You have been so polite. So rational. Of course I want to give you more information about me so that you can help me be a better person. Oh wait. **** you. That's what I meant to say. Sorry, got that wrong at first. You've seen what you needed to see. Is an actual character name representative of gameplay or experience? Didn't know that was a "stat" haha.. Everyone else here is good with it but you... well actually nobody else cares but whatever. Remember this all started because a joke flew over your head. You don't get things easily.
Here it is again for ya. Enjoy!
You're not getting my name, Naskoni. Stop trying to make it happen. Just like you didn't get that joke.
I never expected you to deliver, but winding up a ******** noobtard is always fun. Especially a toothless one hiding behind his AnOnYmItY telling OTHERS how insecure (ha-ha-ha) they are. And I very much got the joke - it's you.
Based on the statements you make in this post I find this claim...difficult to believe. The Infiltrator has done nothing but improve since launch and is arguably the best infantry-killing class in the game. This is absolutely not true, Infiltrators were bad for a long, long time. I remember the Bad Old Days when my RAMS shots would bounce off the skulls of NW5 Heavy Assaults ~120m away, or when players could make every infil in the game perfectly visible by tweaking their graphics settings. How about when Motion Darts gave no Spotting XP? Getting shot by my own team all the time because cloaked allied infils used to look like enemies was always fun, too. If you happened to run into the tiny fraction of the playerbase not running Nanoweave, perhaps. The max OHK range currently is effectively at render range, and if you're shooting at targets further away than that you're either killing AFK players or cancelling out the other team's useless snipers. Practical effective range in this game is <200m. It is perfectly acceptable as it is now, and it used to be louder. Having an audio cue means managing your cloak is more skill-based than derping about, mashing your 'F' key endlessly. Light Assaults honestly have it worse in the volume department. A gimmick that is all but useless unless you're hunting a passive Stalker. If you get DL spotted as a Hunter you done goofed. Not a nerf to any one class, and I would argue that Infils have more to gain than lose from funneled enemies. Hacking has never been explored as fully in this game as many would like. Regardless, inaccessible terminals always been in the game, and there are plenty of accessible ones that have been added that weren't in the game previously. Are minimally useful compared to the Real McCoy. Honestly the Motion Darts on the Infiltrator are probably too strong. The ability to spam literally an infinite number of them means a single Infil can sit on an ammo pack and reveal every enemy in an entire base in less than a minute, easily. The angle on that locator was large enough that if it was able to give you a definite location it meant you were close enough that you probably saw the guy, but if it was from far away you got only a general location on the order of "that mountain". It hardly hurt the Infiltrator class any more so than the others. I understand the dislike of the killcam, it isn't my preference, either. But it's hardly the end of the world and most of the time we know better than to sit in one location for too long anyways. It really hurts Stalkers the most since they aren't able to relocate quickly by their nature. Fun is subjective, and I'm sorry you feel that way. But don't try and claim the class is bad. Does killcam hurt the class? Maybe a tiny bit, but there are plenty of us still around who know how good we have it now and who remember when it was worse.
Meanwhile, you are still pitiful and ********, post for nothing more than expressing said ********, hide behind a BR11 noob account with a 0.49KD, and are a joke... I'll take my 15% HSR over being an insecure noobtard any day.
Jibbs, you cannot blame him for looking at your mains name and going by that. This falls under the category of people using alternates, for any reason. The best way to NOT have to deal with this kind of ridicule is to place your name on your main faction and work it. I tested all 3 before I placed my name on the Faction I chose. Vanu was futuristic, but also the worst, so I knew I would always have someone to fight even if the game ever began to twilight. There is no real way for you to know what your true character stats are otherwise. Anyone can claim to be a character not attached to their screen name, especially if the person they claim does not exist. All you have to do is make up an excuse as to why you cannot play with the person, and bang, alibi. That is why I pay next to no attention to the triplets, NONE of there characters are worth a dog. Champagne in particular (who claims to play on PC only because he now: "Has no PS4 only a PS3..") lied flat out. He has a Ps4 account and a PC account. His PS4 is the most used and has better stats than his 0'ed out PC character. His PS4 character. His PC character. Neither of which are any good... My point is; you have to live in JibbaJabba if you want to be taken seriously by most of the wannabe pro's.
My ratio is this: I am one of those players you mentioned. Please believe me when I say that what I am telling you, comes from my experience. Ratio is usually only a barometer of how long it took a person to catch on and find their niche. Some take longer than others. If you really want to find out how good he is, challenge him. Fight it in the game. It is far more fun.
I get that you're THIRSTY for my attention, but you ought to stop derailing every single thread trying to get me to notice you. It's getting a bit unhealthy. Anyways, given your obsessive devotion to myself I'd expect that you at least once realize my name is not "Champagne," it's "Campagne." You're literally looking at a completely random pair of characters who have nothing to do with me. This is my character: And once again do note he is older than the PS4 itself is.
Oh do forgive me, my mistake.... Sooooo..... This is you too? I give you your PS4 character that you said you did not have. Now I see why you swapped to PC. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! Please note, my ratio still beats yours and I was talking ABOUT you, not TO you. All jokes aside, this is what I mean people. You have people who start out on one, and because they want a better ratio, they start over, then try to disavow of said past. Ratios do not mean much at all because of this.
