[VIDEO] If you're not aiming for the head, you're doing it wrong.

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Visigodo, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. Visigodo

    And if you're dependent on nanocrutch now, you better get used to dying a lot faster.

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  2. MuNrOe

    Now try doing the same thing on NC and I might be impressed. Pfft.
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  3. Pie Chasm

    You're not in DA and your K/D is below 3. Clearly you have no skill.
  4. Hibiki54

    He's also not FCRW and facing against lemmings. Not impressed.
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  5. PastalavistaBB

    This video shows 3 things:

    1) Visigodo is an above average/good player and knows how to aim and compensate recoil.
    2) Those enemies in the video are randoms and well, they are NC.
    3) VS LMGs, especially the Orion are miles away from their supposed counterparts.
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  6. KnightCole

    But the annoying thing is, we pretty much need to aim for the head or lose. I find the engagements which I put a few rounds in the dome I win, but those I fail to hit the head, I lose. I have been vastly improving my headshot hits but still got work to do on the quick aim at the head like this vid. I aim center mass to ensure some hits, then work my way to the head.
  7. Shockfc

    Visigodo is one of the best infantry vs infantry players in the game, despite NOT being in DA or FCRW. Put your pitchforks down people...
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  8. Pie Chasm

    That is my point.
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  9. Visigodo

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  10. YoXn

    Nice video. Your play-style will be even stronger with the upcoming changes to nanoweave. As for the
    haters. Sure, he is using an Orion. But head-shots with any other gun is about the same. Recoil only
    matters imho at distances beyond 100m. And from what I can see, all his targets are not beyond that

    As for people complaining about his K/D. Look at his headshot ratios, and accuracy. They are above
    average. One might say... MLG ready?
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  11. SinerAthin

    So many low BRs in a single spot :O
  12. Madrey

    This video is pointless, because of two reasons.

    First, your pug stomping. The people you were fighting against are unorganized and of a lower skill level than you plus it was a low pop fight.

    Second, your fighting NC as a VS which gives you an advantage in the infantry vs infantry area. Just imagine that at 1:56 that NC engi was a TR engi with a Lynx or Trac 5, I don't think you would have won so easily.

    Honestly you should try doing it with a NC character on a higher pop server.
  13. Shanther

    Dem pitch forks.
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  14. MuNrOe

  15. Pie Chasm

    Shotguns require immense skill.

    This is common knowledge....

    Actually, even IRL, shotguns are for people without great aim. That's the point of using shot instead of bullets to hit ducks/flying discs. It's to merely wound at distance, or blow apart up close.

    Not that an expert marksman can't use it to the same effect as a rifle, but that's the cold truth.
  16. Fortress

    His aim and trigger discipline are flawless, please stop dunning krugering all over this thread.
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  17. bodmans

    ofcourse aiming for the head is better, but most of us are at 20% accuracy, and thats mainly the chest area...
  18. Gundem

    At first I'm like "Huh?"
    Then I'm like "Huuuuuuh?!?!"
    Then I'm like "Heuhbuheibahihwaidhua"

    Teach me, master!
    Er, better yet, get me a Server Exchange Token first. I'm sick of Connery, all its latency, bugs, and bad population.

    All I wanna do is move to Waterson :C
  19. Liberty

    Do people seriously believe that its the NC weapons that hold them back from accomplishing streaks like this and not their own lack of ability? (I'm talking about infantry small arms here, not enforcer modified)

    Definitely looking forward to these changes going live.

    Also :

    I feel like a lot of people misuse pub stomping anymore. Pub stomping is when an organized group or team that usually plays together goes up against a group of random people. You don't pub stomp solo or duo especially against numbers like that.

    Outplaying a bunch of people just means you were better than them. You didn't bring a team of equal or greater size in and roll over them because of familiarity / organization / communication.

    As for point two, if only the NC had access to something that handled similar to the Serpent or Lynx. Something like the GD-7F?

    That was a very impressive clip of outgunning a lot of players of lesser skill that only came to an end when they brought a MAX + 3 engies to take out a single player. Bads will be jealous / try to dismiss it but that was damn impressive aim. Also check his Orion / SVA stats http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/player/Visigodo that is crazy, how Vis doesn't have like a 9+ K/D is beyond me, definitely a top tier player when it comes to aim / recoil control.
  20. Takoita

    Very nice. Although I kinda missed what was the purpose of this video.