[Video] Hitreg

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Matti, Dec 11, 2014.

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  1. Stromberg

    from my experience the model severly lags behind the hitboxes, so you gotta shoot in front of running guys even at close range.
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  2. Hatesphere

    the worst part is he is getting people rallying behind him with this as an example of the hit reg issues, and its not a good thing. hit reg issues happen, but this isent one of them, its come of fire and bad luck.
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  3. DarkJackal

    I don't believe that is correct way to approach it as it sounds like we can just ignore the technical issues and problems that actually is not ignorable to any player playing in the 40s for FPS with PS2. Matti also posted another video with the Scythe on Hossin which averaged around 78 FPS AND on Hossin. Did you notice the comments Matti made in that video compared to this one linked here with the markedly huge difference in FPS (30-ish)?

    So if we just have the new players ignore actual technical performance, with a client-side based game that actually demands such attention, then those "new players", that most likely don't bother coming to the forum, will never get any better if the advice they are given is primarily only in good conditions being >60 fps. Emulating an alleged MLG player isn't really as good advice as it appears to a new player having sub-40 FPS as you would like to believe. You do have to play differently if you want to get anywhere in the 40 FPS world and I don't recommend nearly as much constant movement since you're just removing the few frames you have from landing any sort of good shots as your client still has to account for COF and Recoil per normal gameplay on top of FPS. Instead, new players with 40 FPS should play a bit more defensively only moving when needed to as they will need every frame to primarily be about firing shots where the opposition has an extra 20 to 40 Frames to work with than you do.
  4. Matti

    Classical inexperienced player pretending to know more than he actually does. Your best infantry weapon is a shotgun that
    you have 700 kills with. and you pretend to know about this. It's actually rather funny.

    Some of my tutorials might suit you and myybe in the future you will understand this better,
    but as of now you need at least a few thousand kills with at least one midrange carbine
    before you can start to relate to this situation.
  5. Matti

    And what makes you an expert on issues with the game?

    I guess you are a bit new to hitreg, and latency problems but they are a massive issue especially
    in bigger fights when the servers seem to just not be able to handle what's happening.

    I am showing my POV of a well known problem that I hope isn't ignored because some players
    doesn't have the experience to tell the difference.

    Do you even know how many players that used to
    say that 30FPS is totally OK in Planetside 2 before the preformance patches came out?

    Imagine if SOE would listen to that kind of ignorance and skipped out on their
    work with the optimization.
  6. Maljas23

    Sorry but this looks more like a CoF issue rather than actual hitreg.

    TBH, I rarely have hitreg problems. I've seen it before, but it just honestly looks like your gun's CoF got too wide and thus you missed the necessary bullets to kill at the end.
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  7. Matti

    You mean when you can clearly see, in slow motion, how the bullets hit and the particles
    fly off the model while he is running and I still get no hitreg? Look again
  8. Maljas23

    Replay at the 15 second mark a few times. You can see your tracers flying behind him.
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  9. Matti

    There are plenty of bullets hitting, without hitmark. Well enough to kill him.
    You do know that I don't need like 25 bullets to kill him right?
  10. Maljas23

    You're blaming hitreg for your own failure. Get off your high horse.
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  11. Kociboss

    @Matiias, you're not the best player when it comes to "infantry" aiming (as the video clearly shows) but that's alright. Really.

    Some people are better at ESF, others at tanking etc. No need to blame the hitreg... You've missed, it happens.

    We all know there are some days when you're tired or don't care enough and you're unable to hit barn's door :>
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  12. Nailhimself

    Well, I think most people agree that this wasn´t a hitreg problem. (which doesn´t mean it does not exist).
    You can tell yourself that you´re "THE EXPERT" with tutorials and millions of kills all day long. Just makes you even more look like a coward than you were before...
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  13. pnkdth

    Same story on his YT channel. Agree with him or you're a clueless n00b. I guess for some, popularity brings out the worst in them.
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  14. Cz4rMike

    So I did some CALCULATIONS so we know for sure what lead you need.

    Pulsar C
    speed with HVA = 515 * 1.05 = 540.75 m/s
    distance to enemy = 10 m (measured ingame with red dot sight comparison)
    time to fly = 0.0185 s

    enemy runs almost perpendicularly (at some degree, but we can go with 90) with speed = 4 m/s (measure ingame forward run speed)
    the amount of lead needed = 4 m/s * 0.0185 s = 0.074 m = 7.4 cm

    If you watch closely your lead is kinda around that number. Now adding CoF with High Velocity Ammo while you were MOVING and 10 m being the MINIMAL distance from you to him, you didn't lead enough.

    If you aimed to the center of your enemy, you'g get hits.

    So get off your high horse and stop saying people have bad sights or dirty screen, you aim wasn't good that moment, so wasn't your movement. You've just been proven WRONG. And if you can't accept your fault, well, your ego is over the roof. You should apologize to people...
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  15. Cz4rMike

    IT'S NOT PARTICLES, it's bullet tracers flying PAST...
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  16. Captain Kid

    The enemy is walking to the right.
    I think (according to some hitbox videos I saw from another game) this means the hitbox is actually to the RIGHT of the enemy. A bit shifted to the direction he is walking.
    You were shooting at the left side of the enemy. Even though on your screen the aim was good, it might just slightly missed the hitbox.

    Why the game did show you hitmarkers, I do not know. But hitmarkers in this game are broken like so many other things.

    Then again, I don't know crap about this stuff so I could be completely wrong.
  17. Cz4rMike

    It didn't, when he missed (and he did, read my previous comment), there was no impact sparks and no hitmarker.
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  18. iller

    shut it.... I don't like Matti anymore than you do, probably less. So I'm the last person who's going to defend his stupid videos. But this is a case of You're not fooling anyone if you claim the crosshairs were off target. ...A target that was walking ... very ... slowly ... and not even ... trying ... to .... evade.

    No seriously, you failed, Lrn 2 Troll plz.
  19. day ofm one

    I have to outdamage the health of my foe by 3 times.

    I use a 750 RPM 143 damage LMG and begin firing earlyer?

    Nah, enemy Heavy with a Pulsar LSW that has lower DPS still kills me.

    Just an example :(
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  20. Cz4rMike

    nope, read my big comment above, his shoulder lead was too small. Target was running.

    BTW didn't know you can walk in the game while not ADS, m8... :DD
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