Upcoming Tank and Liberator Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kevmo, Jun 6, 2014.

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  1. Dinapuff

    Should it be? That's how its always been.
    The land equivalent to aircraft is artillery not MBT's, but for sake of argument I would say that to make tank warfare more equal in worth you would first need to even out the amount of manpower required (Pilot, gunner, secondary gunner) and then you would need the resource revamp.

    The lib gunship is not outright superior.
  2. Dinapuff

    Why is there only one dude doing AA? ;P
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  3. Sekone

    ...if the lightning is standing still, alone and don't notice there's an giant flying fortress hovering 15m behind it

    yea no matter how bad you are in this game air should not be able to kill you under any circumstances right?
  4. Cinnamon

    It was the pilots all along on these forums who argued that skyguard should be the main defence that ground has against air and that everything else should be nerfed severely. It is not a case of "air should never win under any circumstance" more a case of the only ground based air deterrent that is supposed to be viable can be easily countered by a liberator turning it's nose gun on it and winning any damage race easily. No sneaking required, target dodging only an inconvenience.

    Oh and we should always roll around with 4 dedicated skyguards at all times because otherwise we are scrubs who need to learn to play? Give me a break, not everyone is going to pay real money for such a boring pos weapon system and not everyone who has one is willing to spend their time playing such a boring humiliating role.
  5. PKfire

    I don't believe that's accurate in the slightest.
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  6. Cinnamon

    So you think that tank buster should be left as is and other flak should be buffed and gta lockons buffed? I'm not sure how you think that I said wasn't accurate since pilots have argued for many nerfs to ground to air weapons and have got all of them. And it has definitely been argued that skyguard should be the best line of defence for air because it's more of a "fair" vehicle v vehicle match up.
  7. PKfire

    I didn't even mention the Tank Buster in my post, but since you bring it up, yes, I believe the tank buster needs to be toned down. One-clipping anything 'heavy' (MBT and Liberators alike) makes for poor gameplay. And I agree the Skyguard should be the most powerful AA to choose from, not only is it the primary stand-alone vehicle mounted source but it is also more expensive than the alternatives, but you presume incorrectly that it means I wish for other G2A choices should be nerfed.

    And yes your statement is very much inaccurate. In this thread alone, several prominent pilots (myself included) have suggested buffs be given to flak. Your being overly presumptuous and projecting what you wrongly believe to be true on pilots within this forum is unbecoming of yourself and the aspects of the game you represent.
  8. Fenrisk

    Your nerfing Tank Main cannons which NO ONE was complaining about and leaving the lib as is when it's destroyed the population of planetside 2?

    The Joke is on ground based players right now because the tank nerfs will be another buff to libs as trying to use your AP cannon on them now with the increased gravity and lowered velocity will be like trying to hit a bird in flight with a baseball.

    Solution to Libs destroying planetside 2 = nerf tanks more. Great!!!! :rolleyes:
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  9. Sekone

    you might not be arguing for it but must people who complain about libs OPness almost always use "the" lighting vs lib argument.
    But most people forget that alot of factors are in play not straight up dps etc. and the biggest factor in this situation is... basically skill or call it whatever you want, NOT being a total tool (hang in there while i explain).

    For the lib to win against a lightning, the liberator has to know where the lightning is first of all, then the lib will have to sneak up on the target AND GET CLOSE to it, all the lightning has to do here to counter is driving around (NO DON'T stand in the same spot) keep an eye open and shoot, why is that? Because the tankbuster has AWFUL bullet spread, AWFUL bullet velocity, AWFUL damage falloff so the lib can't open fire before he is close or 90% of the bullets will miss and the damage will be much lower per bullet,

    meanwhile the lightning can open fire the second he spots the lib, no need to relocating or anything, the second you see that lib,
    you can open fire, that's why AA is so "ineffective" because you can apply the damage directly to any aircraft in your FOV that's also why the tankbuster has alot higher dps because it's not a turret that almost instantaneously can start hammering away at your opponents health the second you spot him.

    SO my point is, if the lib won this hypothetical encounter, the lightning was stupid and let the liberator get close and exploit his weakness, he probably opened fire around the same time as the liberator wich then also have to support the idea that the liberator was close by, OR ELSE THE LIBERATOR WOULD BE DEAD OR HAVE FLOWN OFF
    what would it be like if AA had the same dps as tankbuster but the range of skyguard? is that how we are going to balance this "problem"? or nerf tankbuster so it does the equal amount of damage to flak against libs, so that there is like a snowballs chance in hell the liberator will win, and it's also mostly there I think the bias comes into play, SHOULD THE LIBERATOR NEVER KILL LIGHTNINGS IN ANY SITUATION? no matter how stupid the player was?

    now your argument looks kinda silly imo, "no sneaking required" "winning any damage race" yea if your playing against a blind player that doens't open fire before the lib is in his face

    "Oh and we should always roll around with 4 dedicated skyguards at all times because otherwise we are scrubs who need to learn to play?"
    well if you're so bad you can't win against a lib with 2 or even 3 skyguards then yes i guess it requires 4 dedicated skyguards but usually i just spawn a lone AA max and I normally clear the sky just fine, even get some kills.

