Why the NC is master faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raichu, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. TheShrapnelKing

    Your alien puppeteers will not persuade us to give up. If they want the planet back so bad, why don't they come get it themselves instead of being wussies and brainwashing humans to do it? They're obviously as lazy as we are.
  2. Sifer2

    Yeah most corps threw in their lot with NC hoping for a quick win I imagine. Only NS was smart enough to stay neutral an just profiteer off the whole conflict. Wonder what they do with all those resources we pay them. Oh god they might be making BFR's to enslave us all....
  3. Xuram

    They won't be doing any persuading. We'll be doing that. They don't control us we choose to look up to them as an example of what we someday could be. Are you any better with your corporations. Do you honestly think they're giving you things without wanting anything back in return? They're corporations and you're what's known as an investment.
  4. TheShrapnelKing

    I'd rather risk a corporate take-over (requiring yet another rebellion) by humans than trust my future and order of law to people that aren't even the same species.
  5. Xuram

    And why not? That sounds rather narrow-minded. Cooperation is good for everyone as a whole :D Also if you do require yet another rebellion. Where are you going to get your guns this time ;) from us?
  6. Ocfos

    The name of the thread is kind of ironic, considering the Terran Republic was the first of the three factions, 'Technically' making it the "Master Faction".

    I guess it pretty much depends on who you're loyal to, looking at this thread.
  7. TheShrapnelKing

    We're space americuh. I think we'll have plenty of guns.

    Also, this Alien worship seems more like submission than co-operation, considering how far you're going to "enlighten" us under their rule.
  8. Xuram

    I'll concede the space 'murcia point. It's not submission. We learn from them and get our awesome pewpew lasers and the OP magrider everyone hates so much. You stand in the way of our progress so we are brushing you aside. Of course we will try to enlighten some of you to our ideals because we aren't heathens. We don't want to destroy everyone who doesn't agree with us. We want to convert some. Then destroy the ones who don't agree with us.
  9. TheShrapnelKing

    And the paradox surfaces.

    Though I suppose it's no worse than overthrowing the TR so our corporate backers can take their place. In that case, I guess we're doomed to constant revolution against everyone and everything trying to control us.

    That includes aliens. They can stay on their own planet. If they want to trade, fine. But this proxy war **** is not good for inter-species relations.
  10. Izriul

    Hmm, I've always pictured them as some wannabe Non Conformists. Like the little goth kids in south park smoking behind the bike shed to be "cool" It's funny though how people perceive themselves completely differently to how others perceive them.

    Also, real "rebels" wouldn't go to bed when mother tells them to, and would actually get round to capping all the continents in the dead of night, but it's usually left to VS & TR slugging it out.

    That, and real rebels wouldn't whine about their tools on the forum 24/7 and actually get on with it.
  11. Bill Hicks

  12. SKYHEX

    You can have all the macho iron-laden heavy breathing men you want, you will NEVER have such an aesthetical pleasure (and diversion against enemy snipers) like this.

    Superior technology. Superior Style. Superior [EVERYTHING] Except the MAX wweapons. DAT COF BLOOM


    I hope the female populace of the VS playerbase will excuse this slight objectivization. But oh my, the modeler went straight for the bullseye. I don't see many aesheticaly pleasing females in games (good gods those insane proportions), so this is very welcome.
  13. Saool


    Just so I have his straight. We have thread with the words liberty and freedom in it but yet it has an American flag? And the NC are a fraction of merc and independents fighting for, and being backed by big business corporations who want to bring about another free market economy and capitalism so they can all have a bank manager again and spend the rest of there lives as wage slaves?

    um... Yeah. Go you. I'm sure your rich mega corp owner is very pleased with your devotion and utter lack of brains.
  14. Xuram

    That's pretty much my thoughts exactly.
  15. Artoriusaurus Rex

    I've said this before, but:

    If you read the lore in its entirely, it should be noted that the NC is the only faction that has neither committed (TR), nor promised (VS), atrocities of any kind.
  16. Xuram

    Eh It's been a bit since I read it in it's entirety. Can you refresh my mind about the VS? (TR is obvious...)
  17. CommanderShwan

    If you want to know how this story ends, go play Metal Fatigue.

    So much of Planetside's story is ripped from that game, down to the color schemes.
  18. Raichu

    I love this!
  19. Raichu

  20. TheArchetype

    If only I got a cert bonus every time someone said, "I'll see you have your bonus check."