'll give tips and advice about galaxy things to anyone currently in or going to join us, we could even go fly around on pts practicing whale stuff. It'd be fun. Hardly anyone wants to fly galaxies :(