What do Noobs do that Annoy You?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PrecentralGyrus, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Stadulator

    More likely a case of you being in the WG every 10 min for a new tank and new gunner :p

    Yes, because being as useless at **** on a boar is a valid gameplay tactic.

    If you roll engie or med and don't play support why bother? Just go lone wolf HA or LA and call it good
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  2. Stadulator

    Noobs that start PS with no clue how the game works, decide at some point their going to be the "top gal driver' or some such then complain because they don't get enough kills and exp as a gal driver

    Noobs who show up at a choke point, and instead of setting up cross fire/covering fire, they come stand right next to you or in front of you.

    Engies and Meds who stand in front of you rather than behind cover, then complain about dying when an enemy comes up behind them and you can't shoot due to grief
  3. Insolence

    Jump in my Marauder Harasser, only to be looking at the sky when there are 3 infantry to blow up right next to us.
  4. TheBillOf3D

    I'm usually the engineer and I make a great amount of certs because few others do their job or do it well. So on one level I hope you continue playing the class wrong. On another level, I do eventually want to take that objective. If you aren't performing your role and instead being a K/D padder with a medic or engie hat on, you are just taking up space in the squad. People keep asking for help and you don't want to do it. It would be easier if you would pick a HA, LA, Max, or even an infiltrator so the rest of the squad would not waste time and energy trying to get support from you and could ask someone else to pick up the slack or change themselves to meet the demand. But squad/platoon leaders look at the class symbol next to the names and like to assume they have those spots filled correctly. Taking time to shape up the squad and educate them on what is expected takes time away from playing.
  5. MorganM

    When they randomly capitalize words in topics.
  6. Fned

    Reparing while riding is explicitly a feature.
  7. Robert Patrician

    So it boils down to, "Don't play the game in the way that you have fun, play the game that will make me win."
    I don't know what platoon type you're dealing with, but I've never seen teams rearranged to get a certin number of medics or engineers in a squad. It's just whoever you get.

    So let me ask you... if an engineer is playing it 'wrong' by having mines instead of ammo packs, WHY IS IT AN OPTION? You should go let SOE know that they've added an option you can buy that makes people play their class 'wrong.'
  8. Robert Patrician

    Ah, I see. Any players in those class should be subservient to how you play the game. Keep running out into enemy fire, then the medic should stop what they're doing and come revive you. If they don't then they're a 'bad player.' It's not on you for constantly getting killed in the middle of nowhere because you directly charged an enemy position, clearly you're a 'good' player because your K/D is awesome!

    #1 noob behavior: Trying to dictate to other people how to play the game instead of just playing it themselves.
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  9. TheBillOf3D

    You really need to try hard to misrepresent what I'm saying to sooth your butt hurt over how close to home it hit. If you felt you were doing it right, you wouldn't be crying. I don't spend time dictating to others how to play. I just kick them or ask they be kicked when they refuse to act as a team. Never a problem to get a slot open for someone that does want to help the team. If you have better things to do than drop ammo or repair a max when asked then we need that spot for someone who does want to do it and freeing it up is easy.
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  10. GSZenith


    10 medics rezing same guy.
  11. Stadulator

    WHOOOSH! That's the sound of it going right over your head. I certainly dont' dictate how you should play, but I do ask the question: If you roll out in a certain class then don't play to that classes strength/role.. why bother?

    Sorry to spell it out but you're stuck on this "I GOTTA BE ME" special snowflake thing.

    I'm surprised there's not a thread with some HA guy going on about how he doen't have to use his rocket launcher on vehicles if he doesn't want to because in his definition of the game it's meant for infantry.
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  12. skyN3T

    Who annoy me:
    The ones that spawn a Liberator at the Warpgate and stop to hover right at the spot, just so other aircraft rams them without being able to avoid, then start to rage.
    The ones that repair a Tank from behind in the heat of the battle, then rage when you back up and squeeze them.
    The ones that spot too often so your cover is blown / the ones that never spot when in a secondary of a vechicle, so you have no idea what they are shooting or which direction they are shooting.
    The ones that deny to go and spread out from an AMP station and block the door so you have to go around, and by the time you make the detour just to see they already moved out.

    True story

    I spawned a Liberator and decided to make it a Puberator, just to have some idiot spawn his own for the sole reason to land it on my top to flip me over. No "sorry" or anything just a "trolololo". Then he carried on trolling other aircraft in hopes to flip them over too. That was the time I decided to give him a lesson. When he landed for a short time I set him up with some C4, and patiently waited to leave the no damage wonderdome and detonated it. 2 sticks were just enough to damage him badly so he landed to repair - outside. Bad decision. I grabbed my Roflpodmossie and podded the hell out of his sorry A$$. After that he started crying that he did not wanted that death. Then I gently explained him to $TFU and GTF0.
    He argued that his one death and 15 secs of respawn (I was generous and kept his Lib intact) was more of a loss than 350 res and 8 minutes of waiting for me. The K/D statwhore kiddie. Kids nowdays think that ruining others' fun is A-OK, but when someone else ruins their fun in return it's crytime. That annoys me the most.

    Almost forgot. He badmouthed me for using "SC bought weapons". Like paying for a game was a sinful/despisable act. (I'm a member, yes, but I spend my SC only on camos, not weapons - not like it makes any difference). So to any kids who read this:

    You should thank paying members for keeping this game and the servers alive.
  13. Liewec123

    deploying a sundy at the wrong leg of a biolab (the one without the grav lifts but close enough that noone can deploy in the right place).
    spawning and running away from the damaged sundy.
    roadkilling allies. (especially max/flash)
    locking sundy when its something like 2/8 leaving allies behind.
    standing infront of turrets/maxes holding down a doorway as a normal infantry.
    spawning a vehicle and not moving from the pad so theres a big buildup behind them.
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  14. NC_agent00kevin

    They come to the forums and rage and insult anyone who dares to point out that their favorite new toy is OP.

    Heres looking at you, Phazaar.
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  15. hihihilolHI

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  16. WorldOfForms

    I totally agree with you that it's ridiculous for anyone to dictate how another person plays the game, but do you not know that engineers can have ammo packs and mines at the same time?

    You just select your turret and press "B". Poof! Ammo packs.
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  17. ExarRazor

    probably PS1 players who are trying to get the hang of ps2
  18. Kastrenzo

    Camping in spawnrooms.

    Experienced players do it even more than noobs though, statpadders
  19. DeadliestMoon

    I'd say that getting auto repair is the best option anyway despite people not wanting to repair you.
  20. ArcKnight

    the devs really should make the nanite auto repair a passive cert for the MAX
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