When are Domeshields going to be implemented?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PastalavistaBB, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. doombro

    Hardly. It takes what, 9 shots from an AP prowler to kill a liberator now? And that's provided it's not running composite armor.
  2. DirArtillerySupport

    Loved the dome-shields over the capitol buildings in PS1. They were an interesting part of the meta game. Making them part of a meta game in PS2 would probably make people's heads explode. We are far too dumbed down and fearful of imbalance for that kind of content...or any new content...at all...except helmets.
  3. Zar

    if its like ps1 where once you lose the two bases around them the shield comes down im good with that perment shields are dumb just like they are on spawn rooms "DOORS!" one day we cave men will invent doors!
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  4. DirArtillerySupport

    Unfortunately in this “new” engine we would need to hire ex star trek grips to take one player slot per door to open and close it for us. ;-)
  5. salembeats

    Huh? Wait, let's rewind that.



    In addition, they also buffed afterburners and racer airframe -- evasion is the best defense. Kinda goes with that auto-repair you were mentioning earlier.

    On top of that, increases to baseline resist values...

    Vektor buffed, deadzone for middle of belly gun reduced, tail gunner can now hit just about everything the belly gunner can. Being able to hit more targets means more real-world power, because a gun that's not fixed on a target isn't doing any damage.

    Here, just let me link you to the thread, because you must have skimmed over it (or didn't read it at all). The sum of these things amounts to a very substantial buff:

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  6. z1967

    You know, if there was AA that was capable of one clipping Liberators maybe we wouldn't need these *cough Skyguard should one clip libs cough*

    In all seriousness, hopefully these will either be omitted, tied to generators, or only found in certain locations (like above spawn rooms). Simple stuff like that.
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  7. Peebuddy

    Hopefully never

    During the day they were ugly as hell and during the night nothing but blinding!

    Create your own shield via a wall of lead
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  8. axiom537

    I read it and I know where the liberator was buffed and it was in under utilized areas, thus it really wasn't an across the board over all buff, but rather in areas to lure people away from using the High-G/Fire Suppression/ Auto Repair load out.

    Yes, they buffed afterburners...But that means you need to drop Fire suppression (not touched), which prior to this minor buff was one of the more preferred abilities and it still is. It depends on the situation or how you want to play, but I would NOT say evasion is the best defense, it is a different defense, and this is more of a side grade more then an upgrade...

    OK they buffed Racer, who noticed, because High G is the preferred Air frame and if you angle your nose down and use thruster you could go just as fast as with racer prior to this buff, so it was given a slight boost, so that it would actually be faster then High G...Again this is a side grade not an upgrade...High-G is still better IMO, which wasn't touched, but race at least is an alternative option now.

    The buff to base line resists was really just for tank rounds, which are not a big threat to most liberators and IMO this was to compensate to anchor mode Prowlers...The Liberator with out composite has all the same resist as before against FLAK and Lock-ons ...Again, most Liberators prior to this buff to Composite ran Auto-Repair and most still do, but the buff to Composite gives the pilot an alternative to Auto Repair (not touched)....And I think this was more to help aspiring new pilots, then veterans.

    Vektor is junk, Tank Buster is still king and that was not touched...

    I will give you the tail gun rotation buff, but for good pilots I would argue it made little difference, we generally never had an issue making sure the liberator was angled so that both guns could hit targets and because of that we rarely had problems getting a third gunner, which coupled with shared XP is the biggest buff to the liberator, since more are running 3/3 then 2/3 now, which inherently makes the liberator stronger.

    I do not argue that they didn't buff some of the Liberators Utility, defensive and performance slot abilities. However, those buffs were directed at UNDER utilized or performing abilities. So yes technically they are buffs to the liberator, but over-all the liberator is pretty much in the same place it was as before those abilities where buffed.

    The biggest buff to the liberator is Shared XP and the greater rotation of the tail gun, which means more liberators are running 3/3 instead of 2/3 prior to those buffs, which inherently makes the Liberator stronger.

    The liberator IMO, is in a good place right now. It offers a lot of equally good choices now to customize the liberator for your target, flying style or Role. If you want a TANKY Liberator, that can absorb a beating go Composite/Fire Suppression. If you want a fast Agile Liberator for hit and runs go Racer/Afterburner/Auto repair or even stealth. If you want to take out a sniping Dalton, then go Racer/Afterburner/Composite Armor Shredder/Walker,Hynena this allows you easily absorb more dalton rounds and cover the distance to get your shredder into position to tear it up.

    The Liberator is in a good place right now. It has so many different load outs that are all good alternatives to one another and that allows to liberator to be really customized to fit many roles especially Anti-Liberator roles.

    Can't wait till the do the overhaul to the Galaxy and the much needed MBT, so that we can have the same great choices to specialize those vehicles like we can the liberator.
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  9. BillBoBaggins

    From what i remember there are shields on Hossin that cover the whole of Amp station.
    I would like to see shields over some bases.Bio Domes have them and nobody complains.
    I don't think it would change the game that much but give the people option to have a infantry fight and not have to worry about lolpodders and lib farmers.
    The only people who do not want to see shields are obviously the lib farmers.
  10. BillBoBaggins

    That makes no sense what so ever.
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  11. BillBoBaggins

    Then why are you bothered so much? Or you just following the flock.
  12. Casterbridge

    I'm not sure I'd want dome shields personally, not a pilot, but just completely shutting them out of fight seems off.

    What I do want is for things like the Skyguard to be useful outside of fighting Air. I understand it would be hard to buff the skyguards direct AA capabilities and not have it completely shut down all air attacks, but as is it's really just okay against air and then almost useless for anything else.
  13. BillBoBaggins

    I bet you like your Warp gate shield though :)
  14. sindz

    How so? COD kiddies only want infantry meatgrinder maps with no combined arms. And domeshields brings this closer as you can eliminate air completely by a dome shield, so please tell me how it doesn't make sense.

    Also, there is also the point where COD kids are the most casual players in any FPS atm, and by bringing dome shields in, you casualize the game even further.

    So yes, COD kids are the cancer of the FPS industry at the moment.
  15. Stormsinger

    It will be a Tuesday, on the 38th of Pants.
  16. BillBoBaggins

    No,that's just your take on it.Most likely you think this because you hear it from every other sheep saying the same kinda thing.
    BioDomes have shields and don't affect the gameplay.
    The odd dome shield on "Some" bases would not change the game.
    What if the "DomeShield" had generators that could bring the shields down,like in Tech plants etc,would be fair to all CoD players and ESF pilots,eh?
  17. Flashtirade

    If these ever get implemented, I'll quit this game and never come back. Not because I'm a pilot (I am kinda, but i'm terrible), but because it goes against the promise of combined arms that this game is supposed to offer. Wallamir got pretty close, but I got over that by not playing on that continent anymore.
  18. OldMaster80

    Personally I support the idea of a portable mini-domeshield generated by a new engineer deployable. Something to cover infantry and/or a sundy when you are in open field.
    That sounds more logical more tactical easier to balance and it wouldn't separate vehicles from infantry combat.
  19. sindz

    Read this thread. Only COD kids are defending this. It adds another element that ruins a tactical possiblity.

    Also, biodomes atm are one of the worst aspects in the game currently, so don't know why you would bring that up.

    The domeshield in general is a bad idea, its really that simple. No matter how they are powered or how they are brought down, they simply don't have a place in a game like PS2, for reasons I already stated in this reply and in the ones before this. And if you want more, read this thread where 99% are trashing it aswell.
  20. DQCraze

    So if you Institute dome shields you'll have to buff lib damage and increase lib armor. This will throw off the balance even more.