Why are people being over compensated?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chiss, Apr 10, 2013.

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  1. AstroZombie

    i didn't get any certs on any of my characters, kind of sucks
  2. DaninTexas

    Now you know how all the posts this morning seem to me. Childish and ridiculous
  3. Stargazer86

    Sorry, but certs represent progression. Every game has progression. EVERY GAME.

    Battlefield has unlocks. CoD has unlocks. Tribes Ascend has unlocks. WoW has gear. Guild Wars 2 has gear. EVE has ships. Even in a smaller game like Counterstrike, you have money to buy better weapons with so that you're not stuck with the same exact stuff you started out with. Hell, even in a game like Quake, you're able to dart around and pick up new weapons.

    What you're saying when you tell people that "certs aren't important" is that they should be satisfied with nothing but the exact gear they get at the beginning and nothing else. No upgrades, no new weapons, not even any scopes. Vanilla weapons, tier one healing rates, and absolutely no prospect for advancement whatsoever.

    Certs are advancement. They are currency. They are important. Telling someone not to care about this and "just enjoy the game" is pure stupidity and egotism. How about you live by your own metrics and not spend a single cert point on anything? I don't want to see a single scope on a gun. No foregrips, no laser sights, no Zephyr or Dalton for your lib. No flares for your ESF. No AP or HE gun for your tanks. No C4, mines, upgraded jetpacks, better Engineer tool, healing tool. NOTHING.

    And the kicker? You're never allowed to get any of it. Ever. Because certs aren't important and you should just be playing the game for the spirit of it.

    Can the game still be fun? Sure. But for me and for a majority of people, playing the same game over and over without change, without advancement, without options, gets real boring real quickly. That's why certs are important. They're not the only thing you should be playing the game for, but they're certainly and integral part of it that you can't simply gloss over.

    Heck, the only reason I even care about any of this isn't because people got 10k certs. It's that they get 10k certs because they spent SC. They inadvertently just bought in-game currency with money, something that was supposedly never supposed to happen.
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  4. bobzebrick

    ^^This... whoever came up with and implemented this is an idiot.
  5. DrTeeth



    There is a character with *4 minutes* play time that was given 100000 certs. So, are we to believe that someone made a new character and then spent 50000 SC ($500) *on items that they had already bought another character* in 4 minutes, and then logged off never to play again? Or is it perhaps more likely that SOE simply screwed up their database script and that everyone's annoyance is justified? Occam's razor, people.
  6. Xae

    The best part about this cert thing is that I have added at least 50 whiners to my ignore list.
  7. Weirdo

    I did, havent heard from him yet. customer service is no help either.
  8. Phrygen

    look you are entitled to keep playing the game, enjoying it, and paying money for it. But your post was very extreme in regards to an apparently lack of caring, on your part, about how the company continues to develop the game and perform business.
  9. GhostAvatar

    Question is, are you sure these a real players. Some could be data issues with the site (remember the API is still in beta and can give weird data), others could be dev accounts (God knows we have seen many of those on FNO).
  10. Phrygen

    oh, and i take this back. I think i got around 3-500 certs on each of 3 characters.
  11. Ragnafrak

    If the majority of the community's reaction is so strong, I'm confident that we can get the devs to see that this shouldn't ever happen again. For now, I'm content to know that the bundles I bought on my alt to play with my brother's outfit which disappeared two weeks after launch weren't a complete waste. So long as this is the only time we ever effectively see a cash/certs relationship, I'm okay with this.

    Now that account-wide unlocks and the policies around them have been cleared up, I don't think we'll have to deal with this again.

    P.S. I still believe certs don't win the game. :p
  12. SharpeShooter

    Indeed the guy at the top BR 35 would have had to spend 153000 station cash on another character to have been given that many cert points! Thats about $1300 also I'm fairly sure he would needed to spend that twice as you only get money back for duplicate items. For example, if he purchased a zefer on a TR toon then on a NC toon he will only get 1000 certs on each char not 2000, therefore, originally he would've had to spend $2600.... There are not $1300 worth of NS items to bloody buy on each faction, SOE have gone awol. /lost all respect.
  13. Zan_Aus

    I completely fail to understand this logic as guns are purchasable for both SC and Certs and with a 2:1 ratio you've effectively handed out more "SC" than if you had just added 1:1 double-purchase SC to everyone's account.

    All the new upcoming shotguns and MAX weaponry will be purchased with these free certs. You've toileted your own business model, that's all lost revenue for SOE because of rampant crazy. Well done.
  14. RF404

    A lot of speculation.
    He has 4 minutes of playtime this month. Could spent it on that VS alt and then left it dormant for a while or, since the grant was equal across all characters on the account, he could just as well have been spending all that SC on his NC/TR characters.
  15. Bobby Shaftoe

    No, no they aren't.

    Do you know why?

    They are unlimited.

    The only 'balance' aspect they represent, is when everyone has everything, in which case, why are you crying about someone having everything, when you can have everything too.
  16. PS2Freak

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  17. DrTeeth

    Err, look at the second link, the Planetside Players database. He's BR1. He's now played for 11 minutes total (probably logged in again after hearing about this mess and spent 7 minutes laughing hysterically).
  18. Phrygen

    being unlimited doesn't mean it isn't a a balancing currency in the game. Food is in theory unlimited too, it still can be utilized as a trading currency.

    So i disagree with you. This kinda stuff is exactly why a small minority of paying customers play Pay2Win MMORPGs like allods or runes of magic, and everyone else quits.

    and when you bring up "crying" in your post to sway a forum debate, it looses merit and becomes a troll post.
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  19. Torok

    karma is a ****** :)
  20. Phrygen

    nah i corrected myself. i had just woken up. I got 3-500 certs on 3 different characters. I've spend about 140 dollars on the game.
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