[VIDEO] If you're not aiming for the head, you're doing it wrong.

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Visigodo, Nov 29, 2013.


    This is very true, however there is a reason why rifles are standard issue for most infantry occupations in all militaries: Shotguns range is extraordinarily limited. Thats why flat states like Illinois require most hunting to be performed with shotguns and not rifles. Im not a huge shotgun buff (game wise, I love them IRL), but shotgun usage requires a particular skillset that most gamers DO NOT have: tactical thinking. Getting a ton of kills with a shotgun requires the shooter to place himself in a close quarters position.

    I dont want to argue the merits of either the OP, or the guy you responded to's skillset, but shotguns (especially now) are certainly as impressive to rack kills with, as the orion is. Both are incredibly more powerful than the average rifle in this game. the difference is that the shotgun is only more powerful when its up close, and the orion is ALWAYS more powerful because using it is so dang flibbin flappy easy due to excellent accuracy and virtually zero recoil.
  2. Iridar51

    You can't be good unless you're NC? What kind of screwed up logic is that?
    Pug stomping? As far as I can tell, he's there only with one another guy, that's hardly "pro outfit stomping randoms".

    Video is good, and gave me something to think about.
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  3. Visigodo

    I can't wait for the nanoweave nerf.

    This is categorically false. Most infantry combat in this game takes place in CQC, where shotguns kill 300000% faster than normal weapons. Secondly, what do you mean by "an average rifle"? And what do you mean by "virtually zero recoil?" The MSW-R has less vertical recoil, for example, while the Anchor has less horizontal recoil.

    This is my first Battlefield-type game. I spent the better part of a decade playing Quake with some Tribes thrown in (see sig for some gameplay) and died to vehicles/dumb mistakes countless times for the first few months after I started playing ps2. As a carryover from playing Quake, I still play very aggressively since I hate standing in one spot. That results in more deaths from engaging groups of people and getting flanked than if I played more passively and carefully. I still end up averaging 3.5 to 6 k/d on the ground these days. There's lots of junk data on other weapons since I was trying to play with ADS sens = hipfire sens for a while which just didn't work out at all, and i improved dramatically overnight by using www.mouse-sensitivity.com to convert my exact mouse sensitivity that i used in Quake to PS2 and had to edit the ini many times since the ingame slider is not precise enough. I play with about 29cm for a 360 turn in hipfire, with 37.3cm for a 360 turn in ADS.

    My waterson character is more accurate for where I'm currently at, stats-wise. http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/player/q3dm6
  4. Pie Chasm

    That's a joke.

    Flanking/ambushing with an LA is in no way comparable to playing Starcraft, or a REAL strategy game.

    Using the right weapon in the right situation along with with trying to find a location that is least likely to be in sight of the enemy is common knowledge, even to insects.
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  5. DeadliestMoon

    Dude, the general consensus is that VS weapons are piss easy and NC's weapons are underperforming. If you don't think so then just post a quick video of you pulling the exact same moves using NC weapons, it's no big deal.
  6. Pie Chasm

    The general consensus is generally wrong.

    Which weapons are inferior beyond the C85 enforcer?

    Are you going to say the NC6/EM6 is worse than the TMG-50?

    How about the AF-19 mercenary vs. every other factions mid-long ranged carbine?

    Shotguns are the same, but oh wait, NC has the jackhammer, the best semi-auto shotgun in the game.

    NC also has better SMGs than TR, but eh....

    It is true that the NC have the worst weapons, if everybody is firing LMGs and carbines from the hip and refusing to use shotguns.

    The only absolute truth is that VS weapons are easier to use and they are without doubt.
  7. DeadliestMoon

    I didn't say "inferior" I said underperforming. But to answer your question: "Which weapons are underperforming beyond the C85 Enforcer Modified?" Well there's the EM1 which people don't like very much, also the ACX-11; the Phoenix isn't that great compared to the other ESRLs.

    yes, but this guy does it ALL THE TIME, meaning he is at a sever disadvantage in most cases, that or he plays very selectively. Thats what I was getting at. Shottys in a tower are a good move. A shotgun in a push from indar excavation to quartz is simply insane. May as well use a pistol. You said it yourself, shotguns have some major blowbacks. in a game, unlike RL, there are additional blowbacks such as damage drop-off and COF. AR's, IRL and in this game, dont care how far away you are. A bullet is a bullet is a bullet.

    Meanwhile the orion simply dominates every situation it comes across.
  9. Gheeta

    Heh, the amount of **** in this thread is unbelievable.

    Nice video and impressive shooting, i hope to see more from you. This goes to show that if you really wan't to get good quake is a good way to practice.
  10. Lakora

    As an NC player I salute you that's quite nice, the amount of headshots you got in that clip, now to improve my own aim (haven't actually checked myself in a while so dunno what it is)
    For the NC players you fought... Well I'm ashamed, they were making themselves easy targets playing defensively.
  11. CompletelyDeadCoyote

    NC's, stop whining! Go look Wrel's videos on NC weapons on youtube and be amased of how you actually can shoot from your guns. Start with this

    And despite the fact that OP did faced some zerglings instead of good players, his aim is awesome and his point is true: shoot peolpe in the head, it kills realy fast.
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  12. Pie Chasm

    EM1 = Polaris > T32Bull

    ACX-11, best ranged carbine in the game. Nothing wrong it.

    Phoenix > Striker. If you've used both you'd know, especially now.

    Anything else?

    A 2 year old could understand that a shotgun works well in a tower. You've not yet addressed where this "skill" comes into play, or tactics.. or anything.

    I use shotguns in towers and on points effectively, like pretty much anybody else in the game. Neither skill, nor intelligence comes into play.
  13. DeadliestMoon

    Lol. :rolleyes:
  14. Konfuzfanten

    Wow. I very rarely gets impressed by "L33T skillz" videos, but damn, thats some proper aiming skills.

  15. KnightCole

    NC guns wont pull this same crap. I cant even hit the head that regularly with the EM6 and it has lowish recoil. Seems to bloom and recoil off the head to quickly beyond a few meters. I can usually land enough head hits to score multitudes of kills but like that vid? hell no lol. NC guns cant do it.
  16. Pie Chasm

    That's all you've got? Sad.

    Watch somebody who can aim use it and learn what a ranged LA is all about.
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  17. Takoita

    I'll say that default Infiltrator primaries are harder than that, IMHO. Besides, it doesn't really need the attachements Wrel states it does. He'll need to let off the trigger more than what he shows in that video - it will likely get a bigger difference than any forward grip may do for him.

    But I'm nitpicking. The message is very much true.
  18. Noppa

    Nothing fancy TBH, normal day when killing noobs.. and anyway we all better players go for head ( old habit) :)
  19. RX530SS

    He never said he could do it on NC. He just implied that it would be much more difficult on NC.

    Although pub stomping often refers to a group of coordinated/skilled players teaming up against pubs. Pub stomping can also refer to a skilled player going up against a larger group of pubs and still beating them because of a lot more skill.
    TLDR: Basically any time a competitive gamer goes up against pubs and wins by a wide margin it is pub stomping.
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  20. MrK

    Problem for NC HA in CQC is the lack of LMG having at the same time an "easy" recoil management, good DPS and magazine size.
    You either get recoil (EM1, Anchor), DPS (EM6, Anchor) or Magazine Size (EM6, EM1).

    Honestly, Visi would probably do as well with NC weaponry with ease, what I just wonder is what option he'd chose :)
    He had already shown years ago in PS1 vids he had an awesome aim. One of the few of who I remember PS1 vids