The Death Camera

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zagareth, Sep 21, 2019.

  1. Exileant

    ;) Well it is no shock here that would be one of the ones crying about it. You are weak. I am willing to bet you are one who was hiding. Otherwise, you would not care at all. Hahahahaha! :D Hiding like that in a class not meant for it is cheesy. If you want to hide for hours, be in a class that is meant for it. I have killed plenty of people from one spot for an extended amount of time using my Infiltrator no issues at all.

    :D As far as your explanation, try to come up with a reason for why your over all is lower than mine all you like. Sitting up here saying the Vanguard sucks, is all to proof I need to justify calling you a Troll. Your overall is lower than mine, and I have far less kills than you. o_O The less kills you easier it is to lose ratio points; meaning, if my ratio were going to drop any lower, it would have by now, and I still have room to grow it. :D The fact remains, for you to have a prayer at catching me at this point is if you went positive almost 4 times as often as I do and I stop playing. ;) I have not been playing as D. 2's and Anthem's event has me ripping and running like a lunatic. The only number that matters is Overall, because Overall takes everything into consideration. The vehicle I mainly use is available to each and every Faction. By your own admission you do not have the skill to run flash vehicles.

    :confused: Considering you do not have the mental capacity take into account that I am killing 2 and 3 people per vehicle I destroy, with the occasional 5 to 7 bonus, I am not surprised you think I am killing just people. :eek: Why, will you not stay mangled and chewed. :D You are done, dismissed, dead. :p There is nothing you can say that will carry any weight anymore. :rolleyes: Now that I beat you at your own game, you do not get to change the rules, either hop back on your 0.5 ratio P.S.4 player and get beat by me, or do not reply, because honestly, this time I will be paying you no mind, just like I do with your buddy Demi.
  2. Exileant

    :confused: I honestly stopped reading after he half typed out the first curse word. o_O That shows a person has absolutely nothing left. You do not press people at the end of their rope... :( Real world issues can come of it. o_O To keep going at this point would make me nothing more than a bully.
  3. Naskoni

  4. Campagne

    Have you even been reading my posts? I was a medic, why would I be hiding? And like I said the issue is not with infiltrators, the cloak negates the majority of the killcam's effects on respawning victims. Regardless, I'm sure you don't even have the killcam on PS4 yet so I don't doubt it's not impacted you. :rolleyes:

    Why does the vanguard suck? Well, because it has the lowest DPS and the worst topguns with the lowest speed and maneuverability and no meaningful advantages over an extra 1000 HP that comes with a repair time cost and a directional shield that must be activated well before taking damage and preferable from only the front. It can face tank with full health against a single opponent and not much else.

    The fewer kills the easier it is to change, not just lower. Getting any kills increases it much faster as well. And no, you clearly aren't getting 2-3 kills per vehicle because your KPM is half of mine and your kills are double the vehicle kills with the magrider and scythe. It's statistically very unlikely that you would only ever kill 2+ enemies in a single vehicle and never anyone else. Don't tell me you're killing 2/2 and 3/3 vehicles with your Light PPA either.

    Your most used vehicle is the magrider, which is notably not common pool.

    Overall can be padded with vehicles as you have so elegantly shown. Infantry K/D can only be against a roughly equal or stronger opponent and is more indicative of skill as it cannot be padded without cheating.

    When have I said literally anything about the flash in recent history? As far as I can recall all I've ever said is the Buzzard sucks and it shouldn't have both a gun and a cloak when it's meant as a very light and cheap transport. That's all I use it for too, when I can't be asked to bring a sunndy or something.

    Anyway, as above you're obviously not killing multiple opponents per vehicle very often. Just scrolling through your killfeed shows majoritarily single-occupant or infantry-only kills with a wraith-fury flash. And when you do play infantry you run just about shotgun only and still can't get higher than 1.0?

    Still don't have a PS4, but you're more than welcome to come to the PC and get #wrecked if you want. :rolleyes:
  5. JibbaJabba

    Hey all, not sure if we're still discussing deathcam or it's all just an ****** exercise now.

    BUT - I've changed my position on the topic. I do that sometimes when given new information.

    I now think we should get rid of the death cam.

    Why? Last night I was with my outfit mates. A fairly coordinated bunch. Pretty good players. We have building callouts and use them extensively.

    The voice chat went something like this:
    Two on dubs
    traded one
    (At this moment I'm dead. The rest is me describing what I see on killcam)
    other behind server.
    Went out right dub
    He's between...thinking about left...
    yep, there. clientside it.

    And the guy was dead.

    I made all those detailed callouts in rapid fire while watching from my death cam. Those are tight callouts and not something new players stand a chance of doing with teammates.

    So with that - it benefits veterans and NOT the new players it was meant to help.
    I still believe new players benefit from seeing where a killshot came from. Perhaps just a still image of where it came from? Dunno.

