Why the NC is master faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raichu, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Raichu

    Space Murica

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  2. maxkeiser

  3. Ultramarine

    1 word, Loyalty. You don't see NC turning tail when we get beaten down and turning 4th empire. its not in our nature. FOR FREEDOM
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  4. Raichu

    Live free in the NC
  5. kungflu

    legalize marijuana!
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  6. Hodo

    Its a shame NC arent about liberty, but about share holder greed!

    Just submit to the might that is right, Terran Republic!

    Better Red than Dead!
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  7. Haterade

    Much more like the Space Tea Party. They think they're real 'murricans but they're really just corporate stooges.
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  8. JackD

    Knew there is a name resemblance in the Mao Station
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  9. Dice

    I guess that really depends on how free you think Neo Liberalism makes you.
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  10. 13lackCats


  11. MrK

    Because we have the best stuff.
    Funny how PS2 NC = PS1 VS and PS1 NC == PS2 VS. We cried a lot. We have now it all. Like PS1 VS.
    They had it easy, they end up with average gear. Like PS1 NC.

    Well, that's the trend I'm seeing
  12. Ultramarine

    The funding for our rebellion and the only thing giving us freedom may happen to be private funding, but they don't tell us how to live!
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  13. pnkdth

    Lots of NC jumped ship during beta and joined VS. Probably the same people who ditched VS since the nerf to the mag and scythe.

    4th faction is everywhere... Only mostly with the TR.
  14. Grayson

    Our fearless leader!
  15. Dusty El Lion

    I thought it was the bonus checks?
  16. Nonsensei436

    Turns out the skull of a man motivated by corporate propaganda about freedom isn't any more resistant to bullets than the skull of a man who is motivated by loyalty and duty to the republic.
  17. Dusty El Lion

    But he has a bigger bonus check.
  18. innersphere1

  19. Raichu

    Sorry couldnt hear you over the sound of the engine on my Aston Martin I bought with all my bonus checks
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  20. Nonsensei436

    The funeral director will be excited to hear that.