[VS] Sentinels

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by KiddParK, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. boom-mug

  2. Fear The Amish

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  3. KiddParK

    round two... this time... it's personal.. also NC...

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  4. Sarmane

    Be sure to fight for Vanu and folk in the upcoming Waterson Challenge. NC outfits against the VS Alliance will only result in one outcome. A Purple Dawn. Also snow fights.
  5. SongOfDiscord

    I read the OP and this Outfit looks neat.
    How do I get started?

    Background: BR 20+ on Helios as Vanu. Looking for a more active server and the Friday night ops caught my eye. Made a new character (BR 5:oops:) on Waterson. It also appeals to me that I will be in a server that does not have the highest pop consistently. (Since I think that means players looking for a challenge are on the server)

    EDIT: I play engineer almost exclusively.
  6. MasterMind225

    SongOfDiscord, head on over to www.sents.enjin.com and put in an application there. Then hop on our teamspeak and roll with us for a little while :)

  7. Sarmane

    I would also say Song wait out for the server transfer token! if your BR20 character is your mainstay switch with it, if its not a problem stick with BR5. Looking forward to seeing you in game and on ts3!
  8. SongOfDiscord

    As nice as that would be, my best friend can't reliably play on an East coast server. Since that is the character I have spent leveling for who knows how many hours with him, I think I am going to keep it where my high cert stuffs can benefit my friend and vice versa.

    And now I know what not to waste certs on. ;)

    Also, where is "our an application" (as mentioned in the rank picture in the OP) to be found?
  9. Saintlycow


    Try this :)
  10. SongOfDiscord

  11. Sarmane

    Hopefully thats fixed soon, in the meantime hop onto the ts3 server, theres a squad going at the moment. look for the Sentinels Non-SOP Channel. :D

    EDIT: Sorry heres the info, just type: teamspeak.vanu-sovereignty.com into the address and you should be sweet. Also just click on the TS3 link on the main page. Hope it works.
  12. Argg

    That teamspeak.vanu-sovereignty.com address is for use in the Teamspeak 3 voice application, not from a web browser.
  13. Androktasie

    Vanu smiles upon this outfit.
  14. Sarmane

    Looking for strong, independent Vanu, willing to commit to killing Facist TR and Corporate NC. Doesnt have the time for any of their silly doctrines. Post interest at sents.enjin.com.
  15. KiddParK

    Calling all NC/TR forces.. you want Indar? You can have it when you pry ARC Bio from our cold dead purple fingers. We invite all comers to try and take it, and all Vanu from every server to help keep it.

    Friday the First of Feb


    Brought to you by the Letters V and A
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  16. Saintlycow

    You shoudl join us. At least show up Friday Feb 1st
  17. Fourth Oracle

    How interested would you guys be in a heavily, nearly fully certed Galaxy with Bulldogs and Walkers to supplement and transport your infantry force...?
  18. KiddParK

    always great to have a good gal pilot around, as long as scythe support is in sight and on call.
  19. Nomad1

    You will not fail Vanu nor yourself with this outfit ;)
  20. Badfortune

    We are also looking for players who find themselves spending most of their time as an infiltrator. We are gearing up our Shadows squad and need some dedicated infiltrators who enjoy all aspects of the class.