Why are people being over compensated?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chiss, Apr 10, 2013.

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  1. Chiss

    I have personally spent over $200 of SC; all of which was during 2x and 3x SC sales.

    Upon realizing that unlocks were not shared, i came to the forums to ask why. It quickly came to my attention that this was being changed, and my unlocks would soon be global. It was also stated that players who bought the same weapon on multiple accounts would not be reimbursed. As a result, i did not buy duplicates.

    Meanwhile, people who didn't bother to research or anything before purchasing, have been given huge dumps of Certs, despite SOE initially saying they wouldn't be compensated.

    Why are people being given Certs to compensate for something they paid for in SC, all while SOE saying reimbursements would not be given.
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  2. MilitiaMan

    Because this information was not released when the game went live, this is for people that did this early on before the announcement was made.

    If you did not buy duplicates, you are not out anything like the people such as myself that did. Why are you tearing up over this?
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  3. SenEvason

    1. People bought a weapon on several accounts before account-wide unlocks were announced. It's not fair to say that they didn't "bother to research or anything."

    2. Due to popular demand and team meetings, they changed their mind. Simple as that.
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  4. Chiss

    You chose to buy duplicates. You got what you paid for. Why should you be compensated?

    If i go to the grocery store and buy an apple, then the next week, they start selling apples 2 for the price of 1, should i be compensated? NO.

    You knowingly bought a weapon twice. You got the weapon twice. You still have the weapon twice.

    You really can't argue the other side of this without sounding stupid. By your reasoning, i should be getting reimbursed because i bought a weapon that is now on sale :(!!!!

    Read above. Simple as that.
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  5. UberBonisseur

    I looked really hard for a controversy but couldn't find any.
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  6. SiosDashcR

    Because SOE then added "account-wide unlocks" into the road map, which made it unfair towards those who already had purchased it.

    Even so, no one expected for a refund upon purchasing a second - however, it wouldn't be fair if you bought a weapon once and got a second for free because you got lucky and didn't do it at a date where SOE didn't plan too far ahead.
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  7. Iksniljiksul

    ... and under compensated by comparison. A refund is not something I expected to happen, but it really should have been fair across the board. 500 certs total on people I know I bought more then one of the same item (decimator alone should have been 1000 certs). Oh well.

    They really should have looked at the math a bit more before going live with this refund. I seriously doubt anyone bought 50-100 of the same items on all of their characters.
  8. MilitiaMan

    Why should I be compensated?

    Because we payed 2100SC for some items that others payed 700SC for?

    If you are not out anything, stop crying about it. What's done is done, no more tears.
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  9. Liquid23

    you know I often ask myself why I was overcompensated... you would think being so well endowed is just something you should be thankful for and accept without question... but sometimes it can be a burden to carry such a heavy weight
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  10. Chiss

    Not crying at all, you are just very wrong.

    You got what you paid for. You were not deceived. You are not entitled to a refund or compensation, and should not have been given one.
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  11. Rhyl

    I think people should have been reimbursed with SC and not Certs. I won't get bent out of shape about it, rage, or quit but essentially those that bought duplicate weapons instead got payed with certs. I'd love an option to buy certs myself. Seems they got the better deal in the end.
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  12. Killy80

    Citizen A bought 2 bursters for his MAXs and paid 1400 SC.
    Citizen B waits 1 day till GU06 and pays 700 SC for 3 bursters.

    Fair? Guess not. Cert refunds make it fair.
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  13. Bill Hicks

    I dont think you get SOEs situation. They MUST make actual paying customers happy. This game is getting pretty thin on players.
  14. RadarX

    I don't remember ever seeing or making an official statement that folks would not be compensated. What we said is blanket Station Cash refunds were not going to happen. A few days later we stated we'd be doing certification refunds which were implemented today.
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  15. TheBillOf3D

    They should refund SC for SC not certs. Unless I too can buy certs and don't know it.
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  16. Dem1se

    They didn't refund SC because they are money grubbing. I agree with the OP. Noone was deceived when they bought dupes. They got what they paid for, when they paid for it. At the time, you had to buy the gun twice if you wanted it on both toons, and anyone who bought a dupe knew that.

    Here's my question: Lets say I buy a bunch of guns that are not linked to the other faction's counterparts. If/When those guns are linked (like they should have been anyway, cough cough money grubbing) will I get a bunch of certs as compensation?
  17. iller

    lol Grind game just had a P2W sweepstakes. This is being horribly mishandled. AKA: par for the course for SOE. Keep it up :D

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  18. Anti-Skub

    I don't understand why they got certs? The whole reason you can't just buy certs is that certs can be used to upgrade, SC is supposed to be used for side grades and cosmetics...these people just inadvertently paid to win. They bought SC...why didnt they get SC back?
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  19. MilitiaMan

    Maybe so, but they said they would and so I got one and you didn't.
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  20. Chiss

    I feel sorry for you. I would actually be upset if my account got crammed full of Certs. Ruins the only sense of progression the game has.
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