VS weapons the best in the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RemingtonV, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. breezy808

    Well , it's not as bad as you may think. Long range I single shot, Medium-long burst. Short range burst/hipshots/automatic. I think it's my gun and all the upgrades(spent about 700 certs total for the gun and the upgrades)

    Idk if you care or not, but it's important to know where the "Small" battles are instead of the "big" battles where there could be 30 enemies around you. If you cut it down to "Small" fights(5-15) enemies in the area and kind of play like an assassin.(I Play heavy assault) you should be able to get a 2-1 K/D if you have 2-3x my FPS you could probably get higher.
  2. ShortTimer

    You sir are a scholar and a warrior, I hope to see you on the battlefield. /salute

    P.S. You sound like an assassin. I was gonna mention that.

    how about taking recoil, spread, damage drop off so on and so forth in relation to one another into consideration as well? if your weapons got a relatively low TTK, that doesn't mean that it sucks across-the-board. it most likely means that it's got better accuracy/ controlability to compensate for the lack of damage output/sec. see NC weapons. the low rof results in relatively low TTK values, yet low rof most likely means that one weapon is much more controllable, hence it is easier to land more hits on target than with a weapon with insane TTK that jumps all over the place when firing it, meaning that it's basically near impossible to achive those statistical TTK values, since recoil/ spread and user aim is not even considered at that point.
  4. Fleabag

    Every single time?

    Despite that players from all around the world, on every server, of various personal capabilities are killing off VS left, right and center day in day out.

    Hmm....so the problem is the weapons...

    What's that old adage about a bad workman and his tools again? :rolleyes:
  5. DCWarHound

    I play all 3 races and i have to say that VS feel a bit underpowered.
    The do the least amount of damage and damage drops off fast over range making their no bullet drop trait kinda useless.(their MAX also sucks)

    I tried NC and didn't have problems killing targets over range,they kill pretty fast if you can hit your target

    Terran feel very powerful,it's not everyday you can kill 4 people and drop a max with my light assault.
  6. Littleman

    ALL empires lose damage over range. It's not a trait exclusive to the VS. The defining traits of each empire's weaponry in general are:

    TR: High RoF + sustained fire (40 round mags,) longer reloads.
    NC: High damage output, shorter reload.
    VS: High RoF + smaller magazines (30 rounds,) shorter reloads, no bullet drop.

    There are always exceptions to the rules. See: NC6 Gauss SAW, 100 rounds, high damage, slower than molasses reload. See: TR SABR-13, essentially a Gauss rifle without full auto mode.

    Those 1s+ TTKs are long for what the weapons are capable of, but probably about on target considering the artificial life extension variables of accuracy. The VS weaponry are nearly copies of TR weaponry with ammo counts being really the only concern. By comparison, the NC weapons are efficient at making each round of their 30 round magazines count. They're actually quite accurate and very rewarding if one can counter the recoil properly.
  7. ChrisLand

    Vanu = Easy Mode
    TR = Normal Mode
    NC = Hard Mode

    Very well known truth, not much else to say lol
  8. sneakbyte

    GR-22, GD-22S, EM6, GD-7F, EM1 All good guns at CQC try them. The GD-7F is a machine and so is the GR-22.
  9. Xandax

    When I tried out VS infantry my experience was the same as yours.
    The problem with VS is the reliance on Mags n' Scytes that they don't seem to do much else - at all..

    When I'm on TR I like to fight NC and vice versa because there's a more balanced approach. You see all the infantry supported by tanks and airplanes. It provides nice battles.
    When going up against VS, it's looks mostly only tanks n' planes supported by a few who can't drive or fly. Then the fight becomes more dull as infantry and you end up taking straggles and dying to Magriders.

