Would you remove shotguns from NC max?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bape, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Colt556

    Scatmax does have a TTK of 0, I thought that was universally accepted. TR/VS maxes have a TTK of 0.3 - 0.5 seconds, somewhere in there. In practical terms all three maxes have basically the same TTK at close range because you aint gonna be doing anything no matter which max is shooting you because you're dead before you can do anything. That's why I don't like it when people say NC maxes are better a close range, because they're not, they're equal at close range.
  2. Goretzu

    Due to the way clientside hit detection works the 0.3 second TTK difference basically doesn't exist.

    There's a tiny number of situations where it might make a difference (but you're likely talking about 0.1% or less), but this is vastly outweighed by the number of situations where carrying that 0.3 second TTK out past 5m DOES make a difference.

    Because the NC AI MAX TTK falls off dramatically, much faster than the high TTK TR/VA AI weapons.

    But most (in fact almost all) of the time the 0.3 second TTK difference makes no difference due to clientside, if you're going to get that rocket off you will (or you won't) either way and either way you're going to die if the MAX is within 0-8m of you.
  3. Frosty The Pyro

    I am of two minds on this.

    it would be better and more versitile to have hmgs

    but on the other hand it would reduce faction specificness, and I am one for more faction differences, not less.
  4. FactionTraitsFTW

  5. Towe

    Wheres the proof from you, or do you think we agree that youre always right until prooven otherwise?

    That aside I think there is kind of a misunderstanding going on. You seem to be locked into a 1on1 situation where both players see the other at the same time. In this case I tend to agree with your point.
    But PS2 isnt a duel game, so there are lots of situations where half a sec can matter. If it matters enough I dont know, but it IS an advantage in CQC.
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  6. a-koo-chee-moya

    I don't know. Would you NC guys want to trade room-clearing ability for slightly more range?
  7. Revanmug

    The equip time of a RL is longer than 0.5 sec which mean you would die during the switch.

    But you knew that right?
  8. Axehilt

    Personally I think it's madness to want to give up the shotgun MAX weapons, but obviously adding just a single Mercy/Blueshift-like gauss weapon would be fantastic. Mattocks and Slug-Grinders aren't quite effective out to the same range (even though they're absolutely brutal, borderline overpowered -- I'm getting ~86 KPH each for slug-grinders compared with ~55 KPH for my Blueshifts.)

    A set of changes that would just generally improve MAX balance for new players (and have been needed since launch):
    • Start everyone with dual AI (and dual burster) instead of the crappy AI/AV split loadout.
    • For Scattercannons (NC default), have Slugs be 1 cert each.
    • Balance the Heavy Cycler (Mutilators are a straight upgrade.)
  9. NoctD

    I play all 3 and have all 3 MAX units certed. I like NC MAXes with shotguns, they're fine as they are today. When there's a need for range, just use Ravens. I think AV MAX weaponry of the factions are fine too, with their existing AI capabilities. The only MAX weapon to me that needs adjustment badly would be the VS Vortex, they're in much needed need of more utility. I miss the old TR Fractures, so Ravens are essentially the only truly ranged versatile AV option left, which is just fine since NC shotguns are range limited even with slugs.

    Its a damm pain though if you get a bunch of NC that decide to lock down a building properly... its almost impossible to crack an NC MAX stronghold if they're running organized with medics and engineers and other infantry to back them up.
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  10. Liberty

    TTK or rather paper TTK gets extended as you reduce the accuracy of a player or increase your HP. The TTK of 0.52 gives you a chance to jump, move, flip on your overshield, etc. As you do this, the TTK of the weapon gets longer and gives you a chance to do what I described. A TTK of 0 means none of that matters beyond the first hit.

    We are literally talking about night and day here as far as a difference goes and it is beyond scary that some people can't see it as such.
  11. Bad News

  12. Bad News

    My vanu max have nebula, my tr max have onslaught and my nc max scats. I would easy trade my nebula and onslaught for a couple of shotguns when i fight in a bio dome or in a tower.
  13. Liberty

    I addressed what you said in my reply to Alchemist, you are hung up on paper TTK rather than practical TTK. Like I've said multiple times, if you can't discern the real in game TTK difference between say the CME and the TAR / HV-45 which has a *smaller* paper TTK difference, one that most players can easily perceive then I'd ask you go back and re-read the colorblind analogy I mentioned before.

    Whether or not you can kill the MAX is completely irrelevant, the issue is whether or not you can put a rocket on target before you are killed. The real difference being whether your next squad mate has to rocket a 100% HP max or finish off one at 50% HP.

    You keep hammering for video proof, I'll do you one better : http://www.humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime/


    With a reaction time of .230 seconds, half that of the absolute paper TTK, that gives you time to flip on your shield, jump and equip your RL in one fluid motion. The shield gives you an extra 650 ish HP and jumping / moving will extend the TTK by decreasing accuracy which translates to plenty of in game (not paper) time to get a rocket off.
  14. Ironclad Lion

    Why remove shotguns? Why not just add a railgun weapon and possibly give TR and VS a close range option?

    This game needs more content, not less.
  15. AdmiralArcher

    last time i checked 0 =/= .3 and .5

    im really finding it hard to believe you when you keep saying they are equal
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  16. Revanmug

    What's a RL equip time?

    I know it but I have this feeling you don't and are basing your whole arguement on anecdotes.

    Kind of sad.
  17. Yuukikun

    But you know, marines' guns deal 4 daamage per burst, i wouldn't want this in my arsenal tbh.
  18. Thardus

    Nope. I like the fact that it makes NC MAXs notably different from TR or VS MAXs.
  19. LibertyRevolution

    This is false...
    I can run into the small gen room at an AMP station and find a TR/VS max camping inside, and I have time to run out and escape alive.
    If I run into that same gen room and there is an NC max, I am dead, there is no running for escape, it is just instagib.
    That is the difference the NC can't seem to wrap their heads around..You can actually escape TR/VS max in CQC.

    Someday when they release NS full auto shotgun for maxes you will understand...
  20. ConradHorse

    yes yes, please remove them, maxes without shotguns are ample enough:p