Why are people being over compensated?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chiss, Apr 10, 2013.

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  1. bobzebrick

    I'm pretty disgusted by this. The only reason I haven't said this game is P2W is because you separated SC and certs. Now you feed people who paid SC on duplicates 10-20k certs, which is impossible for a normal player to amass. The sheer incompetence of you guys is really staggering... Please screw the game up more.
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  2. Phrygen

    whining about whiners. Posts like these are the litter of the forums.
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  3. Bankrotas

    And gameplay felt like crap, I played beta of TL2 and it was godly better.
  4. Neckbeard

    ^ Pretty much.
  5. nubery

    Please stop debating semantics.

    They were given unlocks no one else can get because they paid money at one point. Certs cannot be purchased an the progression in this game is balanced around them. Certs make you more powerful. Everyone else has to purchase a booster to grind certs, these guys gained more than they can imagine to spend in a single night. They unknowingly paid for success regardless of player skill being a factor.
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  6. TrenchDigger

    and the 50 thousand threads crying about unfair certs from greedy jealous players are not?
  7. WookLordz

    This is ridiculous. They need to roll back the certs given in error, and refund SC for SC purchases.
  8. Phrygen

    "i spend lots of money, and i don't care how the company does business or treats me. I'm gonna laugh at people who do care and give the company more money"

    what a ridiculous post.
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  9. Zan_Aus

    I keep hearing this, but noone has given me a character name yet of someone who received certs and didn't buy items"”
    This is a freebie Higby
    Who_all_Certs>50,000 AND Who_all_playtime<48 hours

    Fire your database guy and hire me instead. I accept payment in certs or SC.

    God what a clown. This guy is chief developer and he can't go back and query the database to find out if and how it went wrong. He's either the biggest incompetent in the IT industry or the world's poorest liar.
  10. GroundPounder

    For all of those who claim you are only "Playing for the intense battles, the friendship, etc.." I can only imagine you have ZERO cert spent, are still using the base weapons with no attachments, no decals, no camo's, no nothing, otherwise you are being a hypocrite.
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  11. McFatal

    Played for a lot longer than I'd like to admit, sir :p
  12. maxkeiser

    lol? Who cares? I don't even know how many I've earned anyway. Never looked.
  13. Czuuk

    Can I have your stuff?
  14. Phrygen

    Being angry that other players were give hundreds of thousands of certs, because they paid real money, is not being greedy. If they expected to be given certs, that is greedy.

    and aorund 10 active threads is not 50 thousand.

    So no, its not. Its a balance issue. Its a fairness issue. Its an issue of not letting the game become pay 2 win. Some players received more certs than BR 100 earns. Its absolutely ridiculous that this was allowed to happen anyway.
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  15. Ashnal

    Actually, I didn't get a single cert.
  16. Czuuk

    First time playing online PC video games?

    Can I have your stuff?
  17. huundar

    Your point is predicated on you normally facing people that haven't put certs into the class/vehicle they are playing. You face people with more cert points than you every time you login to play. Nothing has changed. The fact someone that had fewer points than you 2 days ago and now has more than you today, in fact has no impact on your play at all. Stop whining about things others got and instead go back to having fun. You are going to give yourself an ulcer worrying about things that you have no control over and don't affect you anyway.
  18. Ragnafrak

    In the long run, this cert boost isn't going to make a lick of difference.
    The game isn't won by whoever has the most unlocks. It's won by people who work together.
    QQ'ing about some people getting a one-time cert boost is pointless.
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  19. Marinealver

    I don't know why we didn't go to the old cert system. But anyways when we had araxium I suggested making certs used for new weapons and araxium for upgrades.
  20. Kroova


    Probably because SOE figured that giving people Station Cash would reduce the amount of SC they would buy in the future. (e.g. If I get reimbursed 1400 Station Cash, that is 1400-less SC that I will be buying overall. Versus, if I get reimbursed 2000 certs, I will spend the certs, which are supposedly "hard to get," on upgrades and buy more Station Cash for weapons/cosmetics.
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