    But yeah, changed my mind.

    If we don't get rid of it, we should heavily modify it.
  6. LodeTria

    You could get all that information post death with a motion spotter & you'd be respawning aswell.
    • Up x 1
  7. JibbaJabba

    Um, no.

    Not info like this. Just one example of several too.
  8. DarkStarAnubis

    At least the Deathcam should comply with silenced/stealth weapons general rules: no display of the attack direction and no auto-spotting with the defense implant.

    Likewise, in those cases the Death Cam should not display anything.

    (Apologies if already does)
  9. Exileant

    :confused: Well I would say if you are a coordinated team, it is simple to NOT call out positions. ;) Even so, personally, I see this is by a large margin weaker than what can already be done via Spotter. Back in the day I would prime a base by implanting a Living Beacon. Living Beacons were not allowed to kill, or do anything save for lay their mines on approach, but watch and call out. :D They rotated every base to keep the possible points flowing, however considering most of the heavy points come from base capture, it is a simple matter of sitting calling and collecting. :pSo everyone wanted to do it. :confused: I mean, so you can call out a bit of information here and there per death; it is far and away easier to do so from a live camera. :eek: Or several. :cool: If I honestly want to make sure my team wins and I do not want to be spotted I will seriously wound my target and collect on the massive amount of Damage Points I get through the assist. Once the base clone dispenser is sacked THEN you can start killing things without worrying about someone taking you out. See? ;) There are plenty of ways around it, ways that can net you just as high of a score, if not higher. In fact heavily damaging T.R. and N.C. has the added bonus of starting infighting, and that my friend is hilarious when you do so with a Max. As they tend to tear through like 6 of their friends in anger before they are stopped. Hahahahaha! The kill cam is simply leaving you a choice. Either SPOT, or repeatedly kill and MOVE, but not both. This is what a ton of people were capitalizing on. o_O Again there are MANY ways, the other ways everyone will have to figure out, as I enjoy my edges.:p

    o_O Leave it be, this adds a new way to play for a lot of people. Everyone was complaining the game was stale, now that they have removed the illusion behind it being stale, (People sitting still for HOURS on end getting kills....) now everyone wants to take a: "Dump of defeat out of the Anus of Victory." Now that I have grown accustomed to being in the other persons screen for an extended amount of time; I now RELISH the limelight. :eek: ADAPT PEOPLE!!!!!!!!
  10. JibbaJabba

    Aight so not sure how to address that this isn't quite the same as a solidly placed dart or dildar. This is a phenomenon in *addition* to that and not otherwise accomplished.

    This is way better. A motion spotter isn't going to tell you the guy is in the middle of a reload or has gone to a deci. It's not going to be specific about one threat vs the 20-30 other dots on the minimap at that moment.

    The degree of info conveyed will vary based on many factors. At times it may be nothing useful, or if the timing is right and the squad is right it can be as powerful as a see through walls hack.

    But the thing that sways it for me is that it's a veteran benefit, not a new player benefit. They can be on the bad end of this but not the good.

    It's a bit too powerful in it's current form. The camera tracks for too long.
  11. Exileant

    ;) I see it as a power teaching tool for new players. :p "Do not just sit in the same spot and kill people or 'THIS' happens." This is not giving any more information that is already made available by a squad possessing the skill you referring to that said squad would not already be capable of radioing in. The simple fact remains, in order for you to use the kill cam the way you described, you have to stay dead, in which case, you are not attacking, :) I say have at it. You are dead, and not helping your team with an extra gun. The less bullets flying at me, the better off I am. The players still have to depend on skill to push them through the fight. o_O It is one thing to know where a person is, it is quite another to kill them. :D That is why I use my T7 on T.R. and Sweet Business in Destiny, It lets everyone know exactly where I am, so they can die there. (Insert another tactic I ALMOST blabbed....)
  12. Scroffel5

    If there are 20-30 other dots in that area where you died and placed the motion spotter at, your team already knows, so what are they gonna do...?

    The thing is, the game already tells your teammates where you die. Your squad knows exactly where, and whether you have the death cam or not, you know where you got shot from. If someone sprayed you down with lead and lasers and you turned in their direction, you know where they are and would have told your team regardless. If you got sprayed, they are obviously reloading, unless it was an LMG, so that info isnt useful. All squad has to do is walk over to your death icon of a body and go to the general direction of your general information. The kill cam just adds detail to what they are doing and their updated position.
  13. JibbaJabba

    Well, they'll NOT do a directed clientside gank on an unsuspecting and specific threat sitting behind a wall.

    Yes, yes. And all of that is still done today just as it was before.

    But now there is something new. I'm not being hypothetical here. I'm doing this today and it doesn't feel very fair. I spose I need to remember to record this.
    Yes, exactly.