[Video] Hitreg

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Matti, Dec 11, 2014.

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  1. pnkdth

    It is just how he does things, trolling for views and attention. Then when someone talks back he starts getting personal and, of course, a troll wouldn't be a troll without the classic "u mad, bro?" reply.
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  2. TammelTR

    Forget to toggle your aimbot?

    In all seriousness though you had an off moment and failed to aim center mass. Even at shorter ranges you can miss if you're chasing the target rather than aiming center or leading slightly.
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  3. BobSanders123

    Basically this ^
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  4. Cz4rMike

    Well show me the place where I am wrong in my comment on 3rd page. I'm gonna copy it for you, maybe you missed it somehow.

    I wrote following:
    So I did some CALCULATIONS so we know for sure what lead you need.

    Pulsar C
    speed with HVA = 515 * 1.05 = 540.75 m/s
    distance to enemy = 10 m (measured ingame with red dot sight comparison)
    time to fly = 0.0185 s

    enemy runs almost perpendicularly (at some degree, but we can go with 90) with speed = 4 m/s (measure ingame forward run speed)
    the amount of lead needed = 4 m/s * 0.0185 s = 0.074 m = 7.4 cm

    If you watch closely your lead is kinda around that number. Now adding CoF with High Velocity Ammo while you were MOVING and 10 m being the MINIMAL distance from you to him, you didn't lead enough.

    If you aimed to the center of your enemy, you'g get hits.

    So get off your high horse and stop saying people have bad sights or dirty screen, you aim wasn't good that moment, so wasn't your movement. You've just been proven WRONG. And if you can't accept your fault, well, your ego is over the roof. You should apologize to people...

    How am I ignorant? :D Did I try to insult you in any way? I'm just stating the facts, Matti. Your aim wasn't to the center of enemy, it was on enemy's left border. With the little lead you need at 10 metres you actually missed. You moved during your shooting, you overshooted at the end. That's not "aim on target" like you say.

    You failed to answer my question what sparks you were talking about and the timestamp or ammo count at the moment. Instead you posted nonsense about "every normal human being"... Every decent human being answers the question instead of trying to dodge it.

    You're being arrogant and ignorant, lying to yourself. You'd have much more support if you apologized by the way. You'd show that you're not an ELITE MLG youtube player who looks at everyone from the high... However with your ego now it would take so much courage to apologize and kick your pride in, when you're being called out by some guy who don't even have youtube channel :D. So I guess you won't...
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  5. Matti

    You play on Cobalt right, with the same name?
    That explains why you have no experience about infantry leading and why
    you talk the way you do. It is a very short video and if you still can't see
    what I've been talking about, I guess there is no point trying to have a
    "discussion" with you.
  6. TammelTR

    There's actually a video someone posted on the forums that emphasizes his point quite well... I believe someone by the name of Matti posted it. It showcases how failing to aim center mass at close range and opting to chase the target instead results in poor accuracy. The guy who posted it is infallible so I'm sure it's a clip from a video showcasing common mistakes a new player could be prone to making while aiming down sights.
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  7. Dualice

    I don't think this thread is going in quite the direction the OP intended.
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  8. Cz4rMike

    It's not my main at the moment. It is my NC char tho. My main is Cz4rinov at the moment. I wonder, by what you judge I have no experience? I have played a lot of different games where leading is needed, I also play BASR with 1x scope agressively, I know perfectly about leading. Better than some MLG PRO called Matti4ce it seems.

    You still haven't provided any time stamp / ammo count to your sparks nor did you replied to my extensive comment. What a fail...

    No point in "discussion" with me? Maybe if there was one, right now there is just you ignoring my comments and telling me how inexperienced I am, while you clearly failed proper leading in your video :). I guess you should take your own advice and maybe watch your videos on leading... [btw never seen the videos, wasn't interested, so not sure if there is any good content in it]

    :D... you made me laugh, man.
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  9. Jogido

    it's hard to see, but you can see the tracer of the shots missing if you watch carefully, especially in full screen. They can be easily confused for "hit sparks"

    I don't think it is hit reg issue, but maybe you can argue the game is not calculating the projectile path correctly ::shrug::

    personally, at that range I think that was within the normal range of possible behavior of the game mechanics.
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  10. iller

    No there were not "a lot of" misses. Your observational skills are Higby. That's the entire point of my last post to you.
    You have the credibility on this of a Blind man. I don't know if that's b/c you're only looking at tracers, or b/c you just don't even understand what GhostShots are and how interpolation works. Either way, you were embarassingly wrong in your previous post that charged there was no death screen showing enemy HP. You don't understand projectile coding. You do NOT speak from authority on this issue, you have no where NEAR the same aim consistency of Matti4ce, so stop acting like you can speak from authority here. You can't
  11. LT_Latency

    Go to 15-17 seconds. No hit marks, No sparks, Aimed too far to the left shoulder and bullets miss you can see them in the background

    Aiming at the back edge of someone while their are moving is a BAD idea in this game.