    Of course - might be the servers I play at, but the reliance on Mags is predominant on all of them. Seems to indicate an issue in my book.
  10. badname02

    Which class did you play? I find the NC heavy lacking compared to the TR and Vanu heavies, but the light assault\engineer gun is straight up golden in CQC+jetpack combo. So is the default sniper. 3:1 kd NC, 3:1 kd VS, 4:1 kd TR so far =p Got lucky with the TR heavy I think. But that's because I flank\lonewolf a lot to maximize casualties =p In the zerg\platoon play your K\D won't matter to anyone.
  11. Nenarch

    Go troll elsewhere man. It's about headshots always, if u can't aim.. or get jumped u'r dead to headshots. To get most headshots.. where rate of fire helps there. Bullet dropping does zero at close combat.. go and play TR with carv who can right click to aim.. then talk about devastating weapon what even butter knifes the HA shields with it's headshot amount/dmg.
  12. Bags

    All 3 empires are easy to play well.
  13. Hexcaliber

    TR highest ROF, large mags, lowest damage, medium recoil, medium bullet drop off, low burst, high sustained, medium armour.

    VS, medium ROF, medium mags, medium damage, low recoil. no bullet drop off. average burst, average sustained, low armour.

    NC, slowest ROF, small mags, highest damage, high recoil, high bullet drop off, high burst, low sustained, high armour.
  14. Vortok

    It is the servers you play on. On the VS server I'm on half the time there's no scythe for miles (or they're there because it's part of the zerg) while TR has Hellfire equipped Mossies for dayz, because few VS people play AA (air or ground variant) and fewer still are decent at it. NC has their fair share but seem to spend more time fighting TR at the moment.

    Reliance on Mags is more like reliance on MBTs. Every faction does that, though Mags are of course easier for new players to handle than turning a tank turret and tank treads separately. Called an armor zerg for a reason.

    Of course there's going to be balance issues in the land of spreadsheets where every bullet is 100% accurate and the concept of missing due to any one of a dozen factors is just some weird outlier to be discarded. Hopefully SOE has some in game weapon statistics tracking to show them how people are performing with the guns since that'll likely give them a much better idea where tweaks may be needed.
  15. maxkeiser

    NC weapons are deadly - far more damage.
  16. iller

    But much better accuracy/Ease of control
    ...leading to a lot more hits unless you're very good + lucky at controlling the jumpier high spread NC weapons.

    VS fights other players
    TR fights the spreadsheet
    NC fights their own weapon designs
  17. RAS

    i nearly fell of my chair when i read the title of this post , your delusional .

    1st off anything past mid range vs weps are total garbage , always have been and still are , after 4 or 5 shots on most of our guns the cof goes wild even tap firing doesn't cure this or even if the wep is fully certed

    I do agree that nc weps have been dumped on at the moment , thats what made me go vs again and not nc

    The tr weps are a differant matter , they are op'd

    read this link below , scroll down to equinox's post

  18. Machine Spirit

    its because the VS lacks in bullet fights, I play them alot, and I also notice this, we mostly use Magriders and Scythe's, though, I couldn't point my finger at the cause for sure, plainly said.. I think the damage on VS weaponry needs to be buffed, not speaking about all of them, but stuff like the Orion.
  19. Botji

    I see both you and even some VS here(suprisingly) doesnt seem to really think about this. The reason why VS tank group/zerg is almost 100% vehicles is not because an over reliance on magriders but the simple fact that its near impossible for VS to have a mixed group of infantry and tanks.

    What is the first thing you think is OP about the magrider?
    Most would say its the strafe.. and there you have the reason for why when you see a lot of magriders its not a balanced group of tanks and infantry.

    (for those still not able to grasp this, put a lot of strafing tanks and a group of infantry togheter all you get in the end is strafing tanks because the infantry has been run over.)
  20. Dankshasta

    I think they have the best weapons too. Not that the NC, and TR weapons do not shine in certain circumstances, but look at the way most fights play out. That medium, to long range zone is where the Vanu's recoil really shines. So in theory everybody has a strength, but in practice I think Vanu does get a slight advantage, and it's slight really.

    Having said all that though, who cares really? It's negligible, and I've played them all, and settled with TR only because of friends.