Sorry, still not me. That's just some rando. My actual TR character is underused here: TheRedCampagne, as the essence of me is NC. You will not see my character as anything else without a qualifier stuck onto the name. Regardless, once again how could I have swapped from the PS4 to PC if my character on the PC has existed for literally years before that PS4 character? And if I only wanted to start over I could just delete the character and not completely swap platforms... I can't see your "ratio" because the ****** site is down right now (as I was looking at it no less) and no characters by that name exist on any other site I'm aware of, but I can only assume it's greater than that rando's K : D, or that you've inflated it with vehicles against infantry. And finally my dear boy, in a public forum you simply cannot speak of someone without speaking to them. Imagine it as if we were all chatting around a water cooler or something and I started talking about you to your face as if you weren't there when clearly it would be directed at you. This is simply by virtue of it being an open space. On a public forum what you say is said to everyone, and when you address me by name you're directly inviting my response.
Uh-huh, Suuuuuuuuure it is.... Given how you first talked about Ratios long ago you probably could not run fast enough from that 0.5. Hahahaha! You mean your NEW T.R. character is.... Well either way your ratio is a 1.7 on your main and mine is a 2.3. I still win.
And thus is explained the reasoning why most folks remain anonymous. Nothing about your stats will be used in any useful discussion. Take Naskoni for example. I post my info and the first words he says are basically "that's not your info". WTF am I to do with that? In other contexts they'll either drill into some nuanced stat to drive whatever narrative they want, OR if your stats are broadly good you'll get accused of being a cheater. I just don't see what good can come of it. But the bad that comes of it is a devolution of discussion into ad-hominems. If I'm a 0.49KD, or a 7.0KD (or my real KD of 1.57) it shouldn't matter. If the point I'm saying is valid it's valid. If not, it's not. That said, some of you have demonstrated enough maturity that I would share in a PM if interested. Dunno why you would be though. Not you, Nakoni. Eat balls.
Please do find the source where you and I spoke of kill-death ratios where I said they mattered at all. Oh look, the site is back up now! How wonderful that it's now able to perform its sole function. Well would you look at that, I was right. Looks like somebody's been padding... And since we're comparing stats, how do you have just over a third of my total kills yet over a hundred more teamkills? Anyways, as Jibba said you're wrong because of the things you say not because you pad your K/D with vehicles, and I am not right just because I don't. Why would I create a character on a different platform, only to abandon him after a short period of time without simply recreating or deleting him? The original owner of that PS4 character probably died or lost his PS4 somehow and was not able to continue playing.
If we are just posting stats now, my player name is Tetsuyi and TetsuyiWST on the West Coast server, which I don't play on anymore. My stats are garbage, but I have excuses. Whether or not they are good excuses is up to you, but meh.
PADDING!? You are going with that!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahasha *GASP* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAhaahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahaha-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! My siiiiides!!!!! No lie, I actually laughed that hard. Jibba actually agreed with me by giving me a plus 1. He simply said he did not see the reason behind building his main because we have ignorance like you floating around that will ignore what is right in front of them, attaching some made up scenarios and trying to debate with nonsense and regurgitated numbers used in the wrong way..... MOST people do not delete names or profiles they make when they decide to move on because THEY MOVE ON.... And hey, they may decide to return one day... You did not delete your mountain of games on your PS4 because you were not going to be using it anymore and you figured it would not come up. I did not delete my old Sega, Super Nintendo, P.S.1, 2, and 3 saves because some day I might have returned to play... I DID return, and I DO play! Get out of here with this foolishness. I have seen a ton desperate moves, but to say I am padding and to question my team kills whilst trying to relate the 2? I am floored. I am sure team kills do not count toward your active ratio, if it does, that is a stupid way to run a game. I do not believe anyone would be that dumb. Second; I had an issue where I made this my main game and had become so brutal as a player I was often the victim of traitors. I would beat the life out of people on their main faction. Since they could not beat me there, they would often swap to Vanu, friend request me, and then try to hunt me down repeatedly after joining my squad. I do not care for team killing, but if you are going to be dead set on being a jerk, I will put you down repeatedly to get you to leave me or my calls alone. I WISH that affected Ratio, because they are still the enemy and every death they cause affects the person negatively as a death is a death.... If you team kill in my vehicle repeatedly and purposefully? Treason is grounds for immediate ejection and termination. I call it an I.E.T. slip, or them earning a"Meal Ticket". "Uh-UUUUH, it is time for my tank to iet." And I feed her as often as needed. Thankfully she goes hungry for purple people, as Vanu is stellar at focusing on the enemy. Nope, according to your rules, I am just that much better than you. I am a vehicle user, that is just how I play. You like infantry. My ratio being higher and my kills being way lower means I have far better precision than you. That minor K/D you are trying to focus on still has me at a 1. something, so obviously I am no slouch on legs. But we can go the put down route if you like. You fight people in your infiltrator's suit; I fight TANKS in mine. Please, sit down somewhere. Hahahahahahaha!