    But I do agree with the others when it comes to increasing the noise level for liberators and nerfing shredder
    maybe a slight buff to skyquard but I don't care what anybody here says about AA being horrible, I kill stuff fine with my AA max and when I don't get kills I'm outright denying the enemy kills (and that is a very good thing for your side believe it or not)
  10. libbmaster

    Tank guns should never have been an intended counter to Libs. Tank guns should never have been able to elevate that high, and libs should never have been that strong!

    Counters to libs (In my opinion, from most powerful to least) should be: ESFs, Skygaurds, Burster MAXes, and Base turrets with Missile launchers and AA secondaries on tanks tied for last.
  11. Klypto

    A tank cannon was never a "counter" to libs.
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  12. libbmaster

    Well, that guy was saying that by nerfing them, SOE was taking away one of the means of countering a liberator. I was trying to say that it shouldn't have been a go-to option in the first place, and that's a fault in BOTH tank AND liberator design.

    I guess I phrased that wrong. Apologies.
  13. Cinnamon

    I'm not talking about this thread or you in particular especially since I don't know you from Adam when it comes to knowing your position. I was only talking about discussions previous to this thread from quite a while back in the time that led up to game balance being as it is. Back then I was arguing that balance would be bad if skyguard was left as the main anti air resort for ground because it is so easily hard countered and this discussion still goes on although another pilot responding to me on this very page is practically calling me ignorant and incompetent for saying that skyguard is anything other than totally overpowered against libs. And yes the topic in this little thread is the tank buster vs skyguard I don't see how you could miss that in the first post you replied to.
  14. Sekone

    if "never" = <1 year ok but else you should have seen tr's glory days, before the velocity nerf to anchormode and all the lock ons *shudder*
  15. Goden

    Higby is the guy responsible for the always questionable state of balance that aircraft has always sat in. He's responsible for AA being pretty much useless and has directly said himself that AA should only work as "a deterrent'. He's also responsible for the Great ESF Super-Buff during the Amerish release which buffed ESFs so much that it damaged the population so bad we needed server merges.

    He is absolutely dead-set on making sure aircraft remain in a superior position over everything else and I made the mistake of thinking he might want to rectify his mistakes. Guess not. All you have to do is spend ten minutes in game and you can see people complaining in /yell chat about how tired they are of air dominance. Then again, he ignores pretty much everything except what the pilots say. Hence why they are never actually balanced properly and never will be.

    He's going to kill this game. Mark my words.
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  16. Scr1nRusher

    then I'll find some way to save it.
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  17. Yeahy

    I believe that the devs mentioned that they are not sure how to change the tank buster.
    I feel that the tank buster is perfectly balanced against tanks. Since they are nefing comp armor and buffing the damage of tank rounds against the lib, the tank buster will be extremely high risk after the update. Even now, there is still a high level of risk in strafing a tank.
    My problem with the tank buster is a2a. The tank buster should be renamed the lib buster. When two libs see each other, the first thing that they do is try to position themselves for a tank bust.
    Neft the tank buster against air, but any nerf to air to ground capabilities will render the it useless.

    Soe should also buff the vektor and the spur against air. The tank buster is meant to be anti tanks and the spur and the vektor would be good against esf's and libs.
  18. Scr1nRusher

    or give the tank buster better range so its actually something that complements the liberators long range design,rather then the close range weapon it is now.

    Then increase the spurs damage and give it small splash damage.

    The Vector should have a higher ROF(455) and higher damage(400)
  19. Goden

    It shreds literally any vehicle type within a matter of seconds. Like hell it's balanced. It's not even the main belly gun, it's just a small gun for the driver on the front. They need to lower its insane damage. (But they won't cuz pilots will whine)

    No, there isn't. Not right now. Right now it takes 3 AP rounds from a Vanguard to take out a Lib. (AP Vanguard being the most powerful single-shot weapon in the entire game). Any other AP type takes 4-9 shots. (which means Libs can take more tank shells than a tank. Lovely)
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  20. Scr1nRusher

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