The Death Camera

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zagareth, Sep 21, 2019.

  1. Zhakathoom

    As a non-infil I LOVED the deathcam. Getting repeatedly sniped by some unseen ***** with no means to even start identifying it's location is so devastating to my enjoyment of the game. But then the new AR's dropped and I'm having a blast sniping people left and right as a medic, even picked up the battlerifle as an engineer, but now that damned deathcam is ruining my fun. Weird how that **** works.. :p

    I say only have the deathcam work on infiltrator kills. Or better yet; only on people who kill me. Could we look into this option please? ;)
  2. Scroffel5

    Death cam should work on everyone, otherwise people would get mad how it is only targetting infils, though that is probably why it was added. Every other class is in close range, so the class it counters is long range. I am happy with it, even though I main Infiltrator and rarely get sniped.
  3. csvfr

    I actually think the deathcam has the most impact on close range fighting and give increased tactical significance to medics.

    For example: I've just seen an enemy kill a friendly in front of me then disappear around a circular pillar (on a control point on some Hossin outpost). Both me and a second friendly medic did therefore not know exactly if/where the enemy would strike from or where he was. In principle we could be picked off one after the other. The medic revives the downed guy, who knows exactly where the enemy is and proceeds to kill him behind a crate.

    Second example: I'm watching a doorway and easily kill a guy who carelessly jogs into my aim. But, there is also a medic behind him who revives. Finishing off the unarmed medic is also rather easy, and usually I would expect the revived guy to flee at this point due to his shields being down. But no, he already has his aim on my head the moment he gets up and takes me out without too much of a fair fight.
  4. Scroffel5

    Yeah that happened to me. I hid under a sundy and shot a guys foot. I was about to make my escape, but alas, he gets revived before I can run. I shoot him in the legs some more, but I gotta reload, and he takes me down.
  5. _Kettenblatt_

    I noticed these mindless update too when I started a game since a while. Totally dumb... they know how to destroy their Planetside2 *APPLAUSE*

    Maybe we got next an notification too when somebody of enemies pull vehicles from next base. This game starts to be each year more uninteresting.
  6. JibbaJabba

    Awwww.... did I teabag you? I don't always notice the names.
  7. Naskoni

    Nah, with your 0.49 KD I'm pretty sure you notice each and every name. Which is why you are ******** enough to do it in the first place.
  8. Stin

    I've played infiltrator almost exclusively since launch.
    Infiltrators have been nerfed the whole time. The fact that the class is at all playable is a testament to the determination of the players.

    Heres a list of the nerfs that come to mind:
    - Effective range. Headshots used to 1 shot kill further away than they do now.
    - The cloak sound can be heard half a map away.
    - The cloak light on weapons.
    - Map lanes
    - Inaccessible terminals
    - Engineer detection darts
    - The direction locator on death
    - Kill cam.

    All of the fun has been stripped out of the class. Its no longer enjoyable.
  9. JibbaJabba

    At least I don't have a 0.02 KD like you, loser. Enjoy my bag :D
  10. Exileant

    o_O Trust me when I say, you could draw a detailed map on how to make this feature null and void, with 5 two hour classes a week, and this lot still will scream that a 4 second at most shot of the person who killed them :eek: RUINS THE GAME FOR ALL ETERNITY! *Shakes head* :( It is sad, but true.
  11. Naskoni

    Oh, such a witty comeback, sir, you get a cookie just for the effort. After all straining whatever little of your brain is still left deserves our wholehearted admiration. Also, unlike noobtards like you I don't hide my actual player names - feel free to check me up - your ******** is most entertaining.
  12. JibbaJabba

    I have you so triggered right now. How much more you gonna reply?

    Also, try aiming for the head.
  13. Naskoni

    A-ha-ha-ha! The standard cookie-cutter noob response of trying desperately to project their own ******** onto others.. Especially given that even though I have basically not played at all since June you automatically assumed to have somehow tea-bagged me, and that immediately made you go full-****** mode ;) To the point of brainfarting about me having 0.02 KD. Despite, as pointed out, my stats being there for all to see, instead of dip****s like you openly defending blatant cheaters hiding behind a 0.49 KD account. And apparently being that special kind of dumb to love teabagging players precisely because the deathcam will make them witness your subhuman stupidity...

    Come post here on an account comparable to mine, made when the game came out, nooby ;)
  14. JibbaJabba

    It all started with a meme. I think the killcam is funny because you can teabag on it. And oooooh boy. look at all your replies since. So insecure, so defensive. Just personal attack after personal attack. It's unlikely I teabagged's not really a thing I do. Someone clearly has though. And you are BENT about it.

    Reply again. Do it.

    No. I'm not going to post my character for the same reason most others don't: I enjoy the anonymity. But yeah, It's better than yours by a little bit... except for that atrocious IVI of yours.
  15. Scroffel5

    The kill cam is perfectly fine. It forces you idiots to stop camping and start movin' n' groovin'
    • Up x 1
  16. Naskoni

    I fail to see my supposed insecurity of claiming, with certainty, how pathetic you have to be to enjoy teabagging during the deathcam.

    I like how you IMMEDIATELY sound retreat the moment I ask about your actual account names, especially after defending blatant, documented, cheaters. Talk about being "insecure and defensive", a-ha-ha-ha! As you can see I post on my actual account, the one I created when the game came out. Dip****s like you don't for a reason, Mr. "Insecure-And-Defensive".
  17. JibbaJabba

    Blah, blah blah. Look at ya. Bent.

    Here. It's as good as you're going to get from me.
  18. JibbaJabba

  19. Scroffel5

    Here is the problem with people like you. They pick fights. You could have just ignored it, because he was obviously joking, but instead you go and make a big deal out of nothing. You are the Karen who turns a meme into a lecture. Think about that for just a second.

    And Jibba, no ounce of reasoning and logic you can provide will change his mind. And no ounce of his reasoning and logic can change your mind. This is the part when you go "agree to disagree".
  20. Naskoni