What's up with the triple loading screen?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by WilliamB, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. Hitback

    Typical SOE.

    I get that ******* triple loading screen all the time. Its annoying. Oh and i also get some variant of it when using Droppods, so that it speeds the **** up, meaning you miss the top of the tower WHICH MEANS ALL THE MOUTHBREATHING SKILLESS ******* IN THAT TOWER DON'T GET THE **** FARMED OUT OF THEM.

    Please fix ur **** already SOE, these problems have only been in game for about 2 months.
  2. Vorenius

    This is getting increasingly worse.
  3. CyclesMcHurtz Code Monkey

    Hey folks - it's sometimes not apparent, but what looks like the same thing is occasionally cause by different bugs. We had fixed one case and then this re-appeared and since that happened we're spending a little more time to make sure we fix the root cause of this. When I first looked at it, it was just the loading bar resetting but something has changed and I'll put this up at the top of my list. I apologize for overlooking this since it appears that some of you are more impacted that I realized.
    • Up x 8
  4. BenYeeHua

    OK, I will waiting for it.:)
  5. Kon

    untill january 30 should be more than enough time to get it sorted
  6. BenYeeHua

    But I hope they are using that time for game performance.;)
  7. NovaAustralis

    I have been getting the 'triple loading screen' bug occasionally since I started PS2 late last year.
    (I tend to dread seeing it, because I've noticed a correlation between the 'triple loading screen' and then getting the 'empty world / only sky' graphics glitch a short time after...)

    Agree that it is caused by:
    - Re-spawning at a location fairly distant from your death location.
    - Using certain teleporters into Bio Labs (can't remember the exact ones).

    When you park your Sundy on uneven ground or platforms and it does that squeaky wobble back and forth.
    If you then deploy it, after a while the squeaky wobbles escalate more and more, until the Sundy sets off the 'triple loading screen' and warps to a new angle / position.
    Sometimes a poor sap gets road-killed in the process too!

    This is indeed an odd bug...
  8. Kon

    i get the triple loading screen and the crash on every game exit bug since forever , crash on exit has been since tech test
  9. MeowMix986367

    I had the triple loading bug the other night. Every single time I spawned, it loaded three times. It's really really really really really annoying.
  10. MGP

    The reward for "The most annoying game bug in gaming history" goes to SOE and its famous "Triple loading screen"!
  11. Haya jii san

    Just do your best guys there :) We believe in you <33
  12. Sworaven

    so ******* annoying.
  13. NuGundam

    2 Second load time, another 2 second load time, and a 3 second load time.

    Eh. Big deal. Ever play the original Playstation? Now those were load times.
  14. Tarwyn

    You appear in the world after the second loading screen, so it's a problem, whether you like it or not. Plus it makes no sense to have triple loading screens in the first place when the game at launch did not exhibit this behaviour.
  15. Yutty

    It's long enough for you to spawn in a base that just flipped and get killed by the pain field
  16. Arcanum

    Actually you can get killed before the first loading screen is up if you're spawning at a sunderer.
  17. MGP

    This got much worse recently. Now more then half of my loads are tripple sht.

    funniest thing to get triple loading screen is when you have sunderer, and you set it up as squad only, and you move to gunner position and when squad members enter vechile and goes to driver seat automatically, you get triple loeading screen and vechile usually changed direction it is facing.

    same happen also with all vechiles, lost couple planes because those flip up side sometimes when pilot changes.
  19. SpartanZero

    This issue has been occurring since launch. It has never cleared up during subsequent patches.
  20. Skuggi

    I get this too at random when spawning, redeploying etc. I also get it a lot if I'm in my galaxy gunning while it's squad locked and someone hops in the driver seat. My big question is why is everyone getting so worked up... It adds what, 3 seconds till you spawn?