    Lot of people seem to be seeing the same thing as I am.
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  12. iller

    Tracers & server desynch. Do you even know what Client-Server hit negotiation is? You honestly think some bells and whistles should be a better indicator than where the Crosshairs are pointed and where the bullet time calc would place the actual projectile??
  13. LT_Latency

    So you should be NOT be aiming at the back edge of someone in this game.....Should you. You should be aiming father forward.

    It's not hitreg. He is missing cause he is too far back for the way the game works.

    Hitreg does happen.....But this is not a good video to show case it
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  14. doombro

    You landed a few shots, he started running, and your leading was off by just enough to miss him, then your CoF also caused some shots to miss. After he popped overshield, you started missing a bunch of shots outright, and he gets the kill on you. All in all, you landed a total of 7 hits on him. Heavy with overshield would require 8-9 shots from a Pulsar C from that range.

    Nothing wrong here. Your aim was just a very tiny bit off, and he was lucky enough to pull a kill out of it. Happens to the best of us. Deny it all you want, but the tracers flying past him are pretty visible.
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  15. iller

    When did you actually start playing FPS games, may I ask?
    Was it before, or after the 2005'ishes?

    LOL, WRONG. It's going to depend on personal connection. Some players have to aim slightly in front of their targets direction like you're saying because the automatic Interpoling rate is too slow for their situation. This is the whole problem with not having client-side ability to control that rate. But in Matti's case (from seeing his other videos), it's slightly too far ahead (the rate) in which case aiming slight behind the Graphic-Model is necessary to hit the actual Lag-Compensated hit boxes. Which is what we cannot see in this Video. Only Developers with an Admin function or cheaters playing from over 500 miles from the server could display this difference in Meshes.

    That's what I'm betting you weren't aware of... That there are 2 different Meshes used all FPS's. The graphic mesh is too complicated to be used as a projectle collision hull because it has way too many Vertices and would cause even a 32-man server to collapse in on itself.

    If you really want a particular detail to focus on here, the actual random Spread desynching from Tracer indicators would be your strongest variable in this argument. However it's also admitting that what we're seeing is in the realm of "Bugged"
  16. LT_Latency

    He is aiming too far to the left for almost the WHOLE gun fight.

    Look at 18 seconds the last bullet that hits he is aimed a full model width to the right and he is STILL HITTING HIM!!!! If he could hit him that far to the right his shot are going to miss just hanging on the back end of the model.

    He shoots on both sides of the model and he goes WAY off to the right at the end and is scoring tons of hits.
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  17. Hatesphere

    he missed, i;m not sure why you are doing this other then to be a dick/devils advocate. the thing about client side hit detection is it only really cares what happened on matti's client and what it told the server (its why you can get shot behind walls a half second after taking cover). hit boxes dont tend ghost around in front of the model in the PS2 model (the whole player model tends to jump or jitter bringing the hit boxes with it) and neither you or the guy you are taking to are overly qualified when it comes to hit detection programing and net code form simply playing the game or games in general.
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  18. iller

    You're going to need a Developer quote to prove this after the latest round of Updates.
    You know what I'm talking about right or could find them yourself right? Or do I have to link the Hotfix notes myself?

    Halfway working as intended, and if you don't understand why, then it's because you don't understand the 2-mesh system.
  19. LT_Latency

    Yeah, I do. Ad Hominem is not a valid argument BTW.

    If he can score hits that far to the right of the graphic model. Then he is going to miss the hitbox when he is just hanging on to the left edge of the graphic model when it's moving away from his crosshairs
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  20. iller

    I agree 100% that Ad Hominems should be called out and not accepted on these forums. But I do not see why you feel this instance was a personal attack. If you don't know enough about the subject, then that is questioning your knowledge, not your person. Attacking your Ideals is not attacking you. It specifically says this on most web articles that go into depth on what the Ad Hominem fallacy is.

    Or are you just trying to deflect and change the subject now?
    (calling out debate tactics is also dirty and derailing, but not a personal attack either. FYI)
    PS: I need to log in and get some afterschool farming in, so I won't be available for replies.
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