Why haven't coyotes been adjusted yet?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by badname123, Jun 11, 2014.

  1. GaBeRock

    I'm seeing a whole lot of ESFs flying coyotes+ai gun over ab tanks+ai gun, and ESF causes of death are far and away more likely to be either terrain or other ESFs, and coyotes are a more significant defense against aircraft than AB tanks anyways.

    Again, why should someone with coyotes+nosegun ever have an advantage against nosegun+ab in a dogfight? Coyotes take less skill to use than either noseguns or ab tanks, and both are specialized loadouts anyways so logically they should be worse. Flares are also a terrible counter, because, at most, I believe they give you 5 seconds of protection out of every 50, and coyotes lock too fast to flare them away anyways.

    Your tanks comparison is invalid, because an HE round is supposed to be used against infantry, so it makes sense that it looses out against an AV weapon for tanks hunting, but both noseguns and coyotes are specialized for AA work, and noseguns are harder to use.

    Finally, I'd like to see nosegun+coyotes as a flatly inferior loadout versus nosegun+ab tanks for any pilot above "terrible" for the simple reason that all forms of lockons make for unfun battles. With tomcats, I can at least rush the enemy ESF to deny them of their lock, but coyotes make dodging impossible, so the only viable strategy is point my nosegun at them and hope I can out-dps them. That's boring, and devalues skill in the airgame. If coyotes don't get nerfed, good pilots will leave, solo duels will be reduced to "who ganks who," and the airgame as a whole will devolve into roving gank squads of reavers screwing over everyone even worse than they do now, because at least PREY and QRY tend to disdain lockons for now.
  2. Taemien

    Yay for red herring.

    Sorry buddy, but BR1's do kill others on the ground. Thats how they reach BR2.

    As for all the other vehicles, NONE of them required spending time in the VR and none of the required a tutor other than the ESF. You haven't proven why the ESF needs that and the other vehicles haven't.

    Now stop trolling with your red herrings and actually answer the question.
  3. DeadliestMoon

    Coyotes dont need to be adjusted. L2p
    • Up x 2
  4. Teshrrar

    Strategy? Where's the strategy in the air of Planetside today?

    1st strategy killer of the game: the 3rd person view, what make a lot of builds useless and give to Fire Suppression + Armor a stupid power.

    2nd strategy killer: the single move battles, what make any maneuver but circle the target useless. Your flight experience mean nothing here, except if you played some arcade space ship game before.

    3rd strategy killer: a lot of gank squads only focused in farm, instead really help the faction, what don't give a chance for the new air players because of the 2 previous reasons.

    And for finish: Im sure which we have aimbotters in the air, but is super hard to prove and I will have enough data someday, if I don't stop play before.

    So there's no strategy, just a point and click game with the purpose to annoy the ground. The major air players we have is just to combat that, like me, because "fly" in PS2 is pathetic and no fun for "simulator pilots", or for players who have some real world experience like me.

    Since the point and click game is clear (with a no-sense 3rd person view), we should have ONLY tech weapons. We already have the point and click game playing infantry, why should we have the same in the air? Even the ground vehicles have space for more moves and builds than the air...
  5. IamnotAmazing

    it's funny, how do you think good pilots got better? By using lockons? no, they just got better by practicing, and not cheesing people

    honestly having crutches for new players if fine, but it's a problem when good player start to use the weapons
  6. TheBlindFreak

    You keep using the "point and click" phrase. Could you please elaborate? Also, what makes a PC shooter not simply point and click when that, at it's essence is what a PC shooter actually is?
  7. dstock

    And, how would you propose we solve that?
  8. Silver Fox

    I'm sorry, but all I ever get out of threads like this is:

    "You didn't kill me with the right weapon! You no-skill pleb!"

    Same goes for the RL nerf threads.
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  9. GaBeRock

    strategy in a nosegun to coyote dogfight,
    for the coyote user: point in general direction. Win
    for the nosegun user: point near target, compensate for drop/target motion

    for a nosegun to nosegun battle:
    point near target, compensate for drop/target motion, manuever to avoid shots, counteract the effect of manuevering on your bullets, deal with your opponent doing the same thing, dodge around obstacles.

    Your second point is flatly wrong, as in multiple person battles, you do need to behave like an actual aircraft and get out of hovermode, and its not like coyotes are any better as far as movesets. In fact, they're worse, because even circlestrafing is useless against them.

    Your third point is an argument AGAINST coyotes, because lockons scale better than noseguns, and at least against a gank squad using noseguns a good pilot can kill one or two enemies.

