[VS] DasAnfall [DA]

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Ender, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. huller

    I luv your stats site <3
  2. WaaWaa

    Hope you don't mind I took the 2nd vid for side by side comparison from your stream, Ender!

    <3 DA!
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  3. Ender

    Not at all, well played. 2 minutes prior we chose the South side because the VS vehicles were piling up on the North. Sure enough as soon as we're ready to go nc had flipped north and vehicles come to the South. You just had to be right there didn't you :)
  4. Posse

    I lol'd, but this still deserves you to be hunted down and killed repeateadly :D
  5. Stability

    Please stop making me feel insecure whenever you show up to a fight. You're too good, think of the rest of the VS whom you're overshadowing!
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  6. Forlorn Hope

    I tried to crush xxfleishwolfxx with the weight of my fatty vanguard last night. He used DA.exe to make his magrider throw me up in the air and flip on to my back like a turtle. It was uncalled for and rude!
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  7. Ender

    Fleisch was in a mag? I was pretty sure his body had merged with the Galaxy ala Mass Effect 3 Ending..... The one night I don't play....
  8. Erendil

    But first you must realize the truth: There is no rocket. Then you'll see, that it is not the rocket that bends, it is only yourself.
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  9. Kanya

    That reminds me - I must stop by DARK's website, been way too long speaking to mouse, OBD etc.
  10. Sock

    DA is currently recruiting all MLG caliber pilots

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  11. Herby20

    That was...... impressive.
  12. Sock

    DA is pushing the metagame forward with advanced tactical play

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  13. Ender

    Recruitment is actually closed at the moment, but 1/2 way down Page 2 just will not do my ego justice.
  14. velleity

  15. Sock

    Another successful operation.

  16. Fat-Kat

    Is the leader active and above rank 19?
  17. Flapatax

    When you hit BR 30 you are removed from DA as you are clearly stat-padding.
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  18. Ender

    No, in fact, I was content when I hit br15 and thus petitioned SOE to halt all of my xp/cert gain. I then formed DA with the single requirement being that no member was ever allowed to be over BR14, because there's no way I can share the spotlight!
  19. Sock

    DA is excited to announce we're branching out into new games!

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  20. Sock

    DA embraces the glory of recommended loadouts.