Why are people being over compensated?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chiss, Apr 10, 2013.

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  1. HadesR

    Yeah Perfect World did the same .. They released a set of Cash shop fashion that mistakenly had a huge NPC sale value .. So people could make millions of ingame gold for very little outlay ... They soon rolled it back
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  2. VanuSovereignty

    Was able to cert out my scythe more, that's all I care about.
  3. Puppy

    The reaspn the game is fun is the fact that I could rest assured everyone always has to work for their certs. The game is no longer that way and therefor doesn't have the same meaningful experience and progression. That nay not be why you play. You may play for big battles or organized tactics but other players have this as a main reason. And quite a few too.
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  4. Kanzy

    Game breaking hahaha its funny when people learn new words and then use them on everything because its a new word...
  5. Cinnamon

    When are certs going to be added as purchasable items in the store?
  6. maxkeiser

    Eh? I think you are playing for really strange reasons then. Who gives a ******* about other peoples' certs
  7. Shinrah

    Just this in, PS was never about cert gain, neither PS1 nor PS2. This is one of the few games where you are in the endgame from day one. It´s about epic battles and having fun with your Outfit/Squad. Sure it´s nice to have some bling bling on the side to see your progress. But, now we have "Merits" so even if you maxed your certs you still have some kind of achievement you regularly get. Hope we can see an improved meta game soon, but like I said Certs are there to get stuff I already use to a higher lvl, it´s not like once I have it, it´s game over.
  8. Puppy

    A lot of people if the amount of posts says how important people think this is. And I think it's a fairly selfish thing to deny others their reasons for playing the game just because you think it's strange.
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  9. Ashnal

    I'm not new to games. I've been playing games since I was 6, and I'm 24 now. I adopted my current philosophy towards gaming after playing WoW for 2 months and realizing that I didn't actually like the gameplay of the game, and that the only motivation for playing was to get better gear and level up, which is only a method to push more boring gameplay. And thus I decided if the means aren't fun, then the ends are never worth it in gaming, because I could be playing something that is both fun AND rewards me, as opposed to a game that only rewards me for mundane tasks like WoW. I like PS2 because I enjoy the fights and the shooting, and I view certs and weapons as a bonus, not a goal. My goal while playing is to participate in great battles and be tactically useful, not gain certs, though they are a nice bonus.

    Part of your post made sense, the other part made none. When I say "playing to increase numbers" I'm referring to the motivation for playing. That is, playing to see your battlerank go up and earn certifications. I'm not speaking about the numbers that dictate how a base captures, or how a vehicle drives. I'm not speaking of the numbers that describe a game's mechanics. Optimization of numerical systems and playing for experience points are two entirely different things, yet you bunch them in together.
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  10. Sian

    This the same game you can pay to be a premium member to get a huge boost to your passive daily cert gift, and double your xp and cert rate w premium bonus+ paid booster? That game?

    Not to say some people got far too many. I have a TR toon I've never spent a single sc on, and I got 400 free certs. Some people are reporting cert grants into 5 digits, and they bought nothing, or just 1 or 2 packs. Clearly something needs fixed. But will it make me stop playing? Will it ruin the game for me? Heck no.
  11. oLd.Sneakers

    I don't feel this game is pay 2 win at all.

    Sure, the rotary is much better then the standard nose guns.

    But for the rest I don't really see why I would need to buy SC to compete.

    I get around 1000 certs every 2-3 days depending how it goes. Thats is alot of certs, and considering HA shield is bugged, flack is not really essential anymore that is alot of certs that can go to purly unlocking weapons - most which really are sidegrades.

    ESFs need alot of certs but that is for cert only upgrades a rotary costs 1000 certs or 750 SC, thats really all you need.

    Nah game is not pay to win, game offers people with jobs and limited spare time ( due to working / making money ) a way to catch up with their friends without completly crossing the line making pay to win exponentially better then actually playing the game.


    When it comes to reimbursing people in certs and not SC, which they bought I completly agree, that is wrong.
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  12. SamizdatCowboy


    I've put 'a bit' of money in as well. $410. However I made the mistake of spending it all on one character, mostly on boosts and membership (I bought two of the 'premium' boosts). Then I see dudes with four minutes of game time with 106,000 certs and I want to howl. I have 33,000 since December 26th. To get to over 100,000 will easily take me the rest of this year of playing.

    And I've spent $410.

    I still have a crapload of unspent SC and one unspent hero boost, as I invested all that with the expectation I'd be playing for a couple years. Going to see if I can get them refunded... this selective cert dump garbage has really turned me off of PS2... I've probably spent more than most of the dudes who got over 100,000 in 'free' certs.
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  13. Ashnal

    Heh, well I'm of the opinion that you play for the wrong reasons. As that isn't really a point hat can be argued, we can agree to disagree :)
    All I have to say is that if that is the reason you play for, it's a lot easier to be upset by number tweaks and things like this. The benefit of playing for the gameplay itself, is that things like these don't bother you in the slightest :)
  14. Peebo

    Really? This doesn't bother you? A br19 has 2x more certs than a BR100.
  15. Puppy

    Getting them for free/money without spending time in game doing everything other players have to do. I understand you are technically paying to gain more certs but you still have to do what any other player would to gain these certs.
  16. Puppy

    I can agree with that I suppose. :3 I do respect that you play for those reasons but for players like me this is extremely important. It's why I've been up all night x.x
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  17. Ashnal

    Not in the slightest. It's not like I go grab my torch and pitchfork every time I hear of someone winning the state lottery.
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  18. Shinrah

    Nope, not at all. Good for him. I got 1,5k certs btw, havn´t spent em yet. Wouldn´t care if he got 100k certs. Doesn´t make him a better player, or me a worse one.

    You don´t? Was thinking about making it some kind of social happening, "lets stake the undeserving lucky bastards, and see how lucky they feel then!"
    Kinda sad, when you can´t feel happy for someone else but feel cheated everytime someone got lucky while you didn´t. Makes you quite the sad egotistic and greedy person doesn´t it?
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  19. CHDT65

    "Going to see if I can get them refunded..."

    I've spent less than you (about 100 dollars, planning to play the game for years), but I'm also going to see if I can get a refund, in fact probably to start again from the start, perhaps. But for now, I'm really not happy with the situation.
  20. Ashnal

    And I've been up all night because I accidently woke up at 8 pm :D
    I would be sad if this game lost tons of players and slowly died due to this event, which is why I'm here forum warrioring it up.
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