When are Domeshields going to be implemented?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PastalavistaBB, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. GaBeRock

    Hovering is the logical consequence of smallish (compared to the real world) maps without spacesmfor runways. Honestly, I like it this way, because hoverduels are fun.
  2. Tuco

    Libs "stacks" against skyguards just as much as skyguards "stacks" against liberators. It's all quite additive.
  3. Tuco

    They're not fun
  4. GaBeRock

    If you have two skyguards of equal skill,you can expect that they'll have about twice the dps of a single skyguard. If you have two liberators, they can't have twice the dps of a single liberator because only one of the libs can be in optimal bellygun location at the same time, and if you want to use a bellygun, you can't really use your nosegun, meaning half the (good) weapons in the craft are silent.

    Evidently, you haven't spent a whole lot of time in an ESF.