    Plus, if you don't want "point and click" weapons in the air, you should be against coyotes, which can be used effectively by the most mediocre pilots, as opposed to noseguns, which take practice. If you want more builds, why are you even defending coyotes? Coyotes/nosegun if flatly better than nosegun/ab, and the only reasons you see Nosegun/AB used are people who haven't bought coyotes, and the fact that good, and many middling to mediocre pilots recognize that coyotes are an unfun scrub weapon, that are used only by new flyers and people who want their victories handed to them on silver platters, no skill required.
  10. GaBeRock

    rocketlaunchers are balanced by slow reload speed, and that's really just what pilots want- nerfed reload speed on coyotes, to counteract their ease of use.
  11. Silver Fox

    Unfortunately, only some pilots want that. I see many others calling for the removal of Coyotes entirely and other such ridiculous things that SOE would probably never do, so they can go back to having their nose-gun-only duels. Those pilots tend to be the most vocal, hence my earlier comment.
  12. GhostAvatar

    Coyotes don't remove aim in any sense of the form. They however do give a hit for a near miss. You still have to get them near the target which involves leading the target and predicting their flight path. You just don't have to be as accurate as other weapons. But you do need to lead a lot more than the others due to their slower velocity.

    And Coyotes don't removing dodging. They can be pretty easy to dodge (even at close range) if you can see them coming. You just have to evolve your dodging or die.
  13. Ronin Oni

    You're so full of crap.

    You claim you never played FPS before and then talk about playing FPS to test your skill like a 10 year veteran.

    You also so grossly over-exaggerate... don't need enemy on screen? 10 meters lock-range?

    lol you've got no argument if you have to rely on blatant and terrible over-exaggerations to try and make a point.

    I bet you're just another lolpod hero who's mad there's A2A builds dedicated to taking you out. "Waagh, I can't kill absolutely ANYONE in the game anymore"

    Rotary only DOES have an advantage... like double the fuel and double the fuel regen rate.

    As for your large engagement example, Tomcats actually work better en mass once flares are down
  14. Ronin Oni

    Slower reload is exactly what Coyote's need...

    and that's it.

    All this other over-exaggerating BS is completely counter-productive to actually getting them balanced.
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  15. GaBeRock

    with clientside hit detection they're impossible to dodge in very-close ranges. Close range might be dodgable, but the whole time you're dodging, you're much harder pressed to aim.
  16. GhostAvatar

    With client side hit detection you just have to be preemptive and time the duration between reloads.
  17. GaBeRock

    mainly, I've just been seeing people ask for a reload speed, or possibly clip size, nerf. The general consensus is that their sustained DPS is too high for such an easy to use weapon. Personally, I actually would like to see lockons completely removed from the air game (even if it turns out the 502 certs I invested in A2AM were wasted) but I doubt many people asking for the removal of the weaponry are actually saying "remove this weapon" so much as saying "this weapon is unbalanced to the point I'd prefer it be taken out of the game until it was balanced."

    In that case, if OP, easy to use weapons weapons deserve to be in the game unchanged because they make it easy for noobs, I want an NS, hitscan, anti-everything weapon that kills anything I see. Don't worry, it's fine because everyone can buy one, and if you're mad about it reducing the need for skil, L2P

    the advantages of a nosegun/ab tank build don't stack up compared to the advantages of a coyote build, which is why they're OP. It's really that simple. If coyotes are an upgrade, rather than a sidegrade, to AB tanks, then they need to be buffed, or stealth needs to completely negate them, or something needs to be changed.

    I also wouldn't be calling anyone a "lolpod hero" when your stats for your best charachter show 3x as many kills with lolpods and PPA than with hailstorm and turbo laser. Admittedly, I'm in a worse state than you, but at least I'm arguing against the weaponry that remove skill from the equation.
  18. GaBeRock

    ... and at very close ranges you can't do that, because you can't perdict your opponents movements with any degree of accuracy. You also can't tell what their ping is.
  19. Zenanii

    Simply reducing their damage output would be fine imo (I'm perfectly fine with current A2AM btw).
    All weapons should be balanced between effectiveness and effort required to use, and coyotes are just a bit too effective for too little effort.
  20. Ronin Oni

    You may have missed my next post

    I'm not against balancing Coyote's... I know they're a little OP right now...

    And yes, I do a lot of A2G with my Scythe... and yes, I get rekt by A2A ESF's...

    I should though.

    And actually, my PPA doesn't do too bad with the AB fuel... I just run from them. Coyotes are worthless past 30m which is easy enough distance to get on a non AB ESF, so really the only A2A ESF's that can guarantee my death are AB fuel Interceptors who can keep up with me.

    My lolpod build runs flares... again when I die to an A2A ESF it's usually to a better pilot using a nosegun.

    All I'm saying is that the complaints are over-exaggerated, which does not help when trying to get things reasonably balanced as you end up as just white noise the devs ignore.

    add 50-100% more reload time and they'll be perfectly fine. They aren't even really all that bad now TBH.

    Just don't face hug an enemy with coyotes and you'll be fine. They dominate the 10m hover fight arena. (Outside the 6 second flares window)

    As for stealth, I'd probably have it reduce lock-on range by up to 50% at max rank... but not entirely negate them... just make the coyotes require more accuracy