VS weapons the best in the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RemingtonV, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Chiss


    Sorry, but NC do have the worst guns. VS Carbine is the best gun in the game, and after using it, i agree.

    NC Carbines have nearly 2x the TTK as VS and TR weapons.

    This fits into my experiences. I am a seasoned FPS player, playing FPS' competitively over the years. The number of times i have started shooting at someone (needing to burst fire 1 bullet at a time), then they just spin around after about 4 shots and hold shoot and i die in ~1 second. It's pretty awful.
  2. ak47

    I would not say there is serious disparity as Monday night I made a NC to join a few friends on a Eu server and if it was not for the terible lag the server was suffereing where it seemed bullit hit registerhad bugged out i would have had a serously better KDR than what I finished with which was 3.27.

    what was the situational differences, such as in a good squad rolling with the zerge ect ect
  3. HadesR

    These threads might stop when the NC get their buff to be brought in line with the others .. Well maybe not , just the " OP " target will change :p
  4. TeknoBug

    Most NC and TR weapons start at 167-200 damage, most VS weapons start at 143 damage... so yeah they do.

    The Pulsar C is the only VS one I can think of that has 167 max damage and comes with some extreme recoil.
  5. ak47

    burst fire is not 1 bullet at a time, burst is a controled release of several rounds . If you are in close range and using single shot then i would expect you to loose as that is just stupid.

    disclaimer - If you are using a weapon that say it has a alternate firemode which should be 3 shot burst mode, you will find that on most it only fires 1 single round as can be seen if you watch your ammo.
  6. Pax Empyrean

    The GD-7F kills faster than the VX6-7 when you're not firing from the hip and missing 70% of your shots, as the document you linked to assumes. It does the same damage per shot and has a slightly faster firing rate. Yes, it has a longer TTK when you're spraying wildly, since the VX6-7's rets are naturally a little smaller, but if you're actually able to aim at your target, perhaps by using those incredible things called "sights" to focus your fire, then the GD-7F actually kills faster. Note the TTK when you're not missing 70% of your shots, and how it's faster than everything in the game that isn't a shotgun or a rocket launcher.

    They're both amazing guns, and even if the VX6-7 were better (I'd put them on par), the GD-7F is still better than practically every other gun out there, so the claim that all NC guns are bad is just stupid. Most are bad. Some are excellent. It only takes one gun that isn't bad to disprove the claim that all NC guns are bad.
  7. Chiss

    NC guns are bad because of their cone of fire. You cant hit anything at 50m away. Try it out, its hell. Close range, theyre the same.
  8. centurionvi

    TR only has 2 weapons that do more than 143 damage, SABR-13 and the TMG-50. VS has 5. Flare, Pulsar, Pulsar C, Beamer VS3, and Manticore. So again, no, they don't.
  9. BurialDay

    No, fire rate determines your fire rate, and recoil determines your recoil. Go to bed man. If you'd like to refer to DPS instead of bullet damage, be clear with your terms.
  10. BurialDay

    No ****.
  11. Fishpoke

    I've played all three empires, I prefer TR weapons personally they have a nice feel to them I have no issues gunning people down CQ or at range. Aim for the head xD

    I love the trac 5 >_>
  12. -lOldboyl-

    The problem with those numbers is that they don't take real situation and combat into account. While NC weapons are slightly more powerful you do need to make every shot count because of the much slower weapon RPM, also most people are not standing still when firing or fighting are closer ranges.

    Also when taking hits the aim will jerk which further puts slower RPM and higher recoil weapons at a further disadvantage which is very noticeable at medium range combat.
  13. Pax Empyrean

    The GD-7F has the same cone of fire as the Lynx and can fit the advanced laser attachment to give it a smaller cone of fire than the TR pistol with a laser on it. The GD-7F has the exact same vertical recoil as the VX6-7 and has slightly less horizontal recoil. It pulls up and to the left, whereas the VX6-7 pulls up and to the right. At 50m I'd be using ADS with either weapon, at which point the advantage of the VX6-7 (slightly better hipfire) is moot.
  14. Xihuitl

    Nah, TR are best in the game, so much more effective. VS are good mostly, with some really crap ones in there, NC just suck.
  15. InZanity

    My main is a TR engineer with the Lynx (really high ROF) and have a KDR of around 2, but since i see the posts about NC weapons being really bad i decided to create an alt to test stuff, went as engineer for 3 hours and ended up with an kdr of 1.8 against both vanu and TR (the low KDR is mainly due to me being used to the lynx and not shooting TR, i prolly died 10 times just because i thought the TR was friendly :p)
    Also note that i was using the base engi gun

    Long story short, NC weapons is fine, learn to adapt
  16. Chiss

    You are quite simply wrong... if what you were saying is true, the GD-7F would have a lower TTK at 50m. Unfortunately its more than twice as long.
  17. Chiss

    I play all 3 races, i don't like NC much, but its blatantly clear to me that NC weapons suck at long range.
  18. Korban

    She's like a whining spoilt GF isn't she........thats why I chose VS instead, at least he sounded more like Leonard Nimoy aka Sentinel Prime.
  19. Kriga

    the more accuracy the better the weapon. missing shots dont deal dmg. if u have a weapon with high acc and high rate of fire, it is best. VS have best acc and 2nd best rate of fire.

    for vehicle: the more mobility the better the survivability.

  20. Tenzek

    Inside about 25m I'd agree. Probably some AR are similar in power around that range and overtake it further away.

    I have been able to kill spec-in-the-distance targets that were stationary with the VX6-7 using just the 1x reflex sight, however these people were dumb enough to keep presenting themselves as a target multiple times without healing. I had no difficulty hitting them from that distance, but the damage was quite